June 2023, Volume 3, Issue 2
- 85-102 Introduction: Metahuman Futures Forum and Ontological Therapies
by Jaime del Val & Çağdaş Dedeoğlu - 103-124 Metahuman Studies, Choral Ontopolitics and Earth Liberation
by Jaime del Val - 125-129 Metahuman Futures Manifesto
by MFF 2022 Lesvos Assembly-Chorus - 131-138 Misunderstandings around Posthumanism. Lost in Translation? Metahumanism and Jaime del Val’s Metahuman Futures Manifesto
by Evi Sampanikou - 139-149 Beyond Anti-natalism and Hannah Arendt’s Metaphysics of Natality: Towards a Metahuman vita contemplativa
by Philipp Wolf - 151-162 Animals: Who Gave You the Right to Experiment with My Body?
by Ioanna – Maria Stamati - 163-180 Mutation in Human Nature. The Doll as a Posthuman Being and the Formless Metahuman as ‘Other’
by Nikolitsa Gourgouli - 181-195 Metabody in Posthuman Architecture: Virtualizing Spatial Dynamics for Transformative Spaces
by İpek Kuran - 197-200 Reflections on Trash-humanism as Performed by Jaime del Val
by Yunus Tuncel - 201-204 Alonso, A., & Arzoz, I. (2021). El desencanto del Progreso. Para una crítica luddita de la tecnología. Dykinson
by Victoria Mateos de Manuel
February 2023, Volume 3, Issue 1
- 1-11 The Inexhaustible
by Rosanne van der Voet - 13-31 Concept-ing with the gift: Walking method/ologies in posthumanist research
by Carol A. Taylor & Carol A. Taylor & Hannah Hogarth & Joy Cranham & Sally Hewlett & Eliane Bastos & Elisabeth Barratt Hacking & Karen Barr - 33-57 Posthumanism for Sustainability: A Scoping Review
by Çağdaş Dedeoğlu & Nikoleta Zampaki - 59-71 Documenting data-ghosts: Visualising non-human life and death through what is undocumented in early childhood education
by Jo Albin-Clark - 73-74 Fairchild, N., Taylor, C. A., Benozzo, A., Carey, N., Koro, M., & Elmenhorst, C. (2022). Knowledge production in academic spaces. Disturbing conferences and composing events
by Eva Mikuska - 75-79 Sorgner, S. L. (2021). We have always been cyborgs: digital data, gene technologies, and an ethics of transhumanism
by Ioanna - Maria Stamati - 81-83 Baelo-Allué, S. and Calvo-Pascual, M. (Eds.) (2021). Transhumanism and Posthumanism in Twenty-First Century Narrative
by Ilaria Biano
October 2022, Volume 2, Issue 3
- 193-204 “Can I use the toilet?”: Watching Steven Moffat’s Doctor Who (2010-2017) as Posthuman Television
by Jonathan Hay - 205-214 Autonomy, Posthuman Care, and Romantic Human-Android Relationships in Cassandra Rose Clarke’s The Mad Scientist’s Daughter
by Monica Sousa - 215-227 Morphological Fantasies: Posthuman Embodiment in Tian Xiaolei’s Video Art
by Xiaoli Yang - 229-247 Staying with the Trouble with Wilderness: Reworking Nature and Culture in the Plantationocene
by Jordan Johnson - 249-266 Forms of Care in Human–Nature–Technology Environments
by Patricia Ciobanu & Oskar Juhlin - 267-286 “Woman has won”; “(Venus won)”: On Donna Haraway’s Goddess
by Maria Theuma - 287-301 Philosophical Posthumanism and Intentionality
by Albert Piacente - 303-308 A Commentary on Mark Wallace’s When God was a Bird
by Andrew J. Cutler - 309-313 Buran, S. (Ed.). (2020). Edebiyatta posthümanizm. TPLondon
by Nikoleta Zampaki - 315-318 Morton, T. & Boyer, D (2021). Hyposubjects: On becoming human. Open Humanities Press
by Nicola Robertson - 319-326 Diffracted Photography: A Luminous Entanglement
by Lorena R. Bañares - 327-334 Floating Harmony: cutting-apart-back-together – a constellation of ‘becoming with’ in Horse ‘Henry Rainbow’ & Devoted Rider
by Donna Carlyle
June 2022, Volume 2, Issue 2
- 87-100 Posthumanism and Mimesis: An Introduction
by Nidesh Lawtoo - 101-114 Posthuman Mimesis I: Concepts for the Mimetic Turn
by Nidesh Lawtoo - 115-124 Zoomimesis: How Birds Taught Us That We Can Fly
by Roberto Marchesini - 125-137 Posthuman Mimétisme: Caillois, Adorno and an Aesthetics of Mimesis
by Philipp Wolf - 139-150 Towards a Diffractive Mimesis: Karen Barad’s and Isabelle Stengers’ Re-Turnings
by Karolina Rybačiauskaitė - 151-165 Technical Object, Baby Mimesis, and Affective Scaffolding
by Maria A. Impedovo - 167-179 Metallurgic Matter(ing)s: Mirrored Mandalorian Metal-Scapes, Mining(s), and Mimesis
by Bretton A. Varga & Erin C. Adams - 181-191 Posthuman Mimesis II - Connections: A Dialogue between Nidesh Lawtoo and Katherine Hayles
by Katherine Hayles & Nidesh Lawtoo
February 2022, Volume 2, Issue 1
- 1-2 Introduction
by Thomas A. Steinbuch & Yunus Tuncel - 3-30 Trash-human Unhancement and Planetary Health. Undoing the Planetary Holocaust by reinventing movement and the body: A Manifesto for cosmic response-ability and the future of life
by Jaime del Val - 31-35 The Tetrapharmakos (Fourfold Cure) and the Sober Reasoning in Epicurus: A Critical Philosophical Paradigm against the Politicization of Medical Truth?
