- 232787 An Economic and Statistical Analysis of Advertising in the Market for Milk and Dairy Products in the U.K
by Strak, John & Gill, Len
- 232786 Economic Progress and Problems of the Egg and Poultry Meat Industries
by Richardson, D. I. Sue - 232784 An Economic Survey of Lettuce Production in the Open
by Farrar, John E. - 232783 The Economics of Egg Production A Study of Production and Marketing on 70 Farms
by Burton, David A.
- 232781 United Kingdom Broielr Industry 1960 to 1975 Production, Marketing and Consumption Economics of Broiler Production (to 1976)
by Richardson, D. I. Sue
- 232779 Milk Production Systems, Problems, Prospects A Survey of 81 Herds in the North West Province 1972/3
by Walker, Rosemary
- 232777 Lettuce in the Open A Lancashire Survey 1970
by Unknown - 232775 Glasshouse Lettuce An Economic Survey in Lancashire
by Unknown
- 232776 United Kingdom Pig Industry Statistics 1956-1969
by McClements, L.D. - 232773 Economics of Scale in Egg Production A Survey of 60 Large Scale Egg Production Unites 1969/70
by Richardson, D.I. Sue - 232771 The E.E.C. Agricultural Reform Plan and Its Relevance to British Agriculture
by Kempinski, T.
- 232770 A Study of the Demand for Beverages in Great Britain Using National Food Survey Data
by Miah, M.A. Hamid - 232768 An Econometric Analysis of The Consumption of Oranges in the U.K
by Atkins, Martin H. - 232766 Regional Differences in the Strucutre of the United Kingdom Pig Industry
by Friggens, W.T. & Colman, D.R. - 232765 Structural Change in the Dairy Industry In England and Values An Application of Markov Chain Analysis
by Colman, David & Leech, Dennis - 232764 Beef From the Dairy Herd Some Possibilties and Problems of Rapid Expansion
by Walker, Rosemary F. & Gardner, T.W.
- 232763 A Quarterly Econometric Model of Pig Supply
by McClements, L.D. - 232762 Sugar Beet Production Some Economic Considerations
by Jones, D.O.
- 232761 Maincrop Potato Production in Lancashire and Shropshire, 1965
by Mathias, K.L. - 232760 Beef Production Systems
by Jones, D.O. - 232759 Winter Wheat in 1963 and 1964 Costs and Returns for 60 farms in the North-West
by Mathias, K. - 232758 Milk Profits and Herd Size A Survey of 60 North-West Herds in 1965-66
by Walker, Rosemary F.
- 232757 The European Common Market and British Agricultural Income
by Kempinski, T. - 232756 An Econometric Analysis of the Demand for Farm Tractors
by Rayner, A.J. - 232755 The Determinants of Grassland Productivity: An Analysis of Dairy Farms in Cheshire
by Cowling, Keith
- 232754 Profitable Glasshouse Cropping Plans A Linear Programming Analysis for varying resource combinations
by Lloyd, C. & Perkins, R.J.
- 232752 Early Potatoes in Cheshire and Lancashire Some Economic Considerations
by Walker, Rosemary & Blundell, James - 232749 Store Cattle and Sheep Rearing in South West Shropshire
by Jones, D.O. - 232746 Income and Efficiency in Agriculture A comparison between Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom
by Kempinski, T.
- 232745 Profits and Performance on the Hill Sheep Farms of North East Lancashire
by Yates, K.C. - 232744 Economics of Rearing Pullets to Point of Lay
by Richardson, D.I.S. - 232742 Economics of Commercial Egg Production
by Richardson, D.I.S.
- 232739 Case Studies in Beef Production
by Unknown
- 232738 Pig Keeping- An Economic Analysis Surveys in 1956-57 and 1957-58 in the North West
by Gardner, T.W. - 232736 Vining Pea Crop, 1958
by Unknown - 232734 The Barley Crop in North-West England, 1955 and 1957: An Economic View
by Holt, John & Blundell, James
- 232733 The 1956 Sugar Beet Crop in the North-West An Economic Survey on Eighty Farms
by Kempinski, T. - 232732 Grass Fattened Sheep An Economic Study during 1954-1956 in North-West England
by Gardner, T.W. & Kempinski, T. - 232729 Maincrop Potato Production in the North-West A Survey of Crops on 86 Farms in 1955
by Kempinski, T.
- 232727 Grass Fattened Sheep, 1954/5. Interim Report on an economic investigation in the North-West
by Kempinski, T.
- 232725 A Study of Farm Organisation and Management in the North West
by Unknown - 232722 Maincrop Potato Production in the North West A Survey of Crops on 98 Farms in 1954
by Kempinski, T. & Gardner, T.W. - 232721 The 1954 Wheat Crop Economic Results from Fourty-seven Crops in the North-West
by Gardner, T.W. & Kempinski, T. - 232711 Economics of Sugar Beet Growing in the West Midlands A study on sixty-five Farms
by Jones, D.O.
- 232710 Economuc Studies of Egg and Poultry Production with special reference to systems of Housing
by Richardson, D.I.S. - 232709 The Potato Crop 1952 Costs and Returns on 46 Farms in Lancashire and Cheshire
by Unknown
- 232708 Costs of Feeding Sheep on Arable Land Winter 1953-53
by Unknown - 232707 Costs of Rearing Store Cattle in S.W. Shropshire 1951/52
by Unknown - 232706 Survey of Poultry Costs and Returns 1951-52
by Unknown
- 232705 Costs of Fattening Cattle in Yards Winter 1951-52
by Unknown - 232704 Sugar Beet Costs, 1951 Crop
by Unknown - 232703 Survey of Poultry Costs and Returns 1950-51
by Unknown
- 232701 Costs of Fattening Cattle in Yards Witner 1950-51
by Unknown - 232700 Potato Costs North-Western Province 1950 Crop
by Unknown - 232699 Costs of Silage Production 1950 Results of an Investigation in the North-Western Province
by Unknown - 232698 Poultry Costs and Returns
by Unknown
- 232697 Some Pig Costs 1949-1950
by Unknown - 232696 Costs of Fattening Sheep and Lambs on Grass 1948/49
by Unknown - 232695 Fat Cattle Costs Winter 1949/50
by Unknown - 232691 Sugar Beet Costs and Returns 1949 Crop
by Unknown - 232690 Silage Costs 1949
by Unknown - 232688 Poultry Costs and Returns
by Unknown
- 232686 Costs of Fattening Sheep and Lambs on Grass 1947-48
by Unknown - 232681 Sugar Beet Costs and Returns 1948 Crop
by Unknown - 232679 Costs of Growing Potatoes in the North West Province 1948 Crop
by Unknown - 232676 Poultry Costs and Returns
by Unknown
- 232675 Costs of Fattening Sheep and Lambs on Grass 1947
by Unknown - 232673 Costs of Growing Potatoes in the North West Province 1947 Crop
by Unknown - 232670 Sugar Beet costs and Returns 1947 Crop
by Unknown
- 232666 Costs of Fattening Sheep and Lambs on Grass 1946
by Unknown - 232664 Costs of Growing Potatoes in the North West Province 1946 Crop
by Unknown
- 232661 Costs of Fattening Sheep and Lambs on Grass 1944-45
by Unknown