Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 348926 Ex Ante Costs vs. Ex Post Costs of the Large Municipal Waste Combustor Rule
by Morgan, Cynthia & Pasurka, Carl - 348925 The Effects of Short-Term, In Utero Lead Exposure on Birth Outcomes by Trimester: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from NASCAR’s Deleading Policy
by Bui, Linda TM & Shadbegian, Ron & Marquez, Alicia & Klemick, Heather & Guignet, Dennis - 348924 Lead and Cardiovascular Mortality: Evidence Supports Lead as an Independent Cardiovascular Risk Factor
by Navas-Acien, Ana - 348923 A Retrospective Review of Retrospective Cost Analyses
by Fraas, Art & Kopits, Elizabeth & Wolverton, Ann - 348922 Cardiovascular Mortality and Leaded Aviation Fuel: Evidence from Piston-Engine Air Traffic in North Carolina
by Klemick, Heather & Guignet, Dennis & Bui, Linda & Shadbegian, Ron & Milani, Cameron - 348921 National Water Quality Values in New Zealand: Policy-Relevant Stated Preference Estimates
by Walsh, Patrick J. & Guignet, Dennis & Booth, Pamela - 348920 The U.S. Manufacturing Sector’s Response to Higher Electricity Prices: Evidence from State-Level Renewable Portfolio Standards
by Wolverton, Ann & Shadbegian, Ron & Gray, Wayne - 348919 The Property Value Impacts of Industrial Chemical Accidents
by Guignet, Dennis & Jenkins, Robin R. & Belke, James & Mason, Henry - 348918 Consumer Demand and the Economy-wide Costs of Regulation: Modeling Households with Empirically Estimated Flexible Functional Forms
by Shojaeddini, Ensieh & Marten, Alex & Schreiber, Andrew & Wolverton, Ann - 348917 The External Costs of Industrial Chemical Accidents: A Nationwide Property Value Study
by Guignet, Dennis & Jenkins, Robin R. & Nolte, Christoph & Belke, James - 348916 Customer Participation in Lead Service Line Replacement
by Klemick, Heather & Wolverton, Ann & Parthum, Bryan & Epstein, Kristin & Kutzing, Sandra & Armstrong, Sarah - 348915 Construction and Application of the Micro-level Engineering, Environmental, and Economic Detail of Electricity (MEEDE) Dataset, Version 2
by Henry, Candise & Woollacott, Jared & de Hernandez, Alison Bean & Schreiber, Andrew & Evans, David A. - 348914 Evaluating Economy-wide Effects of Power Sector Regulations Using the SAGE Model
by Schreiber, Andrew & Evans, David A. & Marten, Alex & Wolverton, Ann & Davis, Wade - 348913 The Social Costs of Hydrofluorocarbons and the Large Climate Benefits from their Expedited Phasedown
by Tan, Tammy & Rennels, Lisa & Parthum, Bryan - 348912 A two-stage random-effects meta-analysis of value per statistical life estimates
by Newbold, Stephen C. & Dockins, Chris & Simon, Nathalie & Maguire, Kelly & Sakib, Abdullah - 348911 The Climate Benefits of Improving Water Quality
by Beaulieu, Jake & Kopits, Elizabeth & Moore, Chris C. & Parthum, Bryan M. - 348910 Monetizing the impacts of ocean warming and acidification on shellfisheries of the United States and Canada
by Moore, Chris & Tai, Travis & Hartin, Corinne & Pacella, Stephen R. - 348909 Occupational Affiliation and the Incidence of Environmental Regulation
by Marten, Alex L. & Schreiber, Andrew & Wolverton, Ann - 348908 Approximating Terms of Trade Effects in Single Country CGE Models
by Schreiber, Andrew & Marten, Alex L. & Wolverton, Ann - 348907 Timing Matters: Estimating within-day variation in the rebound effect
by Nehiba, Cody - 348906 Comparative Analysis of Service Area Boundaries and Disparities in Drinking Water Quality