by Αnna Ch. Markopoulou - 37-44 “Where, O Death, Is Your Sting?”: The Resurrected Body, Its Cyborgnetic Future and the Advent of Christian Transhumanism
by James McBride - 45-51 No Outside: A Continuum Model of the Cosmos
by Peggy E. Reynolds - 53-55 Reinterpreting the meaning of Human in the Global Era following Levinas
by Debika Saha - 57-63 Visual Culture, Posthumanism and the Pythagorean Paradigm. Documentary vs the Politicization of Truth
by Evi D. Sampanikou - 65-78 Towards a Posthuman Sexuality: Art, Sex and Evolution in Nietzsche, Williams and Mozart
by Thomas Steinbuch - 79-85 The Aesthetics of the Posthuman Human: Reflections Following Nietzsche’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra
by Michael Steinmann
December 2021, Volume 1, Issue 2
- 137-139 Editorial
by Sümeyra Buran & Çağdaş Dedeoğlu - 139-151 Posthuman Media Studies
by J.J. Sylvia IV - 153-166 Sympoietic Art Practice in Co-expressive Re-worlding with Hegel’s “Vegetal Subject”
by Lin Charlston & David Charlston - 167-178 Collaging the Posthuman into the Postnatural
by Dennis Summers - 179-193 Surreal Femininity: Nature and “Woman” in the Art of Marguerite Humeau
by Margaryta Golovchenko - 195-198 The Ethics of Human Enhancement and Ferrando’s Philosophical Posthumanism
by Kevin LaGrandeur - 199-205 Capitalism in Philosophical Posthumanism
by Jessica Ludescher Imanaka - 207-212 The Hidden Religious Dimension of Posthumanism. A Commentary on Francesca Ferrando’s Philosophical Posthumanism
by Markus Wirtz - 213-217 Traditions of Yoga in Existential Posthuman Praxis
by Debashish Banerji - 219-224 Beyond Posthuman Theory: Tackling Realities of Everyday Life
by Francesca Ferrando - 225-228 The Posthumanist Dimension of the Novel Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead by Olga Tokarczuk. A Commentary
by Malgorzata Kowalcze - 229-234 Transhumanism, Nietzsche and Politics: A Commentary on Their Relationship
by Anna Ch. Markopoulou - 235-243 Refocusing the Anthropocenic Gaze: A Photo Essay
by Jasmine Brooke Ulmer - 245-251 Forms of Intelligence: Co-species Care in More-than-human Worlds
by Kaajal Modi - 253-255 Book Review of Lucretius II: An Ethics of Motion (2020)
by Didem Yilmaz
May 2021, Volume 1, Issue 1
- 1-4 Posthumanisms beyond Disciplines
by Sümeyra Buran & Çağdaş Dedeoğlu & Pelin Kümbet & Yunus Tuncel - 5-21 Posthuman Archaeologies, Archaeological Posthumanisms
by Craig N. Cipolla & Rachel J. Crellin & Oliver J.T. Harris - 23-31 Cyborg or Goddess? Religion and Posthumanism From Secular to Postsecular
by Elaine Graham - 33-52 The Vital Life of Kitchens in Higher Education Institutional Workspaces: Material Matterings, Affective Choreographies and Micropolitical Practices
by Carol A. Taylor - 53-72 The Body is Infinite/ Body Intelligence Ontohacking Sex-Species and the BI r/evolution in the Algoricene
by Jaime del Val - 73-86 Chinese Kung-fu Films and the Posthuman Daoism
by Wong Kin Yuen - 87-91 Are We Ready for Direct Brain Links to Machines and Each Other? A Real-World Application of Posthuman Bioethics
by Kevin LaGrandeur - 93-96 From the Ashes: Ecological Ethics and the Australian Bushfires
by Matt McDonald - 97-105 To the Posthuman Born(e): The Post-natural World of Jeff VanderMeer
by Pramod K Nayar - 107-120 Dialogue on Posthuman Life, Death and COVID-19
by Francesca Ferrando & Asijit Datta - 121-124 Posthumanism and higher education: Reimagining pedagogy, practice and research
by Karen E. Barr - 125-128 On Transhumanism: The most dangerous idea in the world?!
by Aleksandar Talovic - 129-137 Pink Chicken Project
by Nonhuman Nonsense