Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 115 The gendered impacts of agricultural asset transfer projects: Lessons from the Manica Smallholder Dairy Development Program
by Johnson, Nancy & Kruger, Elizabeth Hutchinson & Nhambeto, Marinho & Njuki, Jemimah & Rogers, Martha & Waithanji, Elizabeth - 114 The six "ins" of climate-smart agriculture: Inclusive institutions for information, innovation, investment, and insurance
by Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S. & Bernier, Quinn & Haglund, Eric - 113 Development of a participatory action research approach for four agricultural carbon projects in East Africa
by Shames, Seth & Bernier, Quinn & Masiga, Moses - 112 Addressing conflict through collective action in natural resource management: A synthesis of experience
by Ratner, Blake D. & Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S. & Hellin, Jonathan & Mapedza, Everisto & Unruh, Jon D. & Veening, Wouter & Haglund, Eric & May, Candace & Bruch, Carl - 111 Natural resource conflicts and community organizations in Bangladesh
by Sultana, Parvin & Thompson, Paul M. - 110 Interventions for achieving sustainability in tropical forest and agricultural landscapes
by Newton, Peter & Agrawal, Arun & Wollenberg, Eva Karoline - 109 Community–based adaptation to climate change: A theoretical framework, overview of key issues and discussion of gender differentiated priorities and participation
by Bryan, Elizabeth & Behrman, Julia A. - 108 Evaluation of grassroots community–based legal aid activities in Uganda and Tanzania: Strengthening women’s legal knowledge and land rights
by Peterman, Amber & Billings, Lucy & Behrman, Julia A.
- 107 Institutions for agricultural mitigation: Potential and challenges in four countries
by Anh, Dao The & Asenso-Okyere, Kwadwo & Asuming-Brempong, Samuel & Bendaoud, LuÃs Artur & Bryan, Elizabeth & De Pinto, Alessandro & El-Harizi, Khalid & Ferguson, Jenna & Givá, Nicia & Mai, Nguyen Ngoc & Ringler, Claudia & Sarpong, Daniel Bruce & van Rheenen, Teunis - 106 A literature review of the gender-differentiated impacts of climate change on women's and men's assets and well-being in developing countries:
by Goh, Amelia H. X. - 105 Managing conflicts over land and natural resources through collective action: A case study from rural communities in Zambia:
by Clifford Ajayi, Oluyede & Akinnifesi, Festus Kehinde & Sileshi, Gudeta & Mn'gomba, Simon & Ajayi, Olubunmi Adeola & Kanjipite, Webstar & Ngulube, John Madalitso - 104 Conflict, cooperation, and collective action: Land use, water rights, and water scarcity in Manupali watershed, Southern Philippines
by Abasolo, Emma & Catacutan, Delia & Leimona, Beria & Piñon, Caroline & Tiongco, Lydia & van-Noordwijk, Meine
- 103 Catalyzing collective action to address natural resource conflict: Lessons from Cambodia's Tonle Sap Lake
by Halpern, Guy & Kosal & Mam & Ratner, Blake D. - 102 Forest conflict in Asia and the role of collective action in its management:
by Enters, Thomas & Kelley, Lisa & Yasmi, Yurdi - 101 Power, inequality, and water governance: The role of third party involvement in water-related conflict and cooperation
by Gomez, Helle & Ravnborg, Munk - 99 Gender, assets, and agricultural development programs: A conceptual framework:
by Behrman, Julia A. & Johnson, Nancy & Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Suseela & Njuki, Jemimah & Peterman, Amber & Quisumbing, Agnes R. & Rubin, Deborah & Waithanji, Elizabeth
- 100 Resource conflict, collective action, and resilience: An analytical framework:
by Haglund, Eric & May, Candace & Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Suseela & Ratner, Blake D. - 98 Common-pool resources-a challenge for local governance: Experimental research in eight villages in the Mekong Delta of Cambodia and Vietnam
by Kirk, Michael & Weingart, Anne & Werthmann, Christine - 97 Does social capital build women's assets?: The long-term impacts of group-based and individual dissemination of agricultural technology in Bangladesh
by Kumar, Neha & Quisumbing, Agnes R.
