October 2024, Volume 33, Issue 97
- 35-52 The Catalan commercial integration with early modern Europe, 1630–1778
by Carles Manera & Jose Perez-Montiel & Oguzhan Ozcelebi & Andreu Seguí
November 2024, Volume 33, Issue 97
- 1-18 Income convergence clubs in the Eurozone: a tale beyond the core/periphery divide
by José García Solanes & Arielle Beyaert & Laura Lopez-Gomez - 19-34 How are regions using European funds to promote the circular economy? Shedding light on factors explaining the pathway
by Javier Barbero & Ernesto Rodríguez-Crespo & Anabela M. Santos - 53-75 The risk of clustering of deprivations in Spain: a tale of two crises
by César García-Gómez & Ana Pérez & Mercedes Prieto-Alaiz
May 2024, Volume 32, Issue 96
- 189-206 Making aid work: institutional thresholds and FDI
by Dongni Wang & Carmen Fillat-Castejón - 232-259 Testing the permanent income hypothesis using the Spanish Christmas Lottery
by Guillermo Cabanillas-Jiménez
July 2024, Volume 32, Issue 96
- 207-231 What else? Immigrant–native cohorts entering the labour market under a context of adverse shocks: the great recession and COVID-19
by Marta Escalonilla & Begoña Cueto & Maria Jose Perez-Villadoniga
July 2024, Volume 32, Issue 95
- 88-111 Decarbonisation at least cost: an analysis of the optimal portfolio of instruments
by Francisco Álvarez & Óscar Arnedillo & Diego Rodríguez & Jorge Sanz - 112-140 The welfare effects of degrowth as a decarbonization strategy
by Javier Andrés & José E. Boscá & Rafael Doménech & Javier Ferri - 141-166 Competition and consumer prices in the fuel market: insights from a small EU country
by Janez Dolšak - 167-185 The effect of regional factors on energy poverty
by Elisenda Jové-LLopis & Elisa Trujillo-Baute
February 2024, Volume 32, Issue 94
- 41-61 Mental health and obesity
by Dusanee Kesavayuth & Vasileios Zikos - 62-82 The dynamic links between product and process innovations and productivity for Colombian manufacturing
by Juan A. Sanchis Llopis & Juan A. Mañez & Andrés Mauricio Gómez-Sánchez
November 2023, Volume 32, Issue 94
- 1-22 Inequality and redistribution: evidence from Scandinavian and Mediterranean countries
by Oscar Claveria & Petar Sorić - 23-40 Investigation into the dynamic relationships between global economic uncertainty and price volatilities of commodities, raw materials, and energy
by Malihe Ashena & Hamid Laal Khezri & Ghazal Shahpari
August 2023, Volume 31, Issue 93
- 147-161 Left behind in Covid times: the impact of the pandemic on job loss and job finding rates of vulnerable groups in Serbia
by Marko Vladisavljevic & Lara Lebedinski - 182-198 Decomposition of value added in gross exports: a critical review
by Enrique Feás
October 2023, Volume 31, Issue 93
- 162-181 The impact of unanticipated wealth effects on consumption: evidence from Spanish panel data
by Antonio Cutanda & Juan Alberto Sanchis Llopis - 199-222 Determinants of the willingness to pay and willingness to accept in the valuation of informal care. The CUIDARSE study
by Juan Oliva & Luz María Peña Longobardo & Leticia García-Mochón & José María Abellán-Perpìñan & María del Mar García-Calvente
April 2023, Volume 31, Issue 92
- 109-125 A counterfactual analysis of the impact of the 2008 and 2020 crises on Spanish employment
by Miguel Jerez & Alejandra Montealegre-Luna & Alfredo Garcia-Hiernaux
February 2023, Volume 31, Issue 92
- 90-108 Innovation and SMEs performance: evidence from Vietnam
by Danh Vinh Le & Huong Thi Thu Le & Thanh Tien Pham & Lai Van Vo
June 2023, Volume 31, Issue 92
- 73-89 Convergence in working conditions
by José-Ignacio Antón & Rafael Grande & Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo - 126-144 Linguistic clustering and aggregate productive efficiency in Indonesia
by Alexandre Repkine
March 2022, Volume 31, Issue 91
- 1-18 Testing for multiple bubbles: historical episodes on the sustainability of public debt in Spain, 1850–2020
by Vicente Esteve & María A. Prats
December 2022, Volume 31, Issue 91
- 55-72 Corruption, quality of institutions and growth
by Arielle Beyaert & José García-Solanes & Laura Lopez-Gomez
June 2022, Volume 31, Issue 91
- 39-54 How does oil price uncertainty affect output in the Central and Eastern European economies? – the Bayesian-based approaches
by Dejan Živkov & Jasmina Đurašković
May 2022, Volume 31, Issue 91
- 19-38 On the economic evaluation of online learning in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: a willingness-to-accept approach
