- TN-27 MIRAGRODEP with endogenous tariffs 1.0: Documentation
by Bouët, Antoine & Laborde Debucquet, David & Traoré, Fousseini - TN-26 MIRAGRODEP 2.0: Documentation
by Bouët, Antoine & Laborde Debucquet, David & Robichaud, Veronique & Traoré, Fousseini & Tokgoz, Simla - TN-25 Robust Trade Integration Indicators
by Bouët, Antoine & Laborde Debucquet, David & Traoré, Fousseini - TN-24 MIRAGRODEP-AEZ 1.0: Documentation
by Bouët, Antoine & Laborde Debucquet, David & Traoré, Fousseini
- TN-23 Unit root tests: Common pitfalls and best practices
by Traoré, Fousseini & Diop, Insa - TN-22 Detecting threshold effects in price transmission
by Traoré, Fousseini & Diop, Insa - TN-21 MIRAGRODEP Dual-Dual (MIRAGRODEP -DD) with an application to the EU-Southern African Development Community (SADC) Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)
by Bouët, Antoine & Laborde Debucquet, David & Traoré, Fousseini - TN-19 Measuring food price volatility
by Traoré, Fousseini & Diop, Insa - TN-18 Measuring integration of agricultural markets
by Traoré, Fousseini & Diop, Insa
- TN-17 A comparative analysis of updating and balancing methods for social accounting matrices
by Traoré, Fousseini & Camara, Alhassane & Fonton, Kike Yra
- TN-17 Une analyse comparative des méthodes de mise á jour et de rééquilibrage des matrices de comptabilité sociale
by Traoré, Fousseini & Camara, Alhassane & Fonton, Kike Yra
- TN-16 Distortions to agricultural incentives along value chains
by Tokgoz, Simla
- TN-15 Sensitivity of computable general equilibrium models to macroeconomic closure rules: Evidence from the IFPRI standard mode
by Laborde Debucquet, David & Traoré, Fousseini - TN-15 Sensitivity of computable general equilibrium models to macroeconomic closure rules: Evidence from the IFPRI standard mode
by Laborde Debucquet, David & Traoré, Fousseini
- TN-14 Un modele d'equilibre spatial pour AGRODEP
by Bouët, Antoine & Metivier, Jeanne - TN-14 Spatial equilibrium model for AGRODEP
by Bouët, Antoine & Metivier, Jeanne
- TN-13 A user guide for the Excel interface to compute optimal tariff aggregators
by Laborde Debucquet, David - TN-12 Partial Equilibrium Trade Simulation (PETS) Model: Documentation
by Laborde Debucquet, David & Tokgoz, Simla - TN-11 Macro econometric modelling: A practical approach under EViews, with a focus on Africa
by Brillet, Jean Louis
- TN-10 On the estimation of supply and demand elasticities of agricultural commodites
by Santeramo, Fabio Gaetano
- TN-09 Guide to microsimulations linked to CGE models: How to introduce analysis of poverty and income distribution in CGE-based studies
by Estrades, Carmen - TN-08 Stata Training
by Barron, Manuel & Basurto, Pia - TN-07 Trade policy partial equilibrium model in Excel: Documentation
by Laborde Debucquet, David & Tokgoz, Simla
- TN-06 Modeling commodity markets in stochastic contexts: A practical guide using the RECS toolbox version 0.5
by Gouel, Christophe - TN-05 Hands-on gravity estimation with STATA
by Cipollina, Maria & Salvatici, Luca - TN-04 The gravity model in international trade
by Salvatici, Luca - TN-03 Documentation of the export restrictions and import tariffs overall impacts (ERATO) PE model
by Estrades, Carmen & Gao, Yuan & Laborde Debucquet, David - TN-02 Functional forms commonly used in CGE models
by Femenia, Fabienne - TN-01 A comparison between the PEP 1-1 model and the IFPRI standard model
by Traoré, Fousseini