December 2022, Volume 10, Issue 2
- 01-12 Remedy Action for Judicial Errors Committed in Criminal Proceedings in the Light of the Provisions of the European Convention of Human Rights and the Practice of the European Court of Human Rights
by Denisa Barbu - 13-25 The Content of the Right to Repairs for Judicial Errors in Criminal Proceedings - Jurisprudential Influences (National and European)
by Denisa Barbu - 26-36 Comparative Aspects of the Institution of Marriage in Different Legal Systems
by Dumitrita Florea - 37-45 The Legal Status of Women in Islam
by Dumitrita Florea - 46-52 Latin America will Grow Less than Expected This Year, 2.1%, According to ECLAC
by Sylvia Stan - 53-56 Review of the volume „Elemente de drept internațional public” [Elements of Public International Law], Author – Denisa Barbu, Lumen Publishing, 2022
by Constanta Matusescu - 57-59 Review of the Book “Drept internațional privat” [Private international law], Author - Dumitrița Florea, Lumen Publishing House, Iasi, 2022
by Nadia Anitei
June 2022, Volume 10, Issue 1
- 01-08 The Procedure for Performing the IT Search - Some Theoretical and Practical Aspects
by Denisa Barbu - 9-14 Investigating Cases by Undercover or Real Identity Investigators and Collaborators
by Denisa Barbu - 15-22 Civil Liability and Administrative Liability. A Comparative Approach
by Florin Octavian Barbu - 23-29 Brief Presentation of the Types of Evidence, Means of Proof and the Evidence Procedures
by Silviu Nicolae Pană - 30-35 The Procedure for Carrying Out a Body Search and a Vehicle Search
by Silviu Nicolae Pană - 36-47 The Connection between the Institution of Special Methods of Supervision and Research and the Fundamental Principles of Law
by Andra Popoiag - 48-59 An Ethnographic Account on Transparency and Participation in Civil-Public Cooperation: Enablers and Constraints in Iaşi, the First Romanian City Admitted to Open Government Partnership - Local Program
by Oana Olariu & Raluca Onufreiciuc - 60-71 Principle of Transparency as reflected in OGP National Action Plans in Romania
by Raluca Onufreiciuc
December 2021, Volume 9, Issue 1
- 01-12 Extinctive Prescription, a Means of Extinguishing the Substantive Right of Action and the Forfeiture of the Right to Invoke it
by Cristian Macsim - 13-23 Legal Person Subject to Civil Law
by Cristian Macsim - 24-32 Practical Application of the Provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure Regarding the Measure of Preventive Arrest
by Nicolae Silviu Pană & Ana Maria Pană - 33-41 Fulfillment of the Conditions of Law no. 302/2004 on the European Arrest Warrant
by Denisa Barbu & Nicolae Silviu Pană - 42-46 The Preconditions for the Admission of the Preventive Measure Based on an European Arrest Warrant
by Denisa Barbu & Ana Maria Pană - 47-61 The Effects of the Judgment of the Grand Chamber of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Case C-83/19, C-127/19, C-195/19, C-291/19, C-355/19, C- 397/19.The Obligation of the Decisions of the Romanian Constitutional Court and the Supremacy of EU
by Răzvan Viorescu - 62-73 Community and National Provisions for Temporary Work Agencies. Trends in the Evolution of Temporary Work Agencies and Temporary Workers
by Maria-Cristina Ichim (Bălăneasa) - 74-82 Digital Euro: A (Digital) Symbol of Progress and Integration in Europe
by Camelia Ignătescu & Raluca Onufreiciuc - 83-95 Gender Equality Principle: Application in ECtHR’s Practice
by Svitlana Karvatska & Ivan Toronchuk & Alyona Manyk - 96-117 Public Councils as a Legal Form of Partnership between the State and Its Citizens
by Pavlo Krainii - 118-126 Influence and Role of Business Reputation (Goodwill) on the Development of International Business
