Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 259600175 Non Linearities and Chaos in Stock Price Behavior of Greek oil Sector; The Case of Hellenic Petroleum S.A
by Eleni ZAFEIRIOU & Theodoros KOUTROUMANIDIS & Chrysovalantis MALESIOS & Androniki KATARACHIA - 259600174 Responses of the Polish Economy to Demand and Supply Shocks under Alternative Fiscal Rules
by Magdalena ZACHLOD-JELEC & Piotr KARP - 259600173 The Role of Water Sector in Iranian Economy: A CGE Modeling Approach
by Ali YOUSEFI & Sadegh KHALILIAN & Mohammad Hadi HAJIAN - 259600172 Shocking Stuff: Technology, Hours, and Factor Substitution
by Alpo WILLMAN & Cristiano CANTORE & Miguel LEON-LEDESMA & Peter MCADAM - 259600171 Modelling Consumption-Based CO2-Emissions and Carbon Leakage with the Global Resource Accounting Model GRAM
by Kirsten S. WIEBE & Martin BRUCKNER & Stefan GILJUM & Christian LUTZ & Kirsten S. WIEBE - 259600170 The Growing Income Inequality in China: Evidence, Causes, and Policy Choices
by Baotai WANG - 259600169 What Effect Exerts Sequencing of International Liberalization on Regional Financial Stability?
by Aidi WAFA & Mohamed AYADI - 259600168 Determinants of Incoming Cross-Border M&A: Evidence from European Transition Economies
by Josipa VIŠIC & Blanka ŠKRABIC - 259600167 Time-Varying Coefficient Methods to Measure Inflation Persistence
by Balazs VARGA & Zsolt DARVAS - 259600166 Inflation Uncertainty: What Can Behavioural Economics Teach Us?
by Maria Teresa VALDERRAMA & Ernest GNAN & Johannes LANGTHALLER & Maria T. VALDERRAMA - 259600165 Romes without Empires: Urban Concentration, Political Competition, and Economic Growth
by Mehmet ULUBASOGLU & Cem KARAYALCIN - 259600164 Once Poor, Always Poor? Do Initial Conditions Matter? Evidence from the ECHP
by Panos TSAKLOGLOU & Eirini ANDRIOPOULOU - 259600163 What Drives Returns to Euro Area Housing?
by Matthias SYDOW & Paul HIEBERT - 259600162 The Analysis of the Impact of Oil Prices Shock on the Poor Relied on the Existing Distribution of Income Pattern
by Sofyan SYAHNUR - 259600161 Impact of Community-based Tourism in a Village Economy in Thailand: An analysis with VCGE model
by Komsan SURIYA - 259600160 General Equilibrium Analysis of Bio-Energy Options
by Adolf STROOMBERGEN & Peter HALL - 259600159 Labor Market and Income Effects of a Legal Minimum Wage in Germany
by Viktor STEINER & Kai-Uwe MUELLER - 259600158 The Role of Fiscal Stimulus and Monetary Easing in Indonesian Economy during Global Financial Crisis: Financial Computable General Equilibrium Approach
by Iskandar SIMORANGKIR & Justina ADAMANTI - 259600157 Bioenergy Production in Finland and its Effects on Regional Growth and Employment
by Antti SIMOLA & Jouko KINNUNEN & Hannu TÖRMÄ & Jukka KOLA - 259600156 Determinants of Specialization and the Role of Trade Costs
by Serge SHIKHER - 259600155 Border Tax Adjustments to Negate the Economic Impact of an Electricity Generation Tax
by Reyno SEYMORE & Margaret MABUGU & Jan VAN HEERDEN - 259600154 Asset Pricing in the Presence of Background Risk
by Andrei SEMENOV - 259600153 Impact of Trade Liberalization on Farm Profitability - Any Adverse Impact Leading to Farmers Loosing their Income in India?
by Kattery Nanjundiah SELVARAJ & R. SENTHIL KUMAR - 259600152 Has Egypt's Monetary Policy Changed after the Float?