by Austin, Wes & Bardot, Tina & El-Khattabi, Ahmed Rachid - 348905 Disproportionate Environmental Risks: An Analysis of Chemical Facilities and Accidents in the U.S
by Guignet Dennis & Jenkins, Robin R. & Berry, Ian & Sugg, Margaret - 348904 Door Hanger Outreach And Incentives Did Not Induce Water System Customers to Participate in Lead Water Pipe Inspections
by Gazze, Ludovica & Klemick, Heather & Parthum, Bryan & Wolverton, Ann - 348903 The Welfare Consequences of Government Budget Closure Assumptions Under New Environmental Policies
by Becker, Jonathon & Schreiber, Andrew & McFarland, James - 348902 Consideration of Environmental Justice in EPA's Regulatory Analyses: A Review and Assessment
by DeAngeli, Emma & Morgenstern, Richard & Ünel, Burçin & Wolverton, Ann - 348901 When it Rains, it Pours: Severe Weather Events, Flooding, and Drinking Water Quality
by Austin, Wes & Pan, Siyu & Parthum, Bryan M. - 348900 Identifying Differences in U.S. Exposures to Ubiquitous Carcinogens
by Theising, Adam & Bardot, Tina & Wolverton, Ann
- 312235 Ex Ante Costs vs. Ex Post Costs of the Large Municipal Waste Combustor Rule
by Morgan, Cynthia & Pasurka, Carl A., Jr. - 312234 The Effects of Short-Term, In Utero Lead Exposure on Birth Outcomes by Trimester: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from NASCAR’s Deleading Policy
by Bui, Linda TM & Shadbegian, Ron & Marquez, Alicia & Klemick, Heather & Guignet, Dennis - 312233 Lead and Cardiovascular Mortality: Evidence Supports Lead as an Independent Cardiovascular Risk Factor
by Navas-Acien, Ana
- 307894 Hot Spots, Cold Feet, and Warm Glow: Identifying Spatial Heterogeneity in Willingness to Pay
by Guignet, Dennis & Moore, Christopher & Wang, Haoluan - 307893 Economic Impacts of Ocean Acidification: A Meta-Analysis
by Moore, Christopher & Fuller, Jasmine - 307892 Environmental Regulations and Technological Change: Pulp and Paper Mills and EPA’s Cluster Rule
by Belova, Anna & Casey, Brendan & Morgan, Cynthia & Pasurka, Carl & Shadbegian, Ron - 307891 Valuing Aquatic Ecosystem Health at a National Scale: Modeling Biological Indicators Across Space and Time
by Hill, Ryan & Moore, Chris & Doyle, Jessie & Leibowitz, Scott G. & Ringold, Paul & Rashleigh, Brenda
- 312241 Early Childhood Lead Exposure and the Persistence of Educational Consequences into Adolescence
by Shadbegian, Ron & Guignet, Dennis & Klemick, Heather & Bui, Linda - 307897 Property values and water quality: A nationwide meta-analysis and the implications for benefit transfer
by Guignet, Dennis & Heberling, Matthew T. & Papenfus, Michael & Griot, Olivia & Holland, Ben - 307895 The Importance of Source-Side Effects for the Incidence of Single Sector Technology Mandates and Vintage Differentiated Regulation
by Marten, Alex - 283626 Consumer Valuation of Fuel Economy: Findings from Recent Panel Studies
by Klemick, Heather & Kopits. Elizabeth & Wolverton, Ann - 283552 Superfund Cleanups and Children’s Lead Exposure
by Klemick, Heather & Mason, Henry & Sullivan, Karen
- 280949 Exploring the General Equilibrium Costs of Sector-Specific Environmental Regulations
by Marten, Alex L. & Garbaccio, Richard & Wolverton, Ann - 280948 An Applied General Equilibrium Model for the Analysis of Environmental Policy: SAGE v1.0 Technical Documentation
by Marten, Alex L. & Garabccio, Richard - 280947 Do Discrete Choice Approaches to Valuing Urban Amenities Yield Different Results Than Hedonic Models?