by Tetyana Hnatiuk - 127-138 Diplomatic and Consular Protection of Persons with Dual Citizenship Abroad
by Vasyl Repetskyi - 139-148 Post-UN Institutions Specific to the Order of Civilizations
by Mădălina Virginia Antonescu
December 2020, Volume 8, Issue 2
- 01-10 Affirming the Principle of Good Neighborliness in International Relations
by Dumitrita Florea & Narcisa Gales - 11-16 Remedies and Sanctions for Non-Compliance with the Aspects Aiming at the Authorization and Development of Supervision and Research Special Methods
by Denisa Barbu - 17-34 Considerations regarding the Particularities of Credit Agreements for Consumers relating to Immovable Property according to the Provisions of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 52/2016
by Georgeta Cretu & Camelia Spasici - 35-43 Legal Aspects of the State of Emergency versus the Fundamental Rights and Freedoms of the Citizen
by Gabriela Nemţoi & Eugenia Gabriela Leuciuc - 44-55 Sustainability, as a Source of Environmental Law
by Maria-Luiza Hrestic & Constantin Popescu - 56-67 Short Analysis of Klaus Barbie and Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo in Pointing out of the Responsability of Natural Persons for International Crimes
by Dumitrita Florea - 68-72 Review of the Book ”Evaluarea impactului migrației părinților asupra comportamentului infracțional al copiilor rămași acasă” [Assessing the Impact of Parental Migration on the Criminal Behavior of Children Left at Home], Author: Loredana Florentina Cătărău, Lumen Publishing House, 2019
by Georgeta Bara - 73-76 Review of the Volume ”Drept procesual penal. Partea generală” [Criminal Procedural Law. The General Part], Author: Denisa Barbu, Lumen Publishing House, 2016
by Monica Daniliuc - 77-80 Review of the Volume ”Principalele contracte de comerț internațional” [Main International Trade Contracts], Author: Dumitrița Florea, Lumen Publishing House, 2017
by Loredana Guzgan - 81-86 Review of the Book ”Stabilitate și conflict în cuplul contemporan” [Stability and Conflict in the Contemporary Couple], Authors: Iulian Apostu, Cristina-Andreea Iacob, Maria-Adriana Iordache, Lumen Publishing House, 2017
by Amalia-Gabriela Marinescu - 87-89 Review of the Book “Etică și dezvoltare comunitară” [Ethics and Community Development], Author: Ana Caras, Lumen Publishing House, 2016
by Loredana Terec-Vlad
December 2020, Volume 8, Issue 1
- 01-15 The Right to Life versus the Right to Die
by Gabriela Nemţoi - 16-23 ”New” and ”Existing” Rights in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
by Gabriela Nemţoi - 24-34 Body Temperature - Personal Data Concerning Health. Legal Aspects in a Pandemic Approach
by Stefan Razvan Tataru - 35-46 Short Incursion in the History of Domestic Violence
by Ioan Ticu - 47-52 Remedies and Sanctions for Non-compliance with Aspects Regarding the Authorization and Conduct of Special Methods of Supervision and Research
by Denisa Barbu - 53-59 Implications Generated by the Moment Established by the Law for Introducing the Civilly Responsible Party and the Moment Up Until the Injured Person Can Constitue as a Civil Party
by Denisa Barbu & Georgiana Marina Niculae - 60-72 Observance of the Probative Value of the Psychiatric Forensic Expertise - Guarantee of Avoiding Judicial Errors in Criminal Proceedings
by Simona Irina Damian & Mădălina Maria Diac & Anton Knieling & Tatiana Iov & Diana Bulgaru-Iliescu - 73-84 The Effects of Violence Against Women
by Magdalena Roxana Necula - 85-93 Review of the volume Valori religioase protejate prin norme juridice [Religious values protected by legal norms], author: Mihai Iulian Necula, Lumen Publishing House, 2020
by Antonio Sandu
December 2019, Volume 7, Issue 2
- 1-9 Citizen Law Making vs. Legal Illiteracy