by Hoda SELIM - 259600151 Fear of Floating and Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Inflation in Egypt
by Hoda SELIM - 259600150 Monetary Authorities and Exchange Rate Volatility: Turkey and other Cases
by Harald SCHMIDBAUER & Ece DEMIREL - 259600149 Scaling Up Infrastructure Spending in the Philippines: A CGE Top-Down Bottom-Up Microsimulation Approach
by Luc SAVARD - 259600148 Effects of Tax Policy Announcements in the Athens Stock Exchange
by Anastasios SARAIDARIS & Stella KARAGIANNI & Catherine KYRTSOU & Anastasios SARAIDARIS - 259600147 Policies for Meeting Future Water Needs in Mexican Cities
by Alejandro SALAZAR-ADAMS & Nicolás PINEDA-PABLOS - 259600146 Friedman Meets the Joneses: A Model of Essential Money with Consumption Externalities
by Patrik RYFF - 259600145 The Role of Two Interest Rates in the Intertemporal CA Model
by Michal RUBASZEK - 259600144 Effects of Weekly Inventory Data Releases on Crude Oil Spot Prices
by Angi RÖSCH & Harald SCHMIDBAUER - 259600143 Relative House Price Dynamics Across Euro Area and US Cities: Convergence or Divergence?
by Moreno ROMA & Paul HIEBERT - 259600142 Human Capital Formation and the Linkage between Trade and Poverty: The Cases of Costa Rica and Nicaragua
by Hugo ROJAS-ROMAGOSA & Luis RIVERA - 259600141 Sources of Unemployment Fluctuations in the USA and in the Euro Area in the Last Decade
by Antonio RIBBA - 259600140 How Does Economic Theory Explain the Hubbert Peak Oil Model?
by Frederic REYNES & Samuel OKULLO & Marjan HOFKES - 259600139 Characteristics of the New Immigrants: A Recent Analysis of Employment and Educational Mismatch
by Jose RAMOS & Maria TERESA BLAZQUEZ - 259600138 Regional Disparities under Different Types of Cohesion Policy
by Marek RADVANSKÝ & Tomas DOMONKOS - 259600137 Modelling the Impact of Postponed Implementation of EU Structural Funds
by Marek RADVANSKÝ & Karol FRANK - 259600136 Predicting Discontinuity in the Decision to Allocate Funds to Credit Memes with a Fokker-Planck Equation Based Model
by Ionut PURICA - 259600135 Banking and Monetary Transmission Mechanism in Morocco
by Rafaela PIZARRO-BARCELÓ & Angel GARCIA-ORTIZ - 259600134 Curse or Blessing? Natural Resources and Human Development
by Jose PINEDA & Francisco RODRIGUEZ - 259600133 Exogenous Income Determination in a SAM Model: the Catalan Economy towards the "20-20-20 European Directive"
by Laia PIÉ DOLS & Maria LLOP LLOP - 259600132 Modelling a Reduction of Greenhouse Gases Emissions in the Catalan Economy: The NAMEA Approach
by Laia PIÉ DOLS & Maria LLOP LLOP - 259600131 Economy-Wide Impact of Forest Plantation Development in Laos Using a Dynamic General Equilibrium Approach
by Somvang PHIMMAVONG & Ian FERGUSON & Barbara OZARSKA - 259600130 Testing Linearity in Term Structures
by Chiara PERONI - 259600129 Propagation of Inflationary Shocks
by Michael PEDERSEN - 259600128 'The Old World Wine' and Its Place in the Anatolian Economy
by DurmusÖZDEMIR & Harald SCHMIDBAUER - 259600127 SADC EPAs with the EU: the Right or a Blight Way for Development