by Salvador del Saz-Salazar & Salvador Gil-Pareja & María José García-Grande
January 2022, Volume 30, Issue 90
- 153-175 Banning mobile phones in schools: evidence from regional-level policies in Spain
by Pilar Beneito & Óscar Vicente-Chirivella
February 2022, Volume 30, Issue 90
- 196-212 Factors determining teleworking before and during COVID-19: some evidence from Spain and Andalusia
by Antonio Caparrós Ruiz
December 2021, Volume 30, Issue 90
- 213-228 Free lunch or vital support? Export promotion in The Netherlands
by Marcel van den Berg - 248-262 Temporary layoffs, short-time work and COVID-19: the case of a dual labour market
by Victoria Osuna & José Ignacio García Pérez
September 2021, Volume 30, Issue 90
- 229-247 Government public infrastructure investment and economic performance in Spain (1980–2016)
by Jose Perez-Montiel & Carles Manera
October 2021, Volume 30, Issue 90
- 176-195 Purchasing power parity in GIIPS countries: evidence from unit root tests with breaks and non-linearity
by Saban Nazlioglu & Mehmet Altuntas & Emre Kilic & Ilhan Kucukkkaplan - 263-276 The role of foreign direct investment in growth: Spain, 1964–2013
by Oscar Bajo-Rubio
August 2021, Volume 30, Issue 89
- 92-113 TFP determinants in the manufacturing sector: the case of Ecuadorian firms
by Segundo Camino-Mogro - 114-129 Economic policy uncertainty and stock prices in BRIC countries: evidence from asymmetric frequency domain causality approach
by Mucahit Aydin & Ugur Korkut Pata & Veysel Inal - 132-150 Housing bubbles and land planning corruption: evidence from Spain’s largest municipalities
by Antonios Marios Koumpias & Jorge Martínez-Vázquez & Eduardo Sanz-Arcega
September 2021, Volume 30, Issue 89
- 73-91 Job creation and investment in imperfect financial and labor markets
by Silvio Rendon
July 2021, Volume 30, Issue 88
- 1-17 Current-account breaks and stability spells in a global perspective
by Alfonso Camba-Crespo & José García-Solanes & Fernando Torrejón-Flores - 38-51 Impact of socioeconomic development on inflation in South Asia: evidence from panel cointegration analysis
by Md. Saiful Islam - 52-70 Modeling the exchange rate pass-through in Turkey with uncertainty and geopolitical risk: a Markov regime-switching approach
by Faik Bilgili & Fatma Ünlü & Pelin Gençoğlu & Sevda Kuşkaya
August 2021, Volume 30, Issue 88
- 18-37 Tax revenue instability and tax revenue in developed and developing countries
by Sèna Kimm Gnangnon
August 2021, Volume 29, Issue 87
- 208-225 Scale heterogeneity in hotel guests’ satisfaction relative to room rates
by David Boto-Garcia & Marta Escalonilla & Emma Zapico & Jose F. Baños
January 2021, Volume 29, Issue 87
- 226-244 Assessing the impacts of global economic policy uncertainty and the long-term bond yields on oil prices
by Oguzhan Ozcelebi
May 2021, Volume 29, Issue 87
- 189-207 Aid effectiveness: when aid spurs investment
by Felicitas Nowak-Lehmann & Elena Gross
April 2021, Volume 29, Issue 86
- 152-170 Does a Clarke-Groves type tax prevent free riding when implementing Eurobonds?
by Carlos Contreras & Julio Angulo - 171-188 An investigation of demand and exchange rate shocks in the tourism sector
by Kurtulus Bozkurt & Hatice Armutçuoğlu Tekin & Zeliha Can Ergün
February 2021, Volume 29, Issue 85
- 42-57 Spanish non-financial corporations and the COVID pandemic: vulnerability, resilience and transformation
by Vicente Salas-Fumás - 58-76 Impact of COVID-19 on the trade of goods and services in Spain
by Asier Minondo - 77-89 The costs of COVID-19 and the cost-effectiveness of testing
by Beatriz González López-Valcárcel & Laura Vallejo-Torres
March 2021, Volume 29, Issue 85
- 90-104 The economic consequences of Covid in Spain and how to deal with them
by Angel de la Fuente
January 2021, Volume 29, Issue 85
- 4-20 The stabilizing effects of economic policies in Spain in times of COVID-19
by J.E. Boscá & R. Doménech & J. Ferri & J.R. García & C. Ulloa - 21-41 Past, present and future of the Spanish labour market: when the pandemic meets the megatrends
by Juan J. Dolado & Florentino Felgueroso & Juan F. Jimeno
November 2020, Volume 29, Issue 86
- 124-151 Effect of volatility of foreign direct investment inflows on corporate income tax revenue volatility
by Sena Kimm Gnangnon
August 2020, Volume 29, Issue 86
- 105-123 Economic growth or electricity, what came first in Spain after 1958?