by Sinha, Paramita & Caulkins, Martha & Cropper, Maureen - 280946 Preterm Birth and Economic Benefits of Reduced Maternal Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter
by Kim, Jina J. & Axelrad, Daniel A. & Dockins, Chris - 280945 Muddying the Water? An Analysis of Non-Constant Baselines in Stated Preference Surveys
by Maguire, Kelly B. & Moore, Chris & Guignet, Dennis & Dockins, Chris & Simon, Nathalie B. - 280944 What’s in a Name? A Systematic Search for Alternatives to “VSL”
by Dockins, Chris & Maguire, Kelly B. & Newbold, Steve & Simon, Nathalie B. & Krupnick, Alan & Taylor, Laura O.
- 280943 Comparing Pollution Where You Live and Play: A Hedonic Analysis of Enterococcus in the Long Island Sound
by Kung, Megan & Guignet, Dennis & Walsh, Patrick - 280942 Retrospective Evaluation of the Costs Associated with the 2004 Automobile and Light-Duty Truck Surface Coating NESHAP
by Wolverton, Ann & Ferris, Ann E. & Simon, Nathalie - 280941 Data Center Energy Efficiency Investments: Qualitative Evidence from Focus Groups and Interviews
by Klemick, Heather & Kopits, Elizabeth & Wolverton, Ann - 280940 Environmental Regulation and Labor Demand: The Northern Spotted Owl
by Ferris, Ann E. - 280939 Welfare Analysis in a Two-Stage Inverse Demand Model: An Application to Harvest Changes in the Chesapeake Bay
by Moore, Chris & Griffiths, Charles - 280938 Economy-Wide Effects of Mortality Risk Reductions from Environmental Policies
by Marten, Alex L. & Newbold, Stephen C. - 280937 Commercial Fishing and Outdoor Recreation Benefits of Water Quality Improvements in the Chesapeake Bay
by Massey, David M. & Moore, Chris & Newbold, Stephen C. & Townsend, Howard - 280936 The Impacts of Environmental Regulation on the U.S. Economy
by Ferris, Ann & Garbaccio, Richard & Marten, Alex & Wolverton, Ann
- 280935 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Voluntary Programs: Did Ohio’s Tox-Minus Initiative Affect Participants’ TRI Emissions?
by Griffiths, Charles & Wheeler, Will & Wolverton, Ann - 280934 Burden Sharing Under the Paris Climate Agreement
by Sheriff, Glenn - 280933 The Impacts of Underground Petroleum Releases on a Homeowner’s Decision to Sell: A Difference-in-Differences Approach
by Guignet, Dennis B. & Martinez-Cruz, Adan L. - 280932 Modeling the Impact of Climate Change on Extreme Weather Losses
by Ranson, Matthew & Tarquinio, Lisa & Lew, Audrey - 280931 Do Housing Values Respond to Underground Storage Tank Releases? Evidence from High-Profile Cases across the United States
by Guignet, Dennis & Jenkins, Robin R. & Ranson, Matthew & Walsh, Patrick J.
