- pma1994 Bringing War Home: Violent Crime, Police Killings and the Overmilitarization of the US Police
by Federico Masera - pch1305 Economics of regulation: Credit rationing and excess liquidity
by Hyejin Cho - pha1139 SNAP Expansions and Participation in Government Safety Net Programs
by Jeehoon Han - pha1136 Network Effects, Bargaining Power, and Product Review Bias: Theory and Evidence
by Tom Hamami - ppa980 Do Doctors Prescribe Antibiotics Out of Fear of Malpractice?
by Sebastian Panthöfer - psc747 DSGE Model with Interbank Market Failure - The Role of Macro-prudential Policies
by Tobias Schuler & Luisa Corrado - pca706 Luck and Effort: Learning about Income from Friends and Neighbors
by Gustavo Adolfo Caballero Orozco - pzh699 Cross-Country Evidence on Monetary Policy Autonomy: A Markov Regime Switching Approach
by Hang Zhou - pme563 Do Option Traders Target Firms With Poor Earnings Quality
by Cristhian Mellado & Surendranath R. Jory & Thanh N. Ngo - pzh519 Demand without Utility: The First Evidence
by Drew Zhu - pfa484 The U-shape of Over-education? Human Capital Dynamics & Occupational Mobility over the Lifecycle
by Ammar Farooq - pja475 Pengelolaan Keuangan Publik di Indonesia: Tinjauan Keuangan Publik Islam
by Aan Jaelani - psu467 Optimal Trade Policy, Equilibrium Unemployment and Labor Market Inefficiency
by Wisarut Suwanprasert - par455 Sovereign Risk and Bank Risk-Taking
by Anil Ari - pve364 Compositions vs Gini: A new metric to evaluate the effects of land-income disparities
by Mauricio Velasquez - pfr351 Foreign Official Holdings of U.S Treasuries, Stock Effect and the Economy: A DSGE Approach
by John Nana Francois - pbo324 Indicators in Technology Assessment Passive Choices or Reflected Options?
by Nuno Filipe França Gouveia Boavida & Stefan Boeschen - pki275 What Drives Gender Differences in Commuting? Evidence from the American Time Use Survey
by Gray Kimbrough - png175 The E-Monetary Theory
by Duong Ngotran - pkl168 Identifying the Reasons for Coordination Failure in a Laboratory Experiment
by Philipp Külpmann & Davit Khantadze - pud11 Value-added Trade, Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Trade Elasticity: Revisiting the Trade Competitiveness
by Syed Al-Helal Uddin