- 0701 Testing Market Efficiency and Price Discovery in European Carbon Markets
by George Milunovich & Roselyne Joyeux
- 0610 Information Spillovers and Size-sorted Portfolios: Structural Evidence from Australia
by George Milunovich - 0609 A Model of Reciprocal Fairness: Application to the Labour Contract
by Stéphane Mahuteau - 0608 Ownership of Residential Aged Care
by W. Kathy Tannous & Kehui Luo - 0607 Hedgers, Investors and Futures Return Volatility: the Case of NYMEX Crude Oil
by George Milunovich & Ronald D. Ripple - 0606 Which Predictor is the Best to Predict Inflation in Europe: the Real Money-gap or a Nominal Money Based Indicator?
by Gilles Dufrénot & Roselyne Joyeux & Anne Péguin-Feissolle - 0605 Estimation of Approximate Factor Models: Is it Important to have a Large Number of Variables?
by Chris Heaton & Victor Solo - 0604 Micro Vs Macro Explanations of Post-War US Unemployment Movements
by Chris Heaton & Paul Oslington - 0603 Energy Futures Market Trading Versus Physical Commodity Usage: A playground for manipulation or a miscalculation?
by Ronald Ripple - 0602 Upper-Level Substitution and New-Goods Bias in the Korean Consumer Price Index
by Daehoon Nahm - 0601 The Shortage of Sheilas: Why so Few Women Economists at Macquarie?
by Melanie Beresford & Andrea Chareunsy
- 0513 Futures Maturity and Hedging Effectiveness - The Case of Oil Futures
by Ronald Ripple & Imad Moosa - 0512 The Chettiars in Burma
by Sean Turnell - 0511 Central Banking at the Periphery of the British Empire: Colonial Burma, 1886-1937
by Sean Turnell - 0510 On the Sustainability of Cultural Capital
by David Throsby - 0509 The Rise and Fall of Cooperative Credit in Colonial Burma
by Sean Turnell - 0508 Australian Banking Efficiency and its Relation to Stock Returns
by Joshua Kirkwood & Daehoon Nahm - 0507 Scale Economies with Regard to Price Adjustment Costs and the Speed of Price Adjustment in Australian Manufacturing
by Michael Olive - 0506 Valuing Volatility Spillovers
by George Milunovich & Susan Thorp - 0505 Convergence in Carbon Emissions Per Capita
by Alison Stegman - 0504 House Prices in Australia - 1970 to 2003 - Facts and Explanations
by Peter Abelson & Roselyne Joyeux & George Milunovich & Demi Chung - 0503 Outsourcing of Public Services in Australia - Seven Case Studies
by Peter Abelson - 0502 Estimation of Cost Efficiency of Australian Universities
by Jocelyn Horne & Baiding Hu - 0501 Surveying University Student Standards in Economics
by Peter Abelson
- 0413 Keynes's Principles of Writing (Innovative) Economics
by Rod O'Donnell - 0412 Introducing Peer-Assisted Learning in First Year Accounting in Australia
by Rod O'Donnell - 0411 Currency hedging of global portfolios - a closer examination of some of the ingredients
by D. Johannes Juttner & Wayne Leung - 0410 The Evaluation of Standard of Living and the Role of Household Electricity Consumption - A Panel Cointegration Analysis
by Roselyne Joyeux & Ronald D. Ripple - 0409 Housing Prices in Australia - 1970 to 2003
by Peter Abelson & Demi Chung - 0408 Hysteresis and Insider-Outside Theory - A Literature Review
by Michael Dobbie - 0407 The Insider-Outsider Theory - Some Evidence from Australia
by Michael Dobbie - 0406 Emerging Market Bond Returns – An Investor Perspective
by D. Johannes Juttner & David Chung & Wayne Leung - 0405 Towards Decoding Currency Volatilities
by D. Johannes Juttner & Wayne Leung - 0404 Power without Glory - George Stigler's Market Leviathan
by Dr Craig Freedman - 0403 Does the housing market value heritage? Some empirical evidence
by Vinita Deodhar - 0402 Speed of Price Adjustment with Price Conjecture
by Dr Michael Olive - 0401 Inflation and Growth Targeting
by Pui Chi Ip
- 0308 Japan Inside the Black Hole
by Percy Ip - 0307 Keynes as a Writer: Three Case Studies
by Rod O'Donnell - 0306 Is Injury Compensation Excessive?
by Peter Ableson - 0305 Income Effects, Substitution Effects, And The Number Four
by WDA Bryant - 0304 Report Of Senate Select Committee On Superannuation And Standards Of Living In Retirement: Analysis And Review
by Jocelyn Horne - 0303 Asymptotic Principal Components Estimation Of Large Factor Models
by Chris Heaton & Victor Solo - 0302 Efficiency of Agricultural Production in the Central Region of Thailand
by Daehoon Nahm & Niramon Sutummakid - 0301 Surveying University Student Standards in Economics
by Daehoon Nahm
- 0212 Taxation of Superannuation in Australia: An Assessment of Reform Proposals
by Jocelyn Horne - 0211 The Liquidity Trap and Japan
by Pui Chi Ip - 0210 Financial Integration: Evidence from Australia
by Arusha Cooray - 0209 Samuelson's 'Curious Case" Revisited: It Turns out to be Normal - Indeed Generic
by William D.A. Bryant - 0208 Is Average Variable Cost a Good Proxy for Short-Run Marginal Cost and Why is it Important?
by Michael Olive - 0207 Keynes, Economics and War: A Liberal Dose of Realism
by Sean Turnell - 0206 The Fisher Effect: A Review of the Literature
by Arusha Cooray - 0205 Financial Deregulation in Sri Lanka: Implications for Capital Mobility
by Arusha Cooray - 0204 The Thick and the Thin of Controversy: A Critique of Bateman on Keynes
by Rod O'Donnell - 0203 What Kind of Economics Graduates Do We Want? A Constructive Critique of Hansen's Proficiencies Approach
by Rod O'Donnell - 0202 Markup, Returns to Scale, the Business Cycle and Openness: Evidence from Australian Manufacturing
by Michael Olive - 0201 Identification and Estimation of Causal Factor Models of Stationary Time Series
by Chris Heaton & Victor Solo
- 0112 How to Deal with Structural Breaks in Practical Cointegration Analysis
by Roselyne Joyeux - 0111 The Current Account Debate in Australia: Changing Policy Perspectives
by Jocelyn Horne - 0110 The Yield Spread and Real Economic Activity: The Impact of Globalisation
by Kim Hawtrey - 0109 Do Great Economists Make Great Teachers? – George Stigler as a Dissertation Supervisor
by Craig Freedman - 0108 On the Probability of Help
by WDA Bryant - 0107 Does Sentiment Explain Consumption?
by WDA Bryant & JE Macri - 0106 Gift Equilibria and Pareto Improvements
by WDA (Tony) Bryant - 0105 Myths and Misconceptions of Exchange Rates
by Jocelyn Horne - 0104 Dual-Listing of Australian Shares on the New Zealand Stock Market
by Mehdi Sadeghi - 0103 Core Labour Standards and the WTO
by Sean Turnell - 0102 Full Employment and Free Trade: An Historical Episode of Australian Intellectual Leadership
by Sean Turnell - 0101 The Right to Employment: Extending the Core Labour Standards and Trade Debate
by Sean Turnell