- 45 Taking stock of IFPRI’s experience with country programs
by Hazell, Peter B.R. & Place, Frank M. & Tollens, Eric - 44 Has IFPRI’s research decentralization strategy made a difference? An econometric study of African and Asian Countries, 1981–2014
by Benin, Samuel & Place, Frank M. & Hazell, Peter B.R.
- 43 Balancing international public goods and accountability: Exploring the impact of IFPRI’s policy research on science, technology, and innovation
by Lynam, John K. - 42 Taking stock: Impacts of 40 years of policy research at IFPRI
by Hazell, Peter B. R. & Slade, Roger
- 41 Workshop on best practice methods for assessing the impact of policy-oriented research: Summary and recommendations for the CGIAR
by Place, Frank M. & Hazell, Peter B. R. - 40 Ex-Post impact assessment review of IFPRI’s research program on social protection, 2000–2012
by Nelson, Suzanne & Brown, Vicky & Presnall, Carrie & Downen, Jeanne & Frankenberger, Timothy R. - 39 Ex-post evaluation study of IFPRI’s research on high-value agriculture, 1994–2010
by Kydd, Jonathon
- 38 Impact assessment of IFPRI’s capacity-strengthening work, 1985–2010
by Kuyvenhoven, Arie - 37 Impact assessment: IFPRI 2020 conference on building resilience on food and nutrition security
by Paarlberg, Robert L.
- 36 An assessment of IFPRI's work in Ethiopia 1995-2010: Ideology, influence, and idiosyncrasy
by Renkow, Mitch & Slade, Roger - 35 An ex-post impact assessment of IFPRI's GRP22 program, water resource allocation: Productivity and environmental impacts:
by Bennet, Jeffrey W.
- 34 Impact Assessment: IFPRI 2020 conference "Leveraging Agriculture for Improving Nutrition and Health":
by Paarlberg, Robert L.
- 33 Ex-post impact assessment review of the Regional Network on AIDS, Livelihoods, and Food Security (RENEWAL):
by Frankenberger, Timothy R. & Nelson, Suzanne - 32 Impact assessment of the IFPRI agricultural science and technology indicators (ASTI) project:
by Norton, George W.
- 30 Case study on IFPRI and conditional cash transfer (CCT) and non-conditional cash ransfer (NCCT) programs:
by Behrman, Jere R. & Calderon, Maria Cecilia - 29 The food crisis of 2008: Impact assessment of IFPRI's communications strategy
by Hovland, Ingeborg
- 27 Policy-Oriented Research Impact Assessment (PORIA) case study on the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the Mexican PROGRESA anti-poverty and human resource investment conditional cash transfer program
by Behrman, Jere R. - 26 The impacts of IFPRI's global research program on the sustainable development of less favored areas
by English, John & Renkow, Mitch
- 25 Impact assessment of food policy research -- a stocktaking workshop: synthesis report
by Anderson, Jock R. & Bos, Maria Soledad & Cohen, Marc J. - 24 Regional policy networks: IFPRI's experience with decentralization
by Paarlberg, Robert L. - 23 Strengthening food policy through gender and intrahousehold analysis: impact assessment of IFPRI multicountry research
by Jackson, Cecile
- 21 Impact assessment of IFPRI's research and related activities based on economywide modeling
by Anderson, Kym - 20 The impact of economic policy research: lessons on attribution and evaluation from IFPRI
by Ryan, James G. & Garrett, James L. - 19 Impacts of IFPRI/ICARDA policy and property rights research on the Mashreq and Maghreb Poject
by Sanders, John H. & Serghini, Hassan - 18 Institutional learning and change in the CGIAR: summary record of the workshop held at IFPRI, Washington, D.C., February 4-6, 2003
by Mackay, Ronald & Horton, Douglas E. - 17 Evaluating the impact of agricultural projection modeling using the "IMPACT" framework
by Ryan, James G.
- 16 The impact of the International Food Policy Research Institute's research program on rural finance policies for food security for the poor
by Alwang, Jeffrey & Puhazhendhi, V. - 15 Synthesis Report of Workshop on Assessing the Impact of Policy-oriented Social Science Research in Scheveningen, The Netherlands November 12-13, 2001
by Ryan, James G. - 14 The production and diffusion of policy knowledge: a bibliometric evaluation of the International Food Policy Research Institute
by Pardey, Philip G. & Christian, Jason E.
- 13 Impact of IFPRI's policy research on resource allocation and food security in Bangladesh
by Babu, Suresh Chandra - 12 A review of food subsidy research at IFPRI
by Farrar, Curtis
- 11 Assessing the impact of policy research and capacity building by IFPRI in Malawi
by Ryan, James G. - 10 External impact assessment of IFPRI's 2020 Vision for Food, Agriculture and the Environment Initiative
by Paarlberg, Robert L. - 9 Returns to policy-related social science research in agriculture
by Gardner, Bruce L. - 8 Assessing the impact of rice policy changes in Viet Nam and the contribution of policy research
by Ryan, James G. - 7 The value of economic research
by Zilberman, David & Heiman, Amir
- 6 Policy for plenty: measuring the benefits of policy-oriented social science research
by Norton, George W. & Alwang, Jeffrey - 5 Some useful methods for measuring the benefits of social science research
by Kilpatrick, Henry E., Jr. - 4 Adding value through policy-oriented research: reflections of a scholar-practitioner
by Timmer, C. Peter - 3 A proposal for measuring the benefits of policy-oriented social science research
by Park, Donghyun - 2 Measuring the benefits of social science research
by Smith, Vincent H.
- 1 IFPRI and the abolition of the wheat flour ration shops in Pakistan: a case-study on policymaking and the use and impact of research
by Garrett, James L. & Islam, Yassir