- PSR WP 06-04 Market structure and credit card pricing: what drives the interchange?
by Zhu Wang
- PSR WP 07-02 Nonbanks and risk in retail payments
by anonymous - PSR WP 07-01 Nonbanks in the payments system: European and U.S. perspectives
by anonymous
- PSR WP 06-03 Pricing and welfare implications of payment card network competition
by Fumiko Hayashi - PSR WP 06-02 Payment card rewards programs and consumer payment choice
by Andrew Ching & Fumiko Hayashi - PSR WP 06-01 Microfoundations of two-sided markets: the payment card example
by James J. McAndrews & Zhu Wang - PSR WP 04-03 The supervisory framework surrounding nonbank participation in the U.S. retail payments system : an overview
by Richard J. Sullivan - PSR WP 04-01 Learning, diffusion and the industry life cycle
by Zhu Wang
- PSR WP 05-05 Internet banking: an exploration in technology diffusion and impact
by Richard J. Sullivan & Zhu Wang - PSR WP 05-04 Network competition and merchant discount fees
by Fumiko Hayashi - PSR WP 05-03 Competition and credit and debit card interchange fees: a cross-country analysis
by Fumiko Hayashi & Stuart E. Weiner - PSR WP 05-02 Technological innovation and market turbulence: the dot-com experience
by Zhu Wang - PSR WP 05-01 Interchange fees in various countries: developments and determinants
by Stuart E. Weiner & Julian Wright
- PSR WP 04-02 A puzzle of card payment pricing : why are merchants still accepting card payments?
by Fumiko Hayashi
- PSR WP 03-02 Community bank access to payment card networks : has it become more expensive?
by Fumiko Hayashi - PSR WP 03-01 Financial innovation, strategic real options and endogenous competition : theory and an application to Internet banking
by David B. Nickerson & Richard J. Sullivan
- PSR WP 02-02 Nonbanks in the payments system
by Terri Bradford & Matt Davies & Stuart E. Weiner - PSR WP 02-01 Technology adoption and consumer payments : evidence from survey data
by Fumiko Hayashi & Elizabeth C. Klee