- 312460 How did air quality standards affect employment at U.S. power plants? The importance of stringency, geography, and timing
by Sheriff, Glenn & Ferris, Ann E. & Shadbegian, Ron - 280930 Modeling the Property Price Impact of Water Quality in 14 Chesapeake Bay Counties
by Walsh, Patrick & Griffiths, Charles & Guignet, Dennis & Klemick, Heather - 280929 A Stated Preference Study of the Chesapeake Bay and Watershed Lakes
by Moore, Chris & Guignet, Dennis & Maguire, Kelly & Dockins, Chris & Simon, Nathalie - 280928 The Property Value Impacts of Groundwater Contamination: Agricultural Runoff and Private Wells
by Guignet, Dennis & Northcutt, Rachel & Walsh, Patrick - 280927 Explaining Variation in the Value of Chesapeake Bay Water Quality Using Internal Meta-analysis
by Klemick, Heather & Griffiths, Charles & Guignet, Dennis & Walsh, Patrick - 280926 The Energy Efficiency Paradox: A Case Study of Supermarket Refrigeration System Investment Decisions
by Klemick, Heather & Kopits, Elizabeth & Wolverton, Ann - 280925 Adaptation, Sea Level Rise, and Property Prices in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
by Walsh, Patrick & Griffiths, Charles & Guignet, Dennis & Klemick, Heather
- 280923 Climate Change and Space Heating Energy Demand: A Review of the Literature
by Ranson, Matthew & Morris, Lauren & Kats-Rubin, Alex - 280922 The Implicit Price of Aquatic Grasses
by Guignet, Dennis & Griffiths, Charles & Klemick, Heather & Walsh, Patrick - 280921 Prevention, Cleanup, and Reuse Benefits From the Federal UST Program
by Jenkins, Robin R. & Guignet, Dennis & Walsh, Patrick J. - 280920 The Role of Scenario Uncertainty in Estimating the Benefits of Carbon Mitigation
by Marten, Alex L. - 280919 The Effect of Environmental Regulation on Employment: An Examination of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments and its Impact on the Electric Power Sector
by Ferris, Ann & Shadbegian, Ron & Wolverton, Ann - 280918 Heavy-Duty Trucking and the Energy Efficiency Paradox
by Klemick, Heather & Kopits, Elizabeth & Sargent, Keith & Wolverton, Ann - 280917 To Sell or Not To Sell: The Impacts of Pollution on Home Transactions
by Guignet, Dennis
- 280916 Household Decision-Making and Valuation of Environmental Health Risks to Parents and their Children
by Adamowicz, Wiktor & Dickie, Mark & Gerking, Shelby & Veronesi, Marcella & Zinner, David - 280915 Impacts of Ethanol Policy on Corn Prices: A Review and Meta-Analysis of Recent Evidence
by Condon, Nicole & Klemicj, Heather & Wolverton, Ann - 280914 Ranking Distributions of Environmental Outcomes Across Population Groups
by Sheriff, Glenn & Maguire, Kelly - 280913 Do EPA Regulations Affect Labor Demand? Evidence from the Pulp and Paper Industry
by Gray, Wayne B. & Shabegian, Ronald J. & Wang, Chumbei & Cebi, Merve - 280912 Ecosystem damages in integrated assessment models of climate change
by Brooks, Wesley R. & Newbold, Stephen C. - 280911 Moving Forward with Incorporating “Catastrophic” Climate Change into Policy Analysis
by Kopits, Elizabeth & Marten, Alex L. & Wolverton, Ann - 280909 Do Environmental Regulations Disproportionately Affect Small Businesses? Evidence from the Pollution Abatement Costs and Expenditure Survey
by Becker, Randy A. & Pasurka Jr., Carl & Shadbegian, Ronald J.
- 280910 Valuation of Human Health: An Integrated Model of Willingness to Pay for Mortality and Morbidity Risk Reductions
by Gerking, Shelby & Dickie, Mark & Veronesi, Marcella - 280908 Water Quality Index Aggregation and Cost Benefit Analysis
by Walsh, Patrick & Wheeler, William - 280907 What is the Optimal Offsets Discount under a Second-Best Cap & Trade Policy?
by Klemick, Heather - 280906 Carbon Pricing with Output-Based Subsidies: Impacts on U.S. Industries over Multiple Time Frames
by Adkins, Liwayway & Garbaccui, Richard & Ho, Mun & Moore, Eric & Morgenstern, Richard - 280904 What Do Property Values Really Tell Us? A Hedonic Study of Underground Storage Tanks
by Guignet, Dennis
- 280903 Do Regulators Overestimate the Costs of Regulation?