- 96 Beyond the bari: Gender, groups, and social relations in rural Bangladesh
by Quisumbing, Agnes R. - 95 Looking beyond the obvious: Uncovering the features of natural resource conflicts in Uganda
by Markelova, Helen & Nkonya, Ephraim - 94 Everyday forms of collective action in Bangladesh: Learning from Fifteen Cases
by Davis, Peter
- 93 Effectiveness of bylaws in the management of natural resources: The West African experience
by Alinon, Koffi & Kalinganire, Antoine - 92 Forest incomes after Uganda's forest sector reform: Are the rural poor gaining?
by Jagger, Pamela - 91 Land tenure in Ethiopia: Continuity and change, shifting rulers, and the quest for state control
by Crewett, Wibke & Bogale, Ayalneh & Korf, Benedikt - 90 Collective action to secure property rights for the poor: A case study in Jambi Province, Indonesia
by Komarudin, Heru & Siagian, Y. & Colfer, C.J.P. - 89 Escaping poverty traps?: Collective action and property rights in post-war rural Cambodia
by Weingart, Anne & Kirk, Michael - 88 Unmaking the commons: Collective action, property rights and resource appropriation among (agro-) pastoralists in eastern Ethiopia
by Beyene, Fekadu & Korf, Benedikt - 87 The transformation of the Afar commons in Ethiopia: State coercion, diversification and property rights change among pastoralists
by Hundie, Bekele & Padmanabhan, Martina Aruna - 86 Enabling equitable collective action and policy change for poverty reduction and improved natural resource management in the Eastern African highlands
by German, L. & Ayele, Seife & Tanui, J. & Nyangas, S. & Taye, H. & Admassu, Z. & Mazengia, W. & Tirwomwe, W. & Begashaw, L. & Tsegaye, M. & Alinyo, F. & Mekonnen, A. & Aberra, K. & Chemangeni, A. & Cheptegei, W. & Tolera, T. & Jotte, Z. & Bedane, K. - 85 Community watershed management in semi-arid India: The state of collective action and its effects on natural resources and rural livelihoods
by Shiferaw, Bekele A. & Kebede, Tewodros A. & Ratna Reddy, V. - 84 Shocks, groups, and networks in Bukidnon, Philippines
by Quisumbing, Agnes R. & McNiven, Scott & Godquin, Marie - 83 Collective action and vulnerability: Burial societies in rural Ethiopia
by CGIAR Program on Collective Action and Property Rights - 82 Collective action and property rights for poverty reduction: A review of methods and approaches
by Mwangi, Esther & Markelova, Helen - 81 Property rights, collective Action, and poverty: The role of institutions for poverty reduction
by Gregorio, Monica Di & Hagedorn, Konrad & Kirk, Michael & Korf, Benedikt & McCarthy, Nancy & Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S. & Swallow, Brent M. - 80 Decentralization, pro-poor land policies, and democratic governance
by Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S. & Gregorio, Monica Di & Dohrn, Stephan - 79 Bridging, linking, and bonding social capital in collective action: the case of Kalahan forest reserve in the Philippines
by Dahal, G.R. & Adhikari, K.P. - 78 Implications of bulk water transfer on local water management institutions: A case study of the Melamchi Water Supply Project in Nepal
by Pant, Dhruba & Bhattarai, Madhusudan & Basnet, Govinda - 77 Making market information services work better for the poor in Uganda
by Ferris, Shaun & Engoru, Patrick & Kaganzi, Elly - 76 Fluctuating fortunes of a collective entreprise: The case of the Agroforestry Tree Seeds Association of Lantapan (ATSAL) in the Philippines
by Catacutan, Delia & Bertomeu, Manuel & Arbes, Lyndon & Duque, Caroline & Butra, Novie - 75 Sustaining linkages to high value markets through collective action in Uganda: The case of the Nyabyumba potato farmers
by Abenakyo, Annet & Barham, James & Ferris, Shaun & Kaganzi, Elly & Njuki, Jemimah & Sanginga, Pascal - 74 Collective action initiatives to improve marketing performance: Lessons from farmer groups in Tanzania
by Barham, James & Chitemi, Clarence
- 73 Linking collective action to non-timber forest product market for improved local livelihoods: challenges and opportunities