by Raluca Onufreiciuc & Oana Olariu - 10-29 Migration – an Overview on Terminology, Causes and Effects
by Georgiana Florentina Tataru - 30-44 A New Perspective on Safety Measures Imposed on Mentally Retarded Criminal Offenders
by Iuliana Hunea & Tatiana Iov & Simona-Irina Damian & Nona Gîrlescu & Anton Knieling & Diana Bulgaru-Iliescu - 45-56 „Jus” (Law) and „Justitia” (Justice) in Roman Solicitors’ Perception and Definition. Reflections and Evaluations
by Nicolae Dura - 57-65 Interferences between the Abuse of Rights and Defrauding the Law - Conceptual Delimitations, Cases and Controversies
by Camelia Maria Cezara Ignatescu - 66-79 Audit of Forest Restitution Process. Some Findings Regarding the Romanian Space in the Post-Communist Stage
by Cristina Mihaela Lazăr & Ioan Hurjui & Nicoleta Asaloş & Ionel Bostan - 80-88 About the Right to Same-Sex Marriage. Some Considerations and Interpretations from the Constitutional Law Perspective
by Catalina Mititelu - 89-91 Review of the Volume ,,Abuzul de drept” [Abuse of Rights], 2nd Edition, Author: Camelia Ignătescu, Lumen Publishing House, Iaşi, 2019
by Alexandra Huidu
June 2019, Volume 7, Issue 1
- 1-11 The Legal Requirements for Retrocession of Real Estate Owned or Managed by the Administrative-Territorial Units in Romania
by Daniela Lameş - 12-25 Cases when UN was Surperflous between 2003-2010
by Gabriel-Vasile Plamada - 26-35 Perspectives on the Right to Establish Economic Activities in the Field of the European Community
by Daniela Lameş - 36-40 Capital Punishment - between Crime and Law
by Loredana-Catalina Spoiala - 41-48 Aspects of Juridical Liability in the Maritime Arrangement
by Daniela Lameş - 49-60 Unfair Competition Actions in the Online Field
by Cornelia Gorincioi & Iulian Moraru & Violeta Cojocaru - 61-66 Legal Characteristics of the Contravention Arrest in the Republic of Moldova
by Oleg Pantea - 67-84 Informing the Data Subject: Applying the Provisions in the (UE) 2016/679 Regulation. The Practitioner’s Perspective
by Daniela Simionovici - 85-88 Review of the volume „Competenţa judecătorului de cameră preliminară”, authored by Denisa Barbu and Georgiana Marina Niculae, published by LUMEN Publishing House, 2019
by Alexandra Huidu - 89-92 Review of the volume „Statut personal si nationalitate in dreptul international private”, authored by Aurora Ciuca, published by LUMEN Publishing House, Iasi, 2018
by Alexandra Huidu
December 2018, Volume 6, Issue 2
- 1-13 New Developments of the International Law, at the Beginning of XXIst Century: Towards a Global Charter of Nations Rights
by Madalina Virginia Antonescu - 14-25 The Need for Specific and Unitary Regulations Regarding Techniques in Connection to or Derived from Medically Assisted Human Reproduction in Romania
by Alexandra Huidu - 26-47 Legal Remedies for Personal Data Protection in European Union
by Carmen Tamara Ungureanu - 48-51 Review of the Volume “Drept internaţional public” [International Public Law], 3rd Revised Edition, author Aurora Ciucă, Published by LUMEN Publishing House
by Alexandra Huidu - 52-56 Review of the Volume „Persoana fizică în dreptul internaţional public. Prolegomene” [The Individual Person in Public International Law. Prolegomena], Author Aurora Ciucă, Published by LUMEN Publishing House
by Elena Unguru
October 2018, Volume 6, Issue 1
- 1-12 New institutions for the 21st century global order of peace: The Mediator for Global Peace
by Madalina Virginia ANTONESCU - 13-22 Fortuna versus Justitia – Preliminaries to a Genealogy of European Private Law
by Codrin CODREA - 23-30 Certain Remarks regarding the Recommendation of the European Parliament from 13 December 2017 Addressed to the Council and the Commission Further to the Inquiry Regarding the Money Laundering, Avoidance of the Tax Duties and Fiscal Evasion
