- 08-35 Econometric Evidence on the Impacts of Privatization, New Entry, and Independent Industry Regulator on Mobile Network Penetration and Expansion
by Yan Li - 08-34 'Consumer' versus 'Customer': the Devil in the Detail
by Pinar Akman - 08-32 Tacit versus Overt Collusion Firm Asymmetries and Numbers: What’s the Evidence?
by Stephen Davies & Matthew Olczak - 08-31 Consumer Welfare and Market Structure in a Model of Competition Between Open Source and Proprietary Software
by Alexia Gaudeul - 08-30 Effects of Changes in Public Policy on Efficiency and Productivity of General Hospitals in Vietnam
by Pinar Guven Uslu & Thuy Pham Linh - 08-29 Beyond the Cartel Law Handbook: How Corruption, Social Norms and Collectivist Business Cultures can Undermine Conventional Enforcement Tools
by Andreas Stephan - 08-28 Assessing the Efficacy of Structural Merger Remedies: Choosing Between Theories of Harm?
by Stephen Davies & Matthew Olczak - 08-27 Collusion and Strategic Favoritism in Organizations
by Zhijun - 08-26 Matching Own Prices, Rivals' Prices, or Both
by Morten Hviid & Greg Shaffer - 08-25 'Consumer Welfare' and Article 82EC: Practice and Rhetoric
by Pinar Akman - 08-24 European Commission Opinions to National Courts in Antitrust Cases: Consistent Application and the Judicial-Administrative Relationship
by Kathryn Wright - 08-23 Software Marketing on the Internet: the Use of Samples and Repositories
by Alexia Gaudeul - 08-22 Understanding Perpetual R&D Races
by Yves Breitmoser & Jonathan H. W. Tan & Daniel John Zizzo - 08-21 Cartel Organization and Antitrust Enforcement
by Zhijun - 08-20 Gasoline Prices Jump Up on Mondays: An Outcome of Aggressive Competition?
by Oystein Foros & Frode Steen - 08-19 The UK Cartel Offence: Lame Duck or Black Mamba?
by Andreas Stephan - 08-17 An Economic Assessment of EC Merger Control: 1957–2007
by Bruce Lyons - 08-16 Stock Market Event Studies and Competition Commission Inquiries
by Lucy Beverley - 08-15 Gain or Pain: Does Consumer Activity Reflect Utility Maximisation?
by Yoonhee Tina Chang & Catherine Waddams Price - 07-10 Price Transparency and Consumer Naivety in a Competitive Market
by Luke Garrod - 08-3 The Role of Contribution among Defendants in Private Antitrust Litigation
by Morten Hviid & Andrei Medvedev - 08-2 Open Source Licensing in Mixed Markets, or Why Open Source Software Does Not Succeed
by Alexia Gaudeul
- 07-21 Passing-On Defense and Indirect Purchaser Standing in Actions for Damages against the Violations of Competition Law: what can the EC learn from the US?
by Firat Cengiz - 07-20 Spurious Complexity and Common Standards in Markets for Consumer Goods
by Alexia Gaudeul & Robert Sugden - 07-19 Revisiting Modernisation: the European Commission, Policy Change and the Reform of EC Competition Policy
by Hussein Kassim & Kathryn Wright - 07-18 Different Rules for Different Owners: Does a Non-Competing Patentee have a Right to Exclude? A Study of Post-eBay Cases
by Sujitha Subramanian - 07-17 Market-Share Contracts with Asymmetric Information
by Adrian Majumdar & Greg Shaffer - 07-16 Structural Remedies in Merger Regulation in a Cournot Framework
by Andrei Medvedev - 07-15 Competition Policy Implications of Electronic Business-to-Business Marketplaces: Issues for Marketers
by Andrew Pressey & John K. Ashton - 07-14 Synchronisation and Staggering of Deposit Account Interest Rate Changes
by John K. Ashton - 07-13 Exclusionary Discounts
by Janusz Ordover & Greg Shaffer - 07-12 Survey of Public Attitudes to Price-Fixing and Cartel Enforcement in Britain
by Andreas Stephan - 07-11 Identifying Fuel Poverty Using Objective and Subjective Measures
by Catherine Waddams Price & Karl Brazier & Khac Pham & Laurence Mathieu & Wenjia Wang - 08-1 The Paradox of the Exclusion of Exploitative Abuse
by Bruce Lyons - 07-9 Efficiency and Price Effects of Horizontal Bank Mergers
by John K. Ashton & Khac Pham - 07-8 Potential Impact of Electricity Reforms on Turkish Households
by Ncemiddin Bagdadioglu & Alparslan Basaran & Catherine Waddams Price - 07-7 Tacit Collusion, Firm Asymmetries and Numbers: Evidence from EC Merger Cases
by Stephen Davies & Matthew Olczak & Heather Coles - 07-6 Do Consumers Switch to the Best Supplier?