by Rehab OSMAN - 259600126 Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty in the Euro Area
by Luca ONORANTE & Guglielmo MARIA CAPORALE & Paolo PAESANI - 259600125 Food Price Pass-Through in the Euro Area: the Role of Asymmetries and Non-Linearities
by Luca ONORANTE & Gianluigi FERRUCCI & Rebeca JIMÉNEZ-RODRÍGUEZ - 259600124 The Emergence and Survival of Inflation Expectations
by Luca ONORANTE & Marco J. LOMBARDI - 259600123 The Impact of Government Expenditure on Economic Growth and Development in Developing Countries: Nigeria as a Case Study
by Bosede Comfort OLOPADE & David OLOPADE - 259600122 Can Reserve Additions in Mature Crude Oil Provinces Attenuate Peak Oil
by Samuel OKULLO & Frederic REYNES - 259600121 Foreign Aid and Its Effect on Per-Capita Income (Growth) in Recipient Countries: Pitfalls and Findings from a Time Series Perspective
by Felicitas NOWAK-LEHMANN D. & Inma MARTÍNEZ-ZARZOSO & Dierk HERZER & Stephan KLASEN & Axel DREHER - 259600120 The Interaction of Formal and Informal Financial Sectors in Quasi-Emerging Market Economies
by Harold NGALAWA - 259600119 Optimal Border Taxes in Developing Countries: On the Importance of a Large Informal Sector
by Knud MUNK - 259600118 Asymmetries in the Pay-Penalty from Skill Mismatches in Europe: How Different is the Effect on High Educated Workers
by Ana I. MORO-EGIDO & Elena BARCENA - 259600117 Environmental and Economic Effects of Carbon Tax
by Hassan MOEENNEMATI - 259600116 Financial Intermediaries, Leverage Ratios, and Business Cycles
by Yasin MIMIR - 259600115 Analysis of Economic and Environmental Impacts of CO2 Abatement in Japan Applying a CGE Model with Knowledge Investment
by Kenichi MATSUMOTO & Azusa OKAGAWA - 259600114 Why are some prices stickier than others? Firm-data evidence on price adjustment lags
by Fernando MARTINS & Daniel A. DIAS & J.M.C. SANTOS SILVA & Carlos ROBALO MARQUES - 259600113 Asymmetries in wealth effect: the UK households evidence
by Ana MARTINEZ CANETE & Elena MÁRQUEZ-DE-LA-CRUZ & Inés PÉREZ-SOBA - 259600112 Indeterminacy, Underground Activities and Tax Evasion
by Enrico MARCHETTI & Francesco BUSATO & Bruno CHIARINI & Enrico MARCHETTI - 259600111 The Response of Private Consumption to Different Public Spending Categories:VAR Evidence from UK
by Luigi MARATTIN & Simone SALOTTI - 259600110 Distortionary Tax Instruments and Implementable Monetary Policy
by Luigi MARATTIN & Massimiliano MARZO & Paolo ZAGAGLIA - 259600109 Appropriate IPRs, Human Capital Composition and Economic Growth
by Fabio MANCA - 259600108 Measuring the Impacts of Recent Global Crisis On IRAN's Non-Oil Export Economy (28 Subsectors)
by Amin MALEKI - 259600107 A Dynamic Institutional Analysis with a Macroeconomic Model
by Jean-Guy LORANGER & Gérard BOISMENU - 259600106 Human Capital and Regional Wage Gaps
by Enrique LOPEZ-BAZO & Elisabet MOTELLON - 259600105 Which policy-mix to mitigate the effects of the financial heterogeneity in a monetary union?
