- C0206901 HISTN: Octave function to produce normalized histogram
by Stephen Eglen - C9C1301 MATWRAP: Wrapper generator for matrix languages (Octave, MATLAB)
by Gary Holt - C091101 COORDINATES: Octave functions for coordinate transformations
by Kai Habel - C090905 TOEPLITZ-HANKEL: Octave functions to work with Toeplitz, Hankel matrices
by Dirk Laurie - C090904 INVHILB: Octave function to calculate inverse of Hilbert matrix
by Dirk Laurie - C090903 COMPUTATIONAL_GEOMETRY: Octave functions for computational geometry
by Kai Habel - C090802 IMAGE: Octave module to display with ImageMagick
by Thomas Walter - C090801 FEMOCTAVE: Octave finite element package
by Andreas Stahel - C062602 SORTROWS: Octave function to sort rows of matrix in ascending order
by Daniel Calvelo Aros - C062601 BLKDIAG: Octave function to build a block-diagonal matrix
by Daniel Calvelo Aros - C060802 OCTJPGLIB: Octave functions to read JPEGs
by Andy Adler - C060801 MJPLOT: Octave function to produce plots
by Mats Jansson - C042507 BITFUNC: Octave bitwise functions
by Kai Habel - C042506 MINIMIZERS: Octave functions for minimization
by Ben Sapp - C042505 FTEST: Octave function test routine
by Paul Kienzle - C042504 OCTAVE-NOWAIT: Octave -- EMACS interface functions
by Stephen Eglen - C042503 NUMERINT: Octave functions for numerical integration
by Kai Habel - C042502 POLYDER: Octave function to differentiate polynomial
by Kai Habel - C032402 RESHAPE2: Octave function wrapping reshape
by Stephen Eglen - C032401 RANDPERM: Octave function to permute integers 1-n
by Stephen Eglen - C031701 __PLTOPT1__: Octave function for graphics line style
by Paul Kienzle - C031004 GEOMPLEX: Octave functions to generate geometry drawings
by Dirk Laurie - C031003 SDIRK4: Octave function to solve stiff system of first order ODEs
by Marc Compere - C031002 COLORMAPS_COORDS: Octave functions for colormaps and coordinate system conversion
by Kai Habel - C031001 SIGNALPAK: Octave functions for signal processing and audio
by Paul Kienzle - C021102 H5READ: Octave function to import 2d slices from HDF5 datasets
by Steven G. Johnson - C021101 RANDMT: Octave function to produce random numbers via Mersenne twister
by Shawn Cokus & Makoto Matsumoto & Takuji Nishimura & Dirk Eddelbuettel - C020601 YIMAGE: Octave function to provide additional colormaps for image.m
by Yoonsuck Choe - C012801 GEOMVIEW: Octave function to create 3d plots
by Leopoldo Cerbaro - C012402 POW: Octave function to compute power function for arbitrary numeric input types
by Rolf Fabian - C012401 COMMUTATE: Octave function to check for zero commutator matrix
by Rolf Fabian - C012101 MVO: Octave function to compute matrix-by-vector operations of compatible sizes
by Rolf Fabian - C012006 VRML: Octave functions to produce VRML files
by Etienne Grossmann - C012005 BWGRAPHICS: Octave functions to provide monochrome graphics and PGM support
by Etienne Grossmann - C012004 MATLAB_COMPAT: Octave functions to provide compatibility with MATLAB
by Etienne Grossmann - C012003 STRUCT_MANIP: Octave functions for manipulation of structures
by Etienne Grossmann - C012002 DUMPER: Octave function to dump objects
by Etienne Grossmann - C012001 DOWNSIMPLEX: Octave function to compute minimum of function via simplex method
by Etienne Grossmann
- C021101 POSTGRESQL: Octave functions to access PostgreSQL database
by Dirk Eddelbuettel