2007, Volume 2007, Issue 2
- 11-25 Financial Markets Highlights November 2007
by Oecd - 27-57 Structured Products: Implications for Financial Markets
by Adrian Blundell-Wignall - 61-92 Selected Questions Regarding Hedge Funds
by Sebastian Schich - 93-131 Institutional Investors and Corporate Governance in Latin America: Challenges, Promising Practices and Recommendations
by Daniel Blume & Felipe Alonso - 135-166 Collective Pension Funds: International Evidence and Implications for China's Enterprise Annuities Reform
by Yu-Wei Hu & Colin Pugh & Fiona Stewart & Juan Yermo - 167-198 Indian Financial System Reform: Selected Issues
by Sebastian Schich - 201-238 Public Debt Management and the Evolving Market for (Ultra-)Long Government Bonds
by Hans J. Blommestein & Gert Wehinger
2007, Volume 2007, Issue 1
- 11-22 Financial Markets Highlights - May 2007
by Oecd - 23-33 Update on Financial Market Developments
by Oecd - 37-57 An Overview of Hedge Funds and Structured Products: Issues in Leverage and Risk
by Adrian Blundell-Wignall - 59-86 The Private Equity Boom: Causes and Policy Issues
by Adrian Blundell-Wignall - 87-104 The Role of Private Pools of Capital in Corporate Governance: Summary and Main Findings about the Role of Private Equity Firms and "Activist" Hedge Funds
by Oecd - 107-128 Longevity Risk and Private Pensions
by Pablo Antolin - 129-151 Asset Allocation Challenges for Pension Funds: Implications for Bond Markets
by Carolyn Ervin & Sebastian Schich - 153-175 Governments and the Market for Longevity-indexed Bonds
by Pablo Antolin & Hans J. Blommestein - 177-189 Retail Instruments in Public Funding Strategies
by Hans J. Blommestein & Greg Horman - 191-214 Housing Markets and Household Debt: Short-term and Long-term Risks
by Sebastian Schich & Jung-Hyun Ahn - 217-244 Government Debt Management and Bond Markets in Africa
by Hans J. Blommestein & Greg Horman
2006, Volume 2006, Issue 2
- 9-61 Highlights of Recent Trends in Financial Markets
by Oecd - 63-85 Financial System Reform in China: Discussions with Chinese Authorities
by Oecd - 89-97 The SME Financing Gap: Theory and Evidence
by Oecd - 101-141 Factors behind Low Long-Term Interest Rates
by Oecd - 145-167 The Impact of Pension Funds on Financial Markets
by Oecd - 171-187 OECD Guidelines on Pension Fund Asset Management
by Oecd - 189-221 Overview of the Financial Wealth Accumulated under Funded
by Oecd
2006, Volume 2006, Issue 1
- 9-58 Highlights of Recent Trends in Financial Markets
by Oecd - 61-109 The Financial Policy Landscape: A Conceptual Overview
by Oecd - 113-151 Risk Capital in OECD Countries: Past Experience, Current Situation and Policies for Promoting Entrepreneurial Finance
by Oecd - 155-201 Pension Fund Demand for High-quality Long-term Bonds: Quantifying Potential “Scarcity” of Suitable Investments
by Oecd - 205-235 The OECD Global Pension Statistics Project: Overview of the Financial Wealth accumulated under Funded Pension Arrangements
by Oecd - 237-247 Highlights of OECD Financial Outreach Activities in 2005
by Oecd
2006, Volume 2005, Issue 2
- 7-63 Highlights of Recent Trends in Financial Markets
by Oecd - 67-108 Governance of Banks in China
by Oecd - 111-123 Improving Financial Literacy: Analysis of Issues and Policies
by Oecd - 127-149 The Aggregate and Structural Impact of Ageing on Financial Markets: Some Quantitative Assessments
by Oecd - 153-179 Pension Funds for Government Workers in OECD Countries
by Oecd - 183-212 Guidelines for Insurers' Governance
by Oecd - 213-230 Global Pension Statistics Indicators
by Oecd
2005, Volume 2005, Issue 1
- 7-65 Highlights of Recent Trends in Financial Markets
by Oecd - 69-113 Corporate Pension Fund Liabilities and Funding Gaps
by Oecd - 117-134 Overview of Advances in Risk Management of Government Debt
by Oecd - 137-169 White Paper on Government of Collective Investment Schemes (CIS)
by Oecd - 173-189 Highlights of OECD Financial Outreach Activities in 2004
by Oecd - 191-194 Global Pension Statistics Project: Data Update
by Oecd
2004, Volume 2004, Issue 2
- 7-58 Highlights of Recent Trends in Financial Markets
by Oecd - 61-87 Convergence in the Financial Sector: Where Are We Coming from and Where Are We Going?
by Oecd - 91-121 International Risk Transfer and Financing Solutions for Catastrophe Exposures
by Oecd - 125-197 Private Health Insurance in OECD Countries: The Benefits and Costs for Individuals and Health Systems
by Oecd - 199-219 Guidelines for the Protection of Rights of Members and Beneficiaries in Occupational Pension Plans
by Oecd - 221-228 OECD's Financial Education Project
by Oecd - 229-239 Global Pension Statistics Project: Measuring the Size of Private Pensions with an International Perspective
by Oecd
2004, Volume 2004, Issue 1
- 7-60 Highlights of Recent Trends in Financial Markets
by Oecd - 61-81 The Performance of Financial Groups in the Recent Difficult Environment
by Oecd - 85-120 Ageing and Financial Markets
by Oecd - 133-198 A Note on Benefit Security
by Oecd - 201-211 Insurance and Financial Market Issues Related to the Management of Large-Scale Disaster
by Oecd - 201-211 OECD Financial Outreach Activities in 2003
by Oecd