by Simpson, R. David - 280902 Welfare Impacts of Ocean Acidification: An Integrated Assessment Model of the US Mollusk Fishery
by Moore, Christopher C. - 280901 Offset markets for nutrient and sediment discharges in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: Policy tradeoffs and potential steps forward
by Manale, Andrew & Morgan, Cynthia & Sheriff, Glenn & Simpson, David - 280900 CERCLA’s Overlooked Cleanup Program: Emergency Response and Removal
by Jenkins, Robin & Klemick, Heather & Kopits, Elizabeth & Marten, Alex - 280899 Valuing Health Risk Changes Using a Life-Cycle Consumption Framework
by Newbold, Stephen C. - 280898 Quantifying the Distribution of Environmental Outcomes for Regulatory Environmental Justice Analysis
by Maguire, Kelly & Sheriff, Glenn - 280897 Estimating the Social Cost of Non-CO2 GHG Emissions: Methane and Nitrous Oxide
by Marten, Alex L. & Newbold, Stephen C.
- 280893 How Many Times Could You Replicate Polyface Farm? A Schematic Model of Ecosystem Services in Agriculture
by Simpson, R. David - 280892 Poverty Status and IQ Gains from Revising the Dust Lead Hazard Standards: A Method for Evaluating Environmental Justice Implications?
by LaPenta, Matthew - 280891 Environmental Justice: Do Poor and Minority Populations Face More Hazards?
by Gray, Wayne B. & Shabegian, Ronald J. & Wolverton, Ann - 280890 Preliminary Stated-Preference Research on the Impact of LUST Sites on Property Values: Focus Group Results
by Alberini, Anna & Guignet, Dennis - 280889 Regulatory Impact Analyses of Environmental Justice Effects
by Banzhaf, H. Spencer - 280887 The “Social Cost of Carbon” Made Simple
by Newbold, Stephen & Griffiths, Charles & Moore, Chris & Wolverton, Ann & Kopits. Elizabeth - 280886 An Options Based Bioeconomic Model for Biological and Chemical Control of Invasive Species
by Marten, Alex L. & Moore, Christopher C. - 280885 Location Decisions of U.S. Polluting Plants: Theory, Empirical Evidence, and Consequences
by Shadbegian, Ronald & Wolverton, Ann - 280884 Allocating Land for an Ecosystem Service: A Simple Model of Nutrient Retention with an Application to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
by Simpson, R. David - 280883 Optimal Border Policies for Invasive Species under Asymmetric Information
by Fernandez, Linda & Sheriff, Glenn - 280881 The Spatial Extent of Water Quality Benefits in Urban Housing Markets
by Walsh, Patrick & Milon, J. Walter & Scrogin, David - 280880 A Hedonic Analysis of the Impact of LUST Sites on House Prices in Frederick, Baltimore, and Baltimore City Counties
by Zabel, Jeffrey & Guignet, Dennis
- 280879 Asthma Medication Use and Air Pollution In California: A Cross-Sectional Analysis
by Griffiths, Charles & Simon, Nathalie & Woodruff, Tracey - 280878 Simple Mechanisms for Managing Complex Aquifers
by Athanassoglou, Stergios & Sheriff, Glenn & Siegfried, Tobias & Huh, Woonghee Tim - 280877 Evaluating the Consumer Response to Fuel Economy: A Review of the Literature
by Helfand, Gloria & Wolverton, Ann - 280876 The Role of Demographic and Cost-Related Factors in Determining Where Plants Locate – A Tale of Two Texas Cities
by Wolverton, Ann - 280875 Spatial Patterns in Regulatory Enforcement: Local Tests of Environmental Justice
by Shadbegian, Ronald J. & Gray, Wayne B. - 280874 State Hazardous and Solid Waste Taxes: Understanding Their Variability
by Jenkins, Robin & Maguire, Kelly
- 280873 Evaluating Voluntary Programs with Spillovers: The Case of Coal Combustion Products Partnership
by Lange, Ian - 280872 Preventing Biological Invasions: Doing Something vs. Doing Nothing
by Simpson, R. David - 280871 The Green Industry: An Examination of Environmental Products Manufacturing
by Becker, Randy A. & Shadbegian, Ronald J. - 280870 Determining the Extent of Market and Extent of Resource for Stated Preference Survey Design Using Mapping Methods
by Vajjhala, Shalini P. & John, Anna Mische & Evans, David A. - 280869 Effects of Socio-Economic and Input-Related Factors on Polluting Plants’ Location Decisions
by Wolverton, Ann - 280868 Valuing Forest Protection Programs to Maximize Economic Benefit
by Moore, Christopher C. & Holmes, Thomas P. - 280867 Climate Response Uncertainty and the Expected Benefits of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions
by Newbold, Stephen C. & Daigneault, Adam - 280866 Forest Fallow Ecosystem Services: Evidence from the Eastern Amazon
by Klemick, Heather - 280865 Technology Diffusion and Environmental Regulation: The Adoption of Scrubbers by Coal-Fired Power Plants
by Frey, Elaine - 280864 Estimating Welfare Effects from Supply Shocks with Dynamic Factor Demand Models
by Daigneault, Adam & Sohngen, Brent - 280863 Technology, International Trade, and Pollution from U.S. Manufacturing
by Levinson, Arik - 280862 Redesign of the 2005 Pollution Abatement Costs and Expenditure Survey
by Gallaher, Michael P. & Morgan, Cynthia L. & Shadbegian, Ronald J.