by Grégory LEVIEUGE & Cristina BADARAU-SEMENESCU - 259600104 In Dubio, pro CES: technical progress specification and the elasticity of substitution
by Miguel LEON-LEDESMA & Peter MCADAM & Alpo WILLMAN - 259600103 20% by 2020 - Energy Efficiency in Germany
by Ulrike LEHR & Martin PEHNT & Christian LUTZ & Barabara SCHLOMANN & Friedrich SEEFELDT - 259600102 A Macro-econometric Model for the Economy of Lesotho
by Igor LEBRUN & Ludovic DOBBELAERE - 259600101 Forecasting the Conditional Volatility of Spot and Futures Oil Prices with Structural Breaks and Long Memory Models
by Amine LAHIANI & Mohamed EL HEDI AROURI & Duc KHUONG NGUYEN - 259600100 Poverty Impacts of Trade Integration with the EU: lessons for Ecuador
by Veronika KULMER & Sara WONG - 259600099 Impact of Common Agricultural Policy Reform on the Czech Economy - a general equilibrium approach
by Zuzana KRISTKOVA - 259600098 Modeling the Interaction Between Industries and Services Sectors´ Agglomeration in the European Union
by Astrid KRENZ - 259600097 The Strategic Implications of Setting Border Tax Adjustments
by Hans KREMERS & Andreas LOESCHEL - 259600096 The Dynamics of Inflation: A Study of a Large Number of Countries
by Georgios KOURETAS & Mark E. WOHAR - 259600095 The Effect of Civilian Unemploment on Reenlistment Decision in Turkish Armed Forces
by Nebile KORUCU GUMUSOGLU & Julide YILDIRIM & Semsettin KARASU - 259600094 Real Convergence and Its Illusions
by Marcin KOLASA - 259600093 Quantitative Assessment of Biofuel Promotion Policy in India: A Dynamic CGE Approach
by Satoshi KOJIMA - 259600092 A Utility Function Based Approach Towards the Modeling of Migration in Village Equilibrium Models
by Uli KLEINWECHTER - 259600091 Public versus Private Education with Risky Human Capital
by Fabian KINDERMANN - 259600090 Analysis of the Millennium Development Goals for Egypt - Using an Extended Economy Wide Simulation Model
by Motaz KHORSHID & Hans LOFGREN & Ahmed KAMALY & Sohair ABOU EL-EENEIN - 259600089 An ICT Economy Wide Interaction Social Accounting Matrix for Egypt
by Motaz KHORSHID & Asaad EL-SADEK - 259600088 The Impact of Non-Tariff Barriers on Export Strategies: Evidence from India
by Sangeeta KHORANA & Thanos VEROUSIS & Nicholas PERDIKIS - 259600087 Agricultural Credit Cooperatives of India
by Sushila KAUL - 259600086 Concentration of Talent and Regional Growth: Empirical Evidence from Spanish Autonomous Communities
by Burhan Can KARAHASAN & Ebru KERIMOGLU - 259600085 The Green Paradox and the Choice of Capacity
by Darko JUS & Marc GRONWALD & Markus ZIMMER - 259600084 An Empirical Assessment of the Effectiveness of Oil Taxes
by Darko JUS & Christian BEERMANN & Markus ZIMMER - 259600083 Analysing the Sensitivity of Simulated Pattern of Trade to Functional Form Choices
by Santosh JOSHI & Kevin HANRAHAN & Eithne MURPHY - 259600082 Does "The" Fiscal Multiplier Exist?
by Zoltan JAKAB & Daniel BAKSA & Szilárd BENK - 259600081 Integrating an Input-Output-Model with an Actor-Orientated, Technology Based Bottom-Up Approach to Support Clean Air Policy in Germany
by Rebecca ILSEN & Magnus FRÖHLING & Frank SCHULTMANN - 259600080 Business Cycles and Oil Rich Economies - Hodrick Prescott Filtering Of Oil Revenues for Macroeconomic Modelling in Nigeria
by Fred IKLAGA - 259600079 Economic Activity of Korea by Region - Judged by Coincident Index of Economic Activity
by Jiyong HWANG - 259600078 Monetary Transmission of Elongated Shock to the Risk Premium
by Akhis HUTABARAT - 259600077 The Effects of Inflation on General Government Accounts
by Amela HUBIC & Francisco DE CASTRO - 259600076 Has the Fed Reacted Asymmetrically to Stock Prices
by Søren HOVE RAVN - 259600075 Testing for Hysteresis in Unemployment in the Belgian Regions
by Dirk HOORELBEKE - 259600074 Dynamic Price Dependence of Canadian and World Art Markets: An Empirical Analysis
by Douglas HODGSON & Aylin SECKIN - 259600073 Structured Portfolio Analysis under SharpeOmega Ratio
by Rania HENTATI & Jean-Luc PRIGENT - 259600072 ZEW TaxCoMM - A Corporate Tax Microsimulation Model. Concept and Application to the 2008 German Corporate Tax Reform
by Jost HECKEMEYER & Katharina FINKE & Christoph SPENGEL - 259600071 Equilibrium Prices Model for Sectors of Azerbaijan Economy Based on Input-Output Tables
by Yadulla HASANLI & Fakhri HASANOV & Malahat MANSIMLI - 259600070 Linking Dynamic GTAP-E with Technology Bundle Model and TIMES-FRI Model
by Hiroshi HAMASAKI & Truong PHUOC TRUONG - 259600069 Have Foreign Banks Contributed to the Spread of the Global Financial Crisis to Saudi Arabia?