by Liviu-Bogdan CIUCA - 31-36 Killing a Corpse a Putative Crime
by Madalina-Elena TOMA - 37-40 Protection of Personal Data
by Ileana Gabriela PINTILIUC - 41-55 Settlement Methods of International Trade Disputes in the Pharmaceutical Industry: A Short Legal Empirical Research
by Stefan Razvan TATARU - 56-72 The Influence of General Data Protection Regulation on Patient Engagement
by Andreea ŞERBAN & Stefan Razvan TATARU
December 2017, Volume 5, Issue 2
- 5-15 Institutionalizing the Global Order of Peace
by Madalina Virginia ANTONESCU - 17-25 The Victim of Violence – between the Law and the Aggressor
by Iuliana HUNEA & Simona Irina DAMIAN & A. KNIELING & Sofia DAVID & Madalina Maria DIAC & Diana BULGARU ILIESCU - 27-47 Probation System in Romania and the Republic of Moldova
by Antonio SANDU - 48-66 Citizens Trust in the Romanian Police
by Larisa Ionela PASNICIUC - 67-92 Deontological Perspectives on Police Activity
by Larisa Ionela PASNICIUC - 93-116 Sexual Harassment. Micro-research
by Loredana Catalina SPOIALA & Raluca Gabriela ZAHARIE & Maria Cristina PETREA & Sabina Madalina SMOCHINA & Maria CLIPA
June 2017, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 5-16 Rights of the Nature and Rights of Planet Earth- towards a Consolidated Regime of ius cogens, in the 21st Century Transnational Law
by Madalina Virginia ANTONESCU - 17-27 The Right to Conscientious Objection
by Aurora CIUCA - 29-42 Global Diplomacy, in the Context of Global Governance
by Madalina Virginia ANTONESCU - 43-49 The Reference for a Preliminary Ruling. CJEU Recommendations
by Liana-Teodora PASCARIU - 51-59 Comparative Analysis in Public Administration between Romania and EU Countries
by Madalina ALBU - 61-63 Book review on “Contracte administrative: reglementare legala si tipologie”, authored by Liana-Teodora Pascariu, Lumen Publishing House, 2017
by Irina-Adriana BILOUSEAC - 65-67 Review for the volume „Persoana fizică în dreptul internaţional public-prolegomene”, authored by Professor PhD Aurora Ciucă, Lumen Publishing House, Iasi, 2017
December 2015, Volume IV, Issue 1
- :57-63 The Necessity of Setting up the Ad Hoc International Criminal Tribunals. The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia: (1993-today)
by Denisa BARBU - 5-8 Tradition and Innovation in Legal Sciences
by Denisa BARBU - 9-16 Unconstitutionality of Legal Rules on Biological Sampling of Drivers
by Gabriela NEMTOI - 17-30 Election Rights
by Adelin UNGUREANU - 31-39 The End Banking Secrecy in Post- Crisis Economics- First Step. Coty Germany and HSBC Swiss Cases
by Carmen Adriana GHEORGHE - 41-55 Customary Law and Woman’s Rights within the African System of Human Rights Protection
by Maria Beatrice BERNA
December 2014, Volume 1
- 11-20 Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 – Mechanism of Modernisation for National Legislations in the Field of Family Relationships
by Roxana Gabriela ALBÃSTROIU - 21-30 Police Officers and the Rights of Victims of Criminal Acts
by Nikola DUJOVSKI & Goce DZUKLESKI & Snezana MOJSOSKA - 31-38 Preliminary Chamber Judge in the New Code of Criminal Procedure
by Dãnuþ NEACªU & Luminiþa SIMA - 39-46 The Place and the Role of the Prosecutor in the Criminal Trial according to the New Code of Criminal Procedure
by Dãnuþ NEACªU & Luminiþa SIMA - 47-53 The Principle of Humanism and the Principle of Opportuneness of Punishment – New Concepts in Realizing the Purpose of the Criminal Law
by Rodica PANAINTE - 55-62 Criminal Law’s Principle of Humanism in Romania at the Beginning of 21st Century
by Daniela TARÃU - 63-70 Legal Aspects Regarding the Report of Donations
by Ana-Maria VASILE
February 2011, Volume 1