by Komarudin, Heru & Siagian, Y. & Oka, N.P. - 72 Farmer groups enterprises and the marketing of staple food commodities in Africa
by Coulter, Jonathan - 71 Collective action for small-scale producers of agricultural biodiversity products
by Kruijssen, Froukje & Keizer, Menno & Giuliani, Alessandra - 70 The role of public-private partnerships and collective action in ensuring smallholder participation in high value fruit and vegetable supply chains
by Narrod, Clare & Roy, Devesh & Avendaño Ruiz, Belem D. & Rich, Karl M. & Okello, Julius J. - 69 Collective action and marketing of underutilized plant species: The case of minor millets in Kolli Hills, Tamil Nadu, India
by Gruère, Guillaume P. & Nagarajan, Latha & King, E. D. I. Oliver - 68 Collective action for innovation and small farmer market access: The Papa Andina experience
by Devaux, André & Velasco, Claudio & López, Gastón & Bernet, Thomas & Ordinola, Miguel & Pico, Hernán & Thiele, Graham & Horton, Douglas E. - 67 Farmer organization, collective action and market access in Meso-America
by Lundy, Mark & Meijer, Madelon & Hellin, Jonathan - 66 Beyond group ranch subdivision: Collective action for livestock mobility, ecological viability, and livelihoods
by BurnSilver, Shauna & Mwangi, Esther - 65 Gender, wealth, and participation in community groups in Meru Central District, Kenya
by Davis, Kristin E. & Negash, Martha - 64 Gender and collective action: A conceptual framework for analysis
by Pandolfelli, Lauren & Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S. & Dohrn, Stephan - 63 Empowerment through technology: Gender dimensions of social capital build-up in Maharashtra, India
by Padmaja, Ravula & Bantilan, Cynthia - 62 Could payments for environmental services improve rangeland management in Central Asia, West Asia and North Africa?
by Dutilly-Diane, Celine & McCarthy, Nancy & Turkelboom, Francis & Bruggeman, Adriana & Tiedemann, James & Street, Kenneth & Serra, Gianluca
- 61 Women’s collective action and sustainable water management: case of SEWA’s water campaign in Gujarat, India
by Panda, Smita Mishra - 60 Rural institutions and producer organizations in imperfect markets: experiences from producer marketing groups in semi-arid eastern Kenya
by Shiferaw, Bekele A. & Obare, G. A. & Muricho, Geoffrey - 59 Gender, social capital and information exchange in rural Uganda
by Katungi, Enid & Edmeades, Svetlana & Smale, Melinda - 58 Gender differences in mobilization for collective action: case studies of villages in Northern Nigeria
by Abdulwahid, Saratu - 57 Gender and local floodplain management institutions: a case study from Bangladesh
by Sultana, Parvin & Thompson, Paul - 56 Collective action in plant genetic resources management: gendered rules of reputation, trust and reciprocity in Kerala, India
by Padmanabhan, Martina Aruna - 55 Groups, networks, and social capital in the Philippine communities
by Godquin, Marie & Quisumbing, Agnes R. - 54 Improving the effectiveness of collective action: sharing experiences from community forestry in Nepal
by Acharya, Krishna P. & Gentle, Popular - 53 Decentralization and environmental conservation: gender effects from participation in joint forest management
by Agrawal, Arun & Yadama, Gautam & Andrade, Raul & Bhattacharya, Ajoy - 52 The many meanings of collective action: lessons on enhancing gender inclusion and equity in watershed management
by German, Laura & Taye, Hailemichael & Charamila, Sarah & Tolera, Tessema & Tanui, Joseph - 51 Water, women, and local social organization in the Western Kenya highlands
by Were, Elizabeth & Swallow, Brent M. & Roy, Jessica - 50 Facilitating collective action and enhancing local knowledge: a herbal medicine case study in Talaandig communities, Philippines
by Hartanto, Herlina & Valmores, Cecil - 49 From the conservation of genetic diversity to the promotion of quality foodstuff: can the French model of 'Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée' be exported?