by Mahmoud HADDAD & Sam HAKIM - 259600068 Revitalizing Reserve Requirement in Banking Model: An Industrial Organization Approach
by Iman GUNADI - 259600067 A Simple "Public Debt-Deflation" Theory: Leeper revisited
by Michel GUILLARD & Rym ALOUI - 259600066 On the Measurement of Technological Progress Across Countries
by Jakub GROWIEC - 259600065 Potential Energy Sources in Electricity Generation: The Case of Turkey
by Hasan Ali GONCU & E. NUR OZKAN GUNAY - 259600064 Off-the-Record Target Zones: Theory with an Application to Hong Kong´s Currency Board
by Nicole GLANEMANN & Michael FUNKE & Yu-Fu CHEN - 259600063 Agent-Based Modeling of Economic Systems: The EURACE Project Experience
by Mehmet GENÇER & Bülent ÖZEL - 259600062 Migration and Tourism Flows to New Zealand
by Murat GENC - 259600061 Forecasting and Assessing Euro Area House Prices Through the Lens of Key Fundamentals
by Luca GATTINI & Paul HIEBERT - 259600060 Oil, Development, and Corruption: Towards an Applied General Equilibrium Model to Investigate Oil Revenue Spending in Chad
by David GARBER - 259600059 Occupational Pension Funds in Greece
by Nicholas FRANGOS - 259600058 Estimating the Impacts of Eliminating Cost-reducing and Capacity-enhancing Fisheries Subsidies on the Small Island Economy of the Azores
by Mario FORTUNA & Sammer REGE & Natacha DENTES DE CARVALHO - 259600057 What Happens to Interregional Redistribution Upon Fiscal Decentralisation Reforms? Evidence from the Italian NHS
by Caterina FERRARIO & Alberto ZANARDI - 259600056 Forecasting Medium-Term Distributional Effects of the Economic Crisis: A CGE-Microsimulation Approach
by Michael FEIL - 259600055 Pension Reform with Variable Retirment Age
by Hans FEHR - 259600054 Public Debt Sustainability, Exchange Rates and Country-Specific Saving Rates
by Karl FARMER - 259600053 Prospects for Climate Policy After Copenhagen? A Welfare Analysis of Bottom-Up Approaches in Interdependent Economies
by Karl FARMER & Birgit BEDNAR-FRIEDL - 259600052 Costs of National Climate Ambitions and the Role of Technological Adaptations
by Taran FÆHN & Karl JACOBSEN & Birger STRØM - 259600051 Testing Stock Market Convergence: A Non-linear Factor Approach
by Burcu ERDOGAN & Guglielmo MARIA CAPORALE & Vladimir KUZIN - 259600050 Comparative Advantage Analysis of the Crops Production in the Agricultural Farming Systems in Sudan
by Raga Moahmed ELZAKI & Eltighani MIRGHANI ELAMIN & Shams ELDEIN H. AHMED & Ali MUSA EISSA & Azharia ABDELBAGHI ELBUSHA & Ali ABDELAZIZ SALIH - 259600049 SAM-Based Accounting Modeling and Analysis - Sudan 2000
by Azharia ELBUSHRA & Ibrahim EL-DUKHERI & Dr. ALI A. SALIH & Raga ELZAKI - 259600048 Modelling the Potential Economic Effects of Tax Policy Reform in Nigeria: Simulation Analysis Using the Computable General Equilibrium Analysis
by Patterson EKEOCHA - 259600047 Is Globalisation Increasing the Depth of Growth Recession?
