- 2021-01 Intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation to protect the environment: correlational and causal evidence
by Maurizio Pugno & Francesco Sarracino
- 2019-04 Structural changes in economic growth and well-being. The case of Italy’s parabola
by Maurizio Pugno & Francesco Sarracino - 2019-03 Escalation and Well-being
by Fabio D'Orlando & Sharon Ricciotti - 2019-02 Keynes's Investment Theory as a Micro-foundation for his Grandchildren
by Sergio Nisticò - 2019-01 The Beveridge curve in the housing market
by Gaetano Lisi
- 2018-05 Farsi male da soli: Disciplina esterna, domanda aggregata e il declino economico italiano
by Sergio Cesaratto & Gennaro Zezza - 2018-04 Job satisfaction, time allocation and labour supply
by Gaetano Lisi - 2018-03 Shackle: an enquirer into choice
by Marina Bianchi & Sergio Nisticò - 2018-02 Problems, solutions and new problems with the third wave of technological unemployment
by Fabio D'Orlando - 2018-01 Measuring economic vulnerability: a Structural Equation Modeling approach
by Ambra Altimari & Simona Balzano & Gennaro Zezza
- 2017-01 Informality and productivity: do firms escape EPL through shadow employment? Evidence from a regression discontinuity design
by Giuseppina Gianfreda & Giovanna Vallanti - 2016-03 Financialisation, Debt and Inequality: Export-led Mercantilist and Debt-led Private Demand Boom Economies in a Stock-flow consistent Model
by Daniel Detzer
- 2016-02 Autonomous government expenditure growth, deficits, debt and distribution in a neo-Kaleckian growth model
by Eckhard Hein - 2016-01 Some notes on Gossen’s ‘submerged and forgotten’ approach to consumption and time
by Sergio Nisticò
- 2015-02 At the origin of the notion of “creative goods” in economics: Scitovsky and Hawtrey
by Antonio Bariletti & Eleonora Sanfilippo - 2015-01 Disappointment and Public action: Albert Hirschman’s ways of complicating economic theory
by Marina Bianchi