by Boisvert, Valérie - 48 Property rights and the management of animal genetic resources: how to secure access to drylands resources for multiple users
by Anderson, Simon & Centose, Roberta - 47 Biting the bullet: how to secure access to drylands resources for multiple users
by Mwangi, Esther & Dohrn, Stephan - 46 Subdividing the commons: the politics of property rights transformation in Kenya’s Maasailand
by Mwangi, Esther - 45 On protecting farmers’ new varieties: new approaches to rights on collective innovations in plant genetic resources
by Salazar, Rene & Louwaars, Niels P. & Visser, Bert
- 44 Are there customary rights to plants?: an inquiry among the Baganda (Uganda), with special attention to gender
by Howard, Patricia L. & Nabanoga, Gorettie - 43 Initiatives for rural development through collective action: the case of household participation in group activities in the highlands of Central Kenya
by Kariuki, Gatarwa & Place, Frank - 42 Localizing demand and supply of environmental services: interactions with property rights, collective action and the welfare of the poor
by Swallow, Brent M. & Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S. & van Noordwijk, Meine - 41 Who knows, who cares?: Determinants of enactment, awareness and compliance with community natural resource management
by Nkonya, Ephraim M. & Pender, John L. & Kato, Edward & Mugarura, Samuel & Muwonge, James - 40 The voracious appetites of public versus private property: a view of intellectual property and biodiversity from legal pluralism
by Wiber, Melanie G. - 39 Institutional innovations towards gender equity in agrobiodiversity management: collective action in Kerala, South India
by Padmanabhan, Martina Aruna - 38 Collective action for the conservation of on-farm genetic diversity in a center of crop diversity: an assessment of the role of traditional farmers’ networks
by Badstue, Lone Bech & Bellon, Mauricio R. & Berthaud, Julien & RamÃrez, Alejandro & Flores, Dagoberto & Juárez, Xóchitl & RamÃrez, Fabiola - 37 Between conservationism, eco-populism and developmentalism: discourses in biodiversity policy in Thailand and Indonesia
by Wittmer, Heidi & Birner, Regina - 36 Farmers' rights and protection of traditional agricultural knowledge
by Brush, Stephen B. - 35 The transformation of property rights in Kenya's Maasiland: triggers and motivations
by Mwangi, Esther
- 34 The relationship between collective action and intensification of livestock production: the case of Northeastern Burkina Faso
by McCarthy, Nancy - 33 Methods for studying collective action in rural development
by Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S. & Di Gregorio, Monica & McCarthy, Nancy - 32 What do people bring into the game: experiments in the field about cooperation in the commons
by Cárdenas, Juan-Camilo & Ostrom, Elinor - 31 Formal and informal systems in support of farmer management of agro-biodiversity: some policy challenges to consolidate lessons learned
by Byström, Marie
- 30 Methods of consensus building for community based fisheries management in Bangladesh and the Mekong Delta
by Sultana, Parvin & Thompson, Paul - 29 In pursuit of comparable concepts and data about collective action
by Poteete, Amy & Ostrom, Elinor - 28 Understanding, measuring and utilizing social capital: clarifying concepts and presenting a field application from India
by Krishna, Anirudh
- 27 Cooperation, collective action and natural resources management in Burkina Faso: a methodological note
by McCarthy, Nancy & Dutilly-Diane, Celine & Drabo, Boureima - 26 The importance of social capital in Colombian rural agro-enterprises
by Johnson, Nancy L. & Suarez, R & Lundy, Mark M. - 26 La importancia del capital social en las agroempresas rurales de Colombia
by Johnson, Nancy & Lundy, Mark & Suarez , Ruth - 25 Assessing the factors underlying differences in group performance: methodological issues and empirical findings from the highlands of Central Kenya