- 280861 State Dependence and Long Term Site Capital in a Random Utility Model of Recreation Demand
by Massey, D. Matthew & Parsons, George R. - 280860 Environmental Policy Induced Input Substitution? The Case of Coking and Steam Coal
by Lange, Ian - 280859 Diving Demand for Large Ship Artificial Reefs
by Morgan, Ash & Massey, D. Matthew & Huth, William L. - 280858 Issues and Challenges in Measuring Environmental Expenditures by U.S. Manufacturing: The Redevelopment of the PACE Survey
by Becker, Randy & Shadbegian, Ron - 280857 New Research Suggests that Emissions Reductions May Be a Risky and Very Expensive Way to Avoid Dangerous Global Climate Changes
by Carlin, Alan - 280856 Evaluating the Effectiveness of EPA Voluntary Programs: An Examination of the Strategic Goals Program for Metal Finishers
by Brouble, Keith & Griffiths, Charles & Wolverton, Ann - 280855 Environmental Challenges Associated With Corn Ethanol Production
by Ogg, Clay - 280854 If Geoengineering Is The First Best Step Towards Global Climate Change Control, How Could It Best Be Implemented?
by Carlin, Alan - 280853 The Impact of Imperfect Information on the Transactions of Contaminated Properties
by Zabel, Jeffrey - 280852 Moving Beyond Cleanup: Identifying the Crucibles of Environmental Gentrification
by Banzhaf, H. Spencer & McCormik, Eleanor - 280851 Employment Effects of Brownfield Redevelopment: What Do We Know From the Literature?
by Howland, Marie
- 280850 Global Climate Control: Is There a Better Strategy Than Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions?
by Carlin, Alan - 280849 Measuring the Social Benefits of EPA Land Cleanup and Reuse Programs
by Jenkins, Robin & Kopits, Elizabeth & Simpson, David - 280848 A Note on Trasande et al., “Public Health and Economic Consequences of Methylmercury Toxicity to the Developing Brain”
by Griffiths, Charles & McGartland, Al & Miller, Maggie - 280847 Policy Innovation Impacts on Scrubber Electricity Usage
by Lange, Ian & Bellas, Allen
- 280846 Benefits and Costs from Sulfur Dioxide Trading: A Distributional Analysis
by Shabegian, Ronald J. & Gray, Wayne B. & Morgan, Cynthia L. - 280845 Improving Willingness to Pay Estimates for Quality Improvements Through Joint Estimation with Quality Perceptions
by Whitehead, John C. - 280844 Water Quality Trading in the United States
by Morgan, Cynthia & Wolverton, Ann - 280843 Comparison of the Environmental Impacts of Trade and Domestic Distortions in the United States
by Creason, Jared & Fisher, Michael & Morin, Isabelle & Stone, Susan F. - 280842 Assessing Multi-Dimensional Performances: Environmental and Economic Outcomes
by Shadbegian, Ronald J. & Gray, Wayne B. - 280841 A Technology Assessment of Light Emitting Diode (LED) Solid-State Lighting for General Illumination
by Slocum, Amanda - 280840 The Effects of Water Quality on Coastal Recreation Flounder Fishing
by Massey, Matt & Newbold, Steve & Gentner, Brad - 280839 The Economic Impacts of Aquatic Invasive Species: A Review of the Literature
by Lovell, Sabrina J. & Stone, Susan F. - 280838 Robustness of VSL Values from Contingent Valuation Surveys
