Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 364 Einleitungskapitel
by Schlicht, Ekkehart - 929 Economic Analysis and Organised Religion
by Schlicht, Ekkehart - 1254 Job Rents in a Stylized Labor Market
by Schlicht, Ekkehart - 3116 Koordinationskosten und "Social Capital"
by Schlicht, Ekkehart - 3117 Die Wachstumstheorie im Widerspiel von Mikro- und Makroansatz
by Schlicht, Ekkehart - 3118 Individuelles Bestreben und kulturelles Gefüge
by Schlicht, Ekkehart - 3135 Efficiency Wage Contracts, Worksharing, and West German Unemployment: Comment on Felix R. FitzRoy
by Schlicht, Ekkehart - 3136 A Critique of a Custom in Labor Economics
by Schlicht, Ekkehart - 3137 Bemerkungen zum Zusammenwirken "ökonomischer" und "sozialer" Einflüsse auf das Verhalten
by Schlicht, Ekkehart - 3139 Codetermination, Collective Bargaining, Commitment, and Sequential Games: Comment
by Schlicht, Ekkehart - 3140 The Shadow Economy and Morals: A Note
by Schlicht, Ekkehart - 3142 Die emotive und die kognitive Gerechtigkeitsauffassung
by Schlicht, Ekkehart - 3144 Zwei makroökonomische Koordinationsprobleme
by Schlicht, Ekkehart - 3149 Die Methode der Gleichgewichtsbewegung als Approximationsverfahren
by Schlicht, Ekkehart - 3325 Der Bruch der Theorie in der Praxis durch Not
by Schlicht, Ekkehart - 3338 Ökonomische Theorie, speziell auch Verteilungstheorie, und Synergetik
by Schlicht, Ekkehart - 3368 Cognitive Dissonance in Economics
by Schlicht, Ekkehart - 11090 Autonomous Wage Inflation
by Schlicht, Ekkehart - 11325 Approximation by Moving Equilibrium
by Schlicht, Ekkehart - 13067 Financial Fragility, Bubbles and Monetary Policy
by Illing, Gerhard - 19320 Comment on C.W. Perry / H.S. Rosen, Insurance and the Utilization of Medical Services among the Self-Employed
by Flaig, Gebhard - 19345 Energy supply and the sustainability of endogenous growth
by Pittel, Karen & Rübbelke, Dirk T. G. - 19346 Characteristics of terrorism
by Pittel, Karen & Rübbelke, Dirk T. G. - 19363 Erscheinungsformen regionaler Integrationsabkommen im weltwirtschaftlichen Ordnungsrahmen: Defizite und Dynamik
by Langhammer, Rolf J. & Wößmann, Ludger - 19424 Introduction
by Helpman, Elhanan & Marin, Dalia & Verdier, Thierry - 19466 Gerechtigkeit zwischen Generationen als Institutionenproblem
by Kleinhenz, Gerhard & Falck, Oliver - 19512 Financial stability and monetary policy: A framework
by Illing, Gerhard - 19607 Series foreword
by Sinn, Hans-Werner - 19685 Public-Private Partnerships and Student Achievement: A Cross-Country Analysis
by Wößmann, Ludger - 19700 Wilson, John D.: The property tax: Competing views and a hybrid theory - Comments
by Poutvaara, Panu - 19710 Debt Restructuring Delays: Measurement and Stylized Facts
by Trebesch, Christoph - 19761 Methods of privatization: Auctions, bargaining, and giveaways
by Schmidt, Klaus M. & Schnitzer, Monika - 19807 The political economy of conscription
by Poutvaara, Panu & Wagener, Andreas - 20024 Sovereign Default Risk and Private Sector Access to Capital in Emerging Markets
by Das, Udaibir S. & Papaioannou, Michael G. & Trebesch, Christoph - 20025 Spillovers of Sovereign Default Risk: How Much is the Private Sector Affected?
by Das, Udaibir S. & Papaioannou, Michael G. & Trebesch, Christoph - 20178 Preface
by Audretsch, David B. & Falck, Oliver & Heblich, Stephan & Lederer, Adam - 20194 Subsidizing National Champions: An Evolutionary Perspective
by Aubert, Cécile & Falck, Oliver & Heblich, Stephan - 20207 EU accession countries: What path to successful EMU membership?
by Bofinger, Peter & Wollmershäuser, Timo - 20234 Soziale Sicherungssysteme im globalen Wettbewerb
by Börsch-Supan, Axel H. & Winter, Joachim - 20259 The effects of the Protestant reformation on human capital
by Becker, Sascha O. & Wößmann, Ludger - 20308 New firm formation by industry over space and time: a multi-level analysis for Germany
by Fritsch, Michael & Falck, Oliver - 20324 Fiscal policy and unemployment in a global economy
by Fuest, Clemens & Huber, Bernd & Wohlbier, F. - 20341 Regional policy as a means to curb immigration
by Fenge, Robert & Meier, Volker - 20434 Die sinkende Produktivität der Schulen in OECD-Ländern
by Gundlach, Erich & Wößmann, Ludger - 20440 Bildungsressourcen, Bildungsinstitutionen und Bildungsqualität: Makroökonomische Relevanz und mikroökonomische Evidenz
by Gundlach, Erich & Wößmann, Ludger - 20447 Introduction
by Goodhart, Charles A. E. & Illing, Gerhard - 20460 Education and economic growth
by Hanushek, Eric A. & Wößmann, Ludger - 20464 Introduction
by Hanushek, Eric A. & Machin, Stephen & Wößmann, Ludger - 20468 The Economics of International Differences in Educational Achievement
by Hanushek, Eric A. & Wößmann, Ludger - 20509 Arguments for and against Policies to Promote National Champions
by Falck, Oliver & Gollier, Christian & Wößmann, Ludger - 20511 Entrepreneurship education
by Falck, Oliver & Gold, Robert & Heblich, Stephan - 20592 Can international migration ever be made a pareto improvement?
by Felbermayr, Gabriel & Kohler, Wilhelm K. - 20604 Modelling the Extensive Margin of World Trade: New Evidence on GATT and WTO Membership
by Felbermayr, Gabriel & Kohler, Wilhelm K. - 20620 The Economics of Fairness, Reciprocity and Altruism - Experimental Evidence and New Theories
by Fehr, Ernst & Schmidt, Klaus M. - 20622 Heterogeneous effects of the 2004 health care reform
by Farbmacher, Helmut & Ihle, Peter & Schubert, Ingrid & Winter, Joachim & Wuppermann, Amelie C. - 20658 A theory of fairness, competition, and cooperation
by Fehr, Ernst & Schmidt, Klaus M. - 22067 The theory of international tax competition and coordination
by Keen, Michael & Konrad, Kai A. - 22076 Federalism and optimal allocation across levels of governance
by Geys, Benny & Konrad, Kai A. - 35800 Sim Games, Simulation und industrielle Anwendungen
by Höhl, Wolfgang - 68610 The Relationship Between Economic Preferences and Psychological Personality Measures
by Becker, Anke & Deckers, Thomas & Dohmen, Thomas & Falk, Armin & Kosse, Fabian - 84455 Vertical and Horizontal Redistribution: Evidence from Europe
by Bussolo, Maurizio & Krolage, Carla & Makovec, Mattia & Peichl, Andreas & Stöckli, Marc & Torre, Iván & Wittneben, Christian