- 13-24 Jurisprudenta Curtii Europene a Drepturilor Omului in Materie de Imixtiune in infaptuirea Justitiei - The Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights Regarding Interference in Justice Administration (Romanian version)
by Victor MORARU - 25-40 Considerations Regarding the Absence of Impediments to the Contracting of Marriage According to the Stipulations in the Family Code and Civil Code (Enghish version)
by Nadia Cerasela ANITEI (DARIESCU) - 41-51 Conflict of Interests (Enghish version)
by Romeo Paul POSTELNICU - 53-63 Conflictul de Interese - Conflict of Interests (Romanian version)
by Romeo Paul POSTELNICU - 65-86 Nulitatea si Granitele sale - Nullity and its’ Boundaries (Romanian version)
by Ph.D. Gabriela RADUCAN - 87-106 Conditiile de Validitate ale Testamentului in Noul Cod Civil Roman si in Dreptul Francez - The Validity Conditions of the Will in the Romanian New Civil Code and in French Law (Romanian version)
by Lecturer Ph.D. Ilioara GENOIU - 107-116 Cateva Consideratii Privind Propunerea Legislativa de Stabilire a Denumirii Oficiale de Utilizat pentru Etnia Romilor - Considerations Regarding the Legislative Proposal Establishing an Official Name to Use for the Roma Ethnics (Romanian version)
by Lecturer Ph.D. Mihaela Roxana PRISACARIU - 117-136 Suveranitatea Nationala in Contextul Integrarii Statelor in Uniunea Europeana - The National Sovereignty in the Context of the Integration of States in the European Union (Romanian version)
by Lecturer Ph.D. Student Crina Mihaela VERGA - 137-147 Features of Legal Language. The Translator’s Perspective (English version)
by Ph.D. Candidate Oana BARGAN - 149-162 Architecture and the Protection of Historical Monuments in the Hungarian Legislation (English version)
by Ph.D. Candidate Beatrice DÉRER - 163-175 Arhitectura si Protectia Monumentelor Istorice in Legislatia Maghiara - Architecture and the Protection of Historical Monuments in the Hungarian Legislation (Romanian version)
by Ph.D. Candidate Beatrice DÉRER - 177-191 Buna-credinta in conventii si implicatiile incalcarii acesteia pe planul inselaciunii in conventii - Good Faith in Contracts and the Consequences of Non-Compliance from the Point of View of Fraud in Conventions (Romanian version)
by Ph.D. Candidate Mirela Carmen DOBRILA - 193-208 Aspecte Comparative Privind Suveranitatea Teritoriala - Comparative Aspects Regarding the Territorial Sovereignty (Romanian version)
by Ph.D. Candidate C. J. Daniela LAMES - 209-218 Cronologia si Evolutia Politicii Europene Comune in Sectorul Cercetare, Dezvoltare, Inovare - The Chronological Evolution of the European Policy in the Research, Development, Innovation Sector (Romanian version)
by Ph.D. Candidate Roxana-Elena LAZAR - 219-242 Aprecierea «Duratei Rezonabile» a Procesului Civil in Jurisprudenta Curtii Europene a Drepturilor Omului - The Determination of the «Reasonable Time» of the Civil Judicial Procedure in the European Court of Human Rights Jurisprudence (Romanian version)
by Ph.D. Candidate George Eduard ROGHINA - 243-259 The Determination of the «Reasonable Time» of the Civil Judicial Procedure in the European Court of Human Rights Jurisprudence (English version)
by Ph.D. Candidate George Eduard ROGHINA - 261-274 Notiunea de «Tribunal» in Lumina Curtii Europene a Drepturilor Omului - The Concept of «Court» on the Light of European Court of Human Rights (Romanian version)
by Ph.D. Candidate George Eduard ROGHINA - 275-287 The Concept of «Court» on the Light of European Court of Human Rights (English version)
by Ph.D. Candidate George Eduard ROGHINA - 289-299 Reglementarea juridica a parteneriatului public-privat institutional - Regulatory framework for institutional public-private partnership (English version)
by Ph.D. Candidate Marina ZAHARIOAIE