by Jaime Jesús Sanaú Villarroya & Isabel Sanz-Villarroya & Luis Perez y Perez
October 2020, Volume 28, Issue 84
- 221-238 What do unit root tests tell us about unemployment hysteresis in transition economies?
by Ebru Çağlayan Akay & Zamira Oskonbaeva & Hoşeng Bülbül
November 2020, Volume 28, Issue 84
- 197-220 Growth and business cycle in Argentina. A long-run approach, 1870–2015
by María Dolores Gadea & Isabel Sanz-Villarroya - 239-259 The intergenerational effect of parental enthusiasm for reading
by Jose G. Clavel & Mauro Mediavilla
September 2020, Volume 28, Issue 84
- 173-195 The labor share and income inequality: some empirical evidence for the period 1990-2015
by Iñaki Erauskin
July 2020, Volume 28, Issue 83
- 133-151 Wealth and consumption inequality: an interquantile analysis
by Juan Ignacio Martín-Legendre & Pablo Castellanos-García & José Manuel Sánchez-Santos
June 2020, Volume 28, Issue 83
- 111-131 On the drivers of profitability in the banking industry in restructuring times: a Bayesian perspective
by Paula Cruz-García & Anabel Forte & Jesús Peiró-Palomino
May 2020, Volume 28, Issue 83
- 153-170 Economic crisis, unemployment and illegal drug consumption in Spain
by Bruno Casal & Berta Rivera & Luis Currais
March 2020, Volume 28, Issue 83
- 89-109 Inequality in tax evasion: the case of the Spanish income tax
by Sara Torregrosa-Hetland
January 2020, Volume 28, Issue 82
- 19-45 Economic stress innon-poorSpanish households during the Great Recession
by Carmen Ródenas & Mónica Martí & Ángel León
November 2019, Volume 28, Issue 82
- 46-68 Does a “soft” board gender quotas policy work?
by José Ignacio Conde-Ruiz & Manu García & Manuel Yáñez
December 2019, Volume 28, Issue 82
- 1-18 Management, productivity and firm heterogeneity in international trade
by Javier Serrano & Rafael Myro - 69-87 Prediction of financial distress in the Spanish banking system
by Jessica Paule-Vianez & Milagros Gutiérrez-Fernández & José Luis Coca-Pérez
October 2019, Volume 27, Issue 81
- 184-206 Determinants of bank efficiency: evidence from the Latin American banking industry
by Ignacio Jiménez-Hernández & Gabriel Palazzo & Francisco Javier Sáez-Fernández - 207-225 The tax gap as a public management instrument: application to wealth taxes
by José M. Durán-Cabré & Alejandro Esteller Moré & Mariona Mas-Montserrat & Luca Salvadori - 226-238 A municipal database from the 2011 Spanish census
by Francisco J. Goerlich
August 2019, Volume 27, Issue 81
- 169-183 The efficiency of public employment services: a matching frontiers approach
by Jose F. Baños & Ana Rodriguez-Alvarez & Patricia Suarez-Cano
August 2019, Volume 27, Issue 80
- 93-107 Agglomeration effects and informal firms in the internal structure of cities
by Andres Dominguez
October 2019, Volume 27, Issue 80
- 150-167 Evaluating the effect of subsidies for rural development on agri-food and forestry firms
by José A. Pérez-Méndez & María Pérez-Urdiales & David Roibas
September 2019, Volume 27, Issue 80
- 108-126 A new measure of regional competitiveness
by José Carlos Sánchez de la Vega & José Daniel Buendía Azorín & Antonio Calvo-Flores Segura & Miguel Esteban Yago - 127-149 Employment exclusion in Spain: a territorial approach
by Matilde Lafuente-Lechuga & Ursula Faura-Martínez & Olga García-Luque
August 2019, Volume 27, Issue 79
- 3-20 Corruption and international trade: a comprehensive analysis with gravity
by Salvador Gil-Pareja & Rafael Llorca-Vivero & José Antonio Martínez-Serrano - 21-45 Education and economic growth: an empirical analysis of nonlinearities
by Laura Marquez-Ramos & Estefanía Mourelle - 46-61 The 2000s commodity boom and the exchange rate in Argentina
by Luciano Campos - 62-90 The persistent effect of socioeconomic status on education and labor market outcomes
by Juan A. Correa & Pablo Gutiérrez & Miguel Lorca & Raúl Morales & Francisco Parro