by Andre DRAMAIS - 259600046 MEMBER: Multi-Country Euro Area Model with Boundedly Estimated Rationality
by Alistair DIEPPE & Alberto GONZÁLEZ PANDIELLA & Stephen HALL & Alpo WILLMAN - 259600045 Macroeconomic Modelling and Policy Implications: an Assessment for Italy using ITEM and QUEST
by Fabio DI DIO & Barbara ANNICCHIARICO & Francesco FELICI & Francesco NUCCI - 259600044 Real Financial Models in Argentina
by Dario DEBOWICZ - 259600043 Can a Gift-Exchange Model Explain a Link Between Flexible Working Arrangements and Organizational Performance?
by Lilian DE MENEZES - 259600042 Beyond the Crisis: Prospects for Transition Economies
by Zsolt DARVAS - 259600041 Market Power and Fiscal Policy in OECD Countries
by Luis F. COSTA & Antonio AFONSO - 259600040 Gross and net loan flows under search and matching frictions in labour and credit markets
by Giuseppe CICCARONE & Francesco GIULI & Danilo LIBERATI - 259600039 Innovation, Agglomeration, and Knowledge Spillovers: An Empirical Study of Finnish and Swedish Firms
by Yih-Luan CHYI & Kuei-Yen LIAO - 259600038 Energy Efficiency Trends and Policies: Cross-Country Comparison in Europe
by Duygu CEYLAN & E. NUR OZKAN GUNAY - 259600037 Firms´ Entry, Monetary Policy and the International Business Cycle
by Lilia CAVALLARI - 259600036 External Imbalances in a Monetary Union. Does the Lawson Doctrine Apply to Europe?
by Josep Lluís CARRION-I-SILVESTRE & Mariam CAMARERO & Josep LLUÍS CARRION-I-SILVESTRE & Cecilio TAMARIT - 259600035 IMF´s Programs and Public Revenue in Sub-Saharan African Economies - Which Role For Institutions? An Econometric Analysis on Macro Panel Data
by Jean Francois BRUN & Gérard CHAMBAS & Bertrand LAPORTE - 259600034 Modeling Stock Returns in the South African Stock Exchange: a Nonlinear Approach
by Lumengo BONGA-BONGA - 259600033 A New Avenue to Understand the Nutritional Health of the Youths in Guinea
by Dorothée BOCCANFUSO & Ohiniba BRUCE - 259600032 Economic and Distributional Impact of Bio-Fuels in Mali
by Dorothée BOCCANFUSO & Massa COULABY & Govinda R TIMILSINA & Luc SAVARD - 259600031 Tariffs and Imports Mis-Invoicing under Oligopoly
by Amit BISWAS & Sarbajit SENGUPTA - 259600030 A Empirical Assessment of the Feldstein and Horioka Literature
by Yannick BINEAU - 259600029 Euro Area GDP Forecast Using Large Survey Dataset - A Random Forest Approach
by Olivier BIAU & Angela D´ELIA - 259600028 A Non-Balanced Survey-Based Indicator to Track Industrial Production
by Olivier BIAU & Angela D´ELIA - 259600027 Trade and Poverty in South Asia
by Keshab Raj BHATTARAI - 259600026 Problems and Prospects of Nepalese Students in UK: Brain Drain, Immigration or Global Network
by Keshab Raj BHATTARAI - 259600025 Flexible Work Arrangements (FWAs) in Greece
by Ioulia BESSA & Lilian DE MENEZES & David SIMS - 259600024 Government Debt and Macroeconomic Effects: Analysis with Real-Financial CGE Model
by Imene BENNOUR & Tahar ABDESSALEM - 259600023 Estimating the Impact of Tunisian Training Programs on Wage, Using a Simultaneous Equations Model with Self-Selectivity
by Rihab BELLAKHAL & Mohamed-Badrane MAHJOUB - 259600022 A CGE Analysis of Climate Policy Options after Copenhagen: Bottom-up Approaches, Border Tax Adjustments, and Carbon Leakage
by Birgit BEDNAR-FRIEDL & Thomas SCHINKO & Karl STEININGER - 259600021 Global Integration of Central and Eastern European Financial Markets - The Role of Economic Sentiments