by Place, Frank & Kariuki, Gatarwa & Wangila, Justine & Kristjanson, Patricia & Makauki, Adolf & Ndubi, Jessica - 24 Climatic variability and cooperation in rangeland management: a case study from Niger
by McCarthy, Nancy & Vanderlinden, Jean-Paul - 23 International conference on policy and institutional options for the management of rangelands in dry areas: workshop summary paper
by Ngaido, Tidiane & McCarthy, Nancy & Di Gregorio, Monica - 22 Legal pluralism and dynamic property rights
by Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S. & Pradhan, Rajendra
- 21 Land redistribution, tenure insecurity, and intensity of production: a study of farm households in southern Ethiopia
by Holden, Stein & Yohannes, Hailu - 20 Collective action for water harvesting irrigation in the Lerma-Chapala Basin, Mexico
by Scott, Christopher A. & Silva-Ochoa, Paula - 19 User participation in watershed management and research
by Johnson, Nancy L. & Ravnborg, Helle Munk & Westermann, Olaf & Probst, Kirsten - 18 Rethinking rehabilitation: socio-ecology of tanks and water harvesting in Rajasthan, North-west India
by Shah, Tushaar & Raju, K. Vengama - 17 Evaluating watershed management projects
by Kerr, John M. & Chung, Kimberly - 16 The effects of scales, flows and filters on property rights and collective action in watershed management
by Swallow, Brent M. & Garrity, Dennis P. & van Noordwijk, Meine - 15 Tribes, state, and technology adoption in arid land management, Syria
by Rae, Jonathan & Arab, Georges & Nordblom, Thomas & Jani, K. & Gintzburger, Gustave - 14 Land inheritance and schooling in matrilineal societies: evidence from Sumatra
by Quisumbing, Agnes R. & Otsuka, Keijiro - 13 Between market failure, policy failure and "community failure": property rights, crop-livestock conflicts and the adoption of sustainable land use practices in the dry zone of Sri Lanka
by Birner, Regina & Gunaweera, Hasantha - 12 Land dispute resolution in Mozambique: institutions and evidence of agroforestry technology adoption
by Unruh, Jon D.
- 11 Collective action, property rights, and devolution of natural resource management: exchange of knowledge and implications for policy
by Knox, Anna & Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S. - 10 Collective action and the intensification of cattle-feeding techniques: a village case study in Kenya's coast province
by Swallow, Kimberly A. - 9 The role of tenure in the management of trees at the community level: theoretical and empirical analyses from Uganda and Malawi
by Place, Frank & Otsuka, Keijiro - 8 CAPRi technical workshop on Watershed Management Institutions: a summary paper
by Knox, Anna & Gupta, Subodh - 7 Collective action in ant control
by Ravnborg, Helle Munk & de la Cruz, Ana Milena & del Pilar Guerrero, Maria & Westermann, Olaf - 6 Land tenure and the adoption of agricultural technology in Haiti
by Smucker, Glenn R. & White, T. Anderson & Bannister, Michael - 5 Collective action in space: assessing how collective action varies across an African landscape
by Swallow, Brent M. & Wangila, Justine & Mulatu, Woudyalew & Okello, Onyango & McCarthy, Nancy - 4 Land tenurial systems and the adoption of Mucuna planted fallow in the derived savannas of West Africa
by Manyong, Victor M. & Houndékon, Victorin A. - 3 Impact of land tenure and other socioeconomic factors on mountain terrace maintenance in Yemen
by Aw-Hassan, Aden & Alsanabani, Mohammed & Bamatraf, Abdul Rahman - 2 Assessing the relationships between property rights and technology adoption in smallholder agriculture: a review of issues and empirical methods
by Place, Frank & Swallow, Brent M.
- 1 Property rights, collective action and technologies for natural resource management: a conceptual framework
by Knox, Anna & Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S. & Hazell, Peter B. R.