by Chris Wilson & Catherine Waddams Price - 07-5 Searching for the Long-Lost Soul of Article 82EC
by Pinar Akman - 07-4 Owner Motivations in the UK Speciality Food Sector
by Andrew Bugg - 07-3 Bargaining over Remedies in Merger Regulation
by Bruce Lyons & Andrei Medvedev - 07-2 Just Enough: Empowering Fixed-Line Telecommunications Consumers through a Quality of Service Information System
by Patrick D. M. Barrow - 07-1 The Regulatory Perception of the Marketing Function: an Interpretation of UK Competition Authority Investigations 1950-2005
by John K. Ashton & Andrew Pressey
- 06-20 Introducing Competition and Deregulating the British Domestic Energy Markets: a Legal and Economic Discussion
by Michael Harker & Catherine Waddams Price - 06-19 The Role of State Attorneys General in U.S. Antitrust Policy: Public Enforcement through Private Enforcement Methods
by Firat Cengiz - 06-18 To Abuse, or not to Abuse: Discrimination between Consumers
by Pinar Akman - 06-17 Surcharging as a Facilitating Practice
by Luke Garrod - 06-16 UK Merger Remedies under Scrutiny
by Michael Harker - 06-15 Role of Non-Performing Loads (NPLs) and Capital Adequacy in Banking Structure and Competition
by Yoonhee Tina Chang - 06-14 Interest Rate Clustering in UK Financial Services Markets
by John K. Ashton & Robert Hudson - 06-13 Measuring Potential Gains from Mergers among Electricity Distribution Companies in Turkey using a Non-Parametric Model
by Necmiddin Bagdadioglu & Catherine Waddams Price & Thomas Weyman-Jones - 06-11 A Test of Perpetual R&D Races
by Yves Breitmoser & Jonathan H. W. Tan & Daniel John Zizzo - 06-10 Markets with Search and Switching Costs
by Chris Wilson - 06-9 Competition Law Enforcement: the "Free-Riding" Plaintiff and Incentives for the Revelation of Private Information
by Michael Harker & Morten Hviid - 06-8 Efficiency Defence, Administrative Fuzziness, and Commitment in Merger Regulation
by Andrei Medvedev - 06-7 Chain-store Pricing and the Structure of Retail Markets
by Matt Olczak - 06-6 National Champions and the Two-Thirds Rule in EC Merger Control
by Andrew Scott - 06-5 The Bankruptcy Wildcard in Cartel Cases
by Andreas Stephan
- 05-10 An Empirical Assessment of the 1996 Leniency Notice
by Andreas Stephan - 06-4 Evolution of Banking Structure: Industrial Policy and Deregulation
by Yoonhee Tina Chang - 06-2 Dynamics of Internet Banking Adoption
by Yoonhee Tina Chang - 06-2 Collective Relationship Banking and Private Information Monitoring in Korea
by Yoonhee Tina Chang - 05-9 The Effects of Consumer Protection on Sales Signs, Consumer Search and Competition
by Chris Wilson - 05-8 A Most-Favoured-Customer Guarantee with a Twist
by Pinar Akman & Morten Hviid - 05-7 Waterbed Effects and Buyer Mergers
by Adrian Majumdar - 05-6 The Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act: Has Information Pooling Led to Anticompetitive Behaviour in the US Beef Industry?
by Andrew Bugg - 05-5 Experience of Privatisation, Regulation and Competition: Lessons for Governments
by Lesley Davies & Kathryn Wright & Catherine Waddams Price - 05-2 Sequential Versus Simultaneous Market Delineation: The Relevant Antitrust Market for Salmon
by Niels Haldrup & Peter Mollgaard & Claus Kastberg Nielsen - 05-1 Raising Rivals' Fixed Costs
by Matt Olczak
- 04-1 Price Deception, Market Power and Consumer Policy
by Chris Wilson