- 52 JEL Classification: D72, H10, P43 Political Cycles of Media Repression
by Günther G. Schulze & Nikita Zakharov
- 51 JEL Classification: I12, I18, Z18 Ain’t no Silver Bullet? Gun Laws and Suicide in the US
by Joshua Ball & Günther G. Schulze & Nikita Zakharov - 49 JEL Classification: Z12, I12, I18 Religiosity and Covid-19 Preventive Behaviour
by Parrendah Adwoa Kpeli - 50 JEL Classification: D74, F22, F50, K40 Do Terrorist Attacks Polarize Politicians? Evidence from the European Parliamentary Speeches on Migration
by Hana Jomni & Nikita Zakharov - 48 JEL Classification: D72, I18, P50 Elections and (mis)reporting of COVID-19 mortality
by Parrendah Adwoa Kpeli & Günther G. Schulze & Nikita Zakharov - 47 JEL Classification: N95, O18, O43, P48, R5 Historical Legacies and Urbanization: Evidence from Chinese Concessions
by Gan Jin & Günther G. Schulze - 46 JEL Classification: N75, N45, D73, Z10, O31 The Long-term Effect of Western Customs Institution on Firm Innovation in China
by Gan Jin & Günther G. Schulze - 44 JEL Classification: J15, J18, K42 Transit Migration and Crime: Evidence from Colombia
by Ramón Rey & Günther G. Schulze & Nikita Zakharov - 45 JEL Classification: D74, F52, G10, G40, H56 The Stock Market Effects of Islamist versus Non-Islamist Terror
by Gan Jin & Md Rafiul Karim & Günther G. Schulze
- 43 Economic Growth and Pollution in different Political Regimes
by Andreas Kammerlander - 42 Stabilization Policy: A Turbulent Journey Through Time
by Oliver Landmann
- 41 Local Economic Growth and Infant Mortality
by Andreas Kammerlander & Günther G. Schulze - 40 Rules versus Discretion: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia´s Intergovernmental Transfer System
by Gerrit J. Gonschorek
- 39 Political-economic Correlates of Environmental Policy
by Andreas Kammerlander & Günther G. Schulze - 38 Subnational Favoritism in Development Grant Allocations – Empirical Evidence from Decentralized Indonesia
by Gerrit J. Gonschorek
- 37 Circle of Fortune: The Long Term Impact of Western Customs Institutions in China
by Gan Jin - 36 To the ones in need or the ones you need? The Political Economy of Central Discretionary Grants ? Empirical Evidence from Indonesia
by Gerrit J. Gonschorek & Günther G. Schulze & Bambang Suharnoko Sjahrir - 35 The Determinants of Islamophobia – An Empirical Analysis of the Swiss Minaret Referendum
by Olga Orlanski & Günther G. Schulze
- 34 China’s evolving role in global production networks: Implications for Trump’s trade war
by Prema-chandra Athukorala - 33 Does Corruption Hinder Investment? Evidence from Russian Regions
by Nikita Zakharov
- 32 Real Options in a Ramsey style Growth Model
by Hanno Dihle - 31 Is Indonesia Trapped in the Middle?
by Haryo Aswicahyono & Hal Hill
- 30 What Determines Access to Piped Water in Rural Areas?Evidence from Small-scale Supply Systems in Rural Brazil
by Julia Alexa Barde - 29 EMU and the Cyclical Behavior of Fiscal Policy: A Suggested Interpretation
by Oliver Landmann - 28 Access to Piped Water and Human Capital Formation - Evidence from Brazilian Primary Schools
by Julia A. Barde & Juliana Walkiewicz - 27 Short?Run Macro After the Crisis: The End of the “New” Neoclassical Synthesis?
by Oliver Landmann - 26 Is There a Southeast Asian Development Model?
by Hal Hill - 25 The impact of fiscal and political decentralization on local public investments in Indonesia
by Krisztina Kis-Katos & Bambang Suharnoko Sjahrir
- 24 Administrative overspending in Indonesian districts: The role of local politics
by Bambang Suharnoko Sjahrir & Krisztina Kis-Katos & Guenther G. Schulze - 23 Political Business Cycles in Local Indonesia
by Bambang Suharnoko Sjahrir & Krisztina Kis-Katos & Guenther G. Schulze - 22 Corruption in Russia
by Guenther G. Schulze & Bambang Suharnoko Sjahrir & Nikita Zakharov
- 21 Decentralization as Unbundling of Public Goods Provision - New Effects of Decentralization on Efficiency and Electoral Control
by Antonio Farfan-Vallespin - 20 Monetary and Fiscal Policy in a Monetary Union under the Zero Lower Bound constraint
by Stefanie Flotho - 19 On the Heterogeneity of Terror
by Krisztina Kis-Katos & Helge Liebert & Guenther G. Schulze
- 18 The Regional Impact of Indonesia's Fiscal Policy on Oil and Gas - Options for Reform
by Cut Dian R.D. Agustina & Wolfgang Fengler & Guenther G. Schulze - 17 Economic Causes of Deforestation in the Brazil Amazon: A Panel Data Analysis for the 2000s
by Jorge Hargrave & Krisztina Kis-Katos - 16 Gestaltungskriterien für ein Folgeabkommen zum Kyoto-Protokoll - Eine ökonomische Analyse des globalen Klimaschutzes
by Carolin Kleber - 15 Democracy in Progress – or Oligarchy in Disguise? The Politics of Decentralized Governance in Post-Suharto Indonesia
by Christian von Luebke - 14 Endogenous Environmental Policy when Pollution is Transboundary
by Joachim Fuenfgelt & Guenther G. Schulze
- 13 What Determines Firms’ Decisions to Formalize?
by Neil McCulloch & Günther G. Schulze & Janina Voss - 12 On the Origin of Domestic and International Terrorism
by Krisztina Kis-Katos & Helge Liebert & Günther G. Schulze - 11 Homeowner-made Housing Price Bubbles - East Germany's Example -
by Kristof Dascher - 10 On the Channels of Pro-Social Behavior-Evidence from a natural field experiment
by Hannes Koppel & Günther G. Schulze
- 9 EMU@10: Coping with Rotating Slumps
by Oliver Landmann - 8 Child work and schooling under trade liberalization in Indonesia
by Krisztina Kis-Katos & Robert Sparrow - 7 The Political Economy of Refugee Migration
by Mathias Czaika
- 6 What and how long does it take to get tenure? The Case of Economics and Business Administration in Austria, Germany and Switzerland?
by Susanne Warning & Christian Wiermann & Günther G. Schulze - 5 Refugee movements and aid responsiveness
by Mathias Czaika & Amy Mayer - 4 Civil conflict and displacement Village-level determinants of forced migration in Aceh
by Mathias Czaika & Krisztina Kis-Katos - 3 Zeitschriftenrankings für die Wirtschaftswissenschaften Konstruktion eines umfassenden Metaindexes
by Susanne Warning & Christian Wiermann & Günther G. Schulze - 2 Inefficient but effective? A field experiment on the effectiveness of direct and indirect transfer mechanisms
by Hannes Koppel & Günther G. Schulze
- 1 What does it take to be a star? The role of performance and the media for German soccer players
by Erik E. Lehmann & Günther G. Schulze