by Joscha BECKMANN & Ansgar BELKE & Kühl - 259600020 How Can Public Spending Help You Grow? An Empirical Analysis for Developing Countries
by Nihal BAYRAKTAR & Blanca MORENO-DODSON - 259600019 Linking Public Investment Programs and Macroeconomic Models: Methodology and Application to Aid Requirements
by Nihal BAYRAKTAR & Pierre-Richard AGÉNOR & Nihal BAYRAKTAR & Emmanuel PINTO MOREIRA - 259600018 Accounting for the Heterogeneity in Inter-generational Links in Educational Attainment Across Europe
by Cem BASLEVENT & Hasan KIRMANOGLU - 259600017 Credit Constraints, Heterogeneity of Firms and International Trade: An Empirical Analysis of Exports Determinants for India
by Madhu BALA - 259600016 A Reassessment of Competition in the Credit Card Market by Introducing Liquidity Cost Measures: Evidence from an Emerging Economy
by Ahmet AYSAN & G. GULSUN AKIN & Denada BORICI & Levent YILDIRAN - 259600015 Macroeconomic, Sector Specific and Bank Specific Determinants of Net Interest Rate Margin: What Matters More For An Emerging Market Economy?
by Ahmet AYSAN & Cagri HUSNU DALGIC & Murat DEMIRCI - 259600014 The Effect of the Global Financial Crisis on Migrant Workers among MENA Countries
by Doaa Mohamed AYMAN & Doaa SALMAN - 259600013 The Effect of a Government-Subsidized Staple Food Chain on Retail Food Prices: The Case of MERCAL in Venezuela
by Adriana ARREAZA-COLL & Ana LUCÍA HERRERA RIERA & Andrea RAMÍREZ BECK - 259600012 Should We Care About the Composition of Tax Based Stimulus Packages?
by Kerim Peren ARIN & Otto F. REICH & Peter H. HELLES - 259600011 Understanding Homeland Security: Theory and UK Evidence
by Kerim Peren ARIN & Otto. F. REICH & Oliver LORZ & Nicola SPAGNOLO - 259600010 The Wage Cost of Unemployment Duration: Evidences for the Brazilian Economy
by Ignacio Tavares ARAUJO JR & Paulo AGUIAR DO MONTE - 259600009 Technology, Gravity and Global Income Distribution
by James ANDERSON & Scott BAIER - 259600008 Endogenous Liberalization and Within-Country Inequality
by Nejat ANBARCI & Mehmet ULUBASOGLU - 259600007 Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture in Texas through Conservation of Ogallala Aquifer
by Lal ALMAS & Rachna TEWARI & Stephen H. AMOSSON - 259600006 A Model to Simulate the Long-Term Dynamics of Public Debt
by Lucian-Liviu ALBU - 259600005 Fiscal Policy, Housing and Stock Prices
by António AFONSO & Ricardo SOUSA - 259600004 Public and Private Inputs in Aggregate Production and Growth: A Cross-country Efficiency Approach
by António AFONSO & Miguel ST. AUBYN - 259600003 Estimating Small Scale Macroeconometric Model for Nigeria: A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) Approach
by Adebayo ADEBIYI & Charles N.O. MORDI - 259600002 Policy impact on farm economy, ecology and land use: an ecological-economic modelling approach
by Szvetlana ACS & Martin DALLIMER & Nick HANLEY & Kevin GASTON & Paul R. ARMSWORTH - 259600001 Government Size Threshold and Economic Growth in Iran
by Esmaiel ABOUNOORI & Younes NADEMI - 259600000 The Income Distributional Effect of Export Tax of Indonesian Palm Oil Sectors on Various Aspects of Indonesian Economy: Social Accounting Matrix Analysis
by Ambiyah ABDULLAH
- 259600176 Non Linearities and Chaos in Stock Price Behavior of Greek oil Sector; The Case of Hellenic Petroleum S.A
by Eleni ZAFEIRIOU & Theodoros KOUTROUMANIDIS & Chrysovalantis MALESIOS & Androniki KATARACHIA