by Alberini, Anna
- 280837 PACE Survey: Background, Applications, and Data Quality Issues
by Ross, Martin T. & Gallaher, Michael P. & Murray, Brian C. & Throneburg, Wanda W. & Levinson, Arik - 280836 A Change of PACE: Comparing the 1994 and 1999 Pollution Abatement Costs and Expenditures Surveys
by Becker, Randy A. & Shadbegian, Ronald J. - 280835 When and Why do Plants Comply? Paper Mills in the 1980s
by Gray, Wayne B. & Shadbegian, Ronald J. - 280834 Overview of Existing Studies on Community Impacts of Land Reuse
by Wernstedt, Kris - 280833 The Use of Voluntary Approaches for Environmental Policymaking in the U.S
by Brouhle, Keith & Griffiths, Charles & Walverton, Ann - 280832 Benefit Transfer Functions for Avoided Morbidity: A Preference Calibration Approach
by Van Houtven, George L. & Pattanayak, Subhrendu K. & Smith, V. Kerry - 280831 Characterization of Reuse Activities at Contaminated Sites
by Vitulli, Angela & Dougherty, Charlotte & Bosworth, Kimberly - 280830 Focus on Babies: Evidence on Parental Attitudes Towards Pesticide Risks
by Maguire, Kelly B. & Owens, Nicole & Simon, Nathalie B. - 280829 Willingness To Pay For Mortality Risk Reductions: Does Latency Matter?
by Alberini, Anna & Cropper, Maureen & Krupnick, Alan & Simon, Nathalie B.
- 280811 Comparing exposure metrics in the relationship between PM2.5 and birth weight in California
by Basu, Rupa & Woodruff, Tracey J. & Parker, Jennifer D. & Saulnier, Louise & Heck, Katherine & Schoendorf, Kenneth C. - 280810 The Pace of PACE at the Environmental Protection Agency
by Iovanna, Rich & Maguire, Kelly & McGartland, Al - 280809 On the Measurement of Job Risk in Hedonic Wage Models
by Black, Dan A. & Kniesner, Thomas J. - 280808 Pollution Abatement Expenditures and Plant-Level Productivity: A Production Function Approach
by Shadegian, Ronald J. & Gray, Wayne B. - 280807 The Two-Part Instrument in a Second-Best World
by Fullerton, Don & Wolverton, Ann - 280806 What Determines Environmental Performance at Paper Mills? The Roles of Abatement Spending, Regulation, and Efficiency
by Shabegian, Ronald J. & Gray, Wayne B. - 280805 Self Protection and Averting Behavior, Values of Statistical Lives, and Benefit Cost Analysis of Environmental Policy
by Blomquist, Glenn C. - 280804 Market-Based Policies for Pollution Control in Latin America
by West, Sarah & Wolverton, Ann
- 280803 Benefits Transfer Of Children’S Health Values
by Markowski, Marla - 280802 Valuing Indirect Effects From Environmental Hazards On A Child’s Life Chances
by Shogren, Jason F. - 280801 On Techniques to Value the Impact of Environmental Hazards on Children's Health
by Agee, Mark D. & Crocker, Thomas D. - 280800 Existing Literature And Recommended Strategies For Valuation Of Children'S Health Effects
by Neumann, James & Greenwood, Harriet - 280799 Data Requirements for Valuation of Children’s Health Effects and Alternatives to Valuation
by Thompson, Kimberly M. - 280798 ‘Optimal’ Pollution Abatement – Whose Benefits Matter, and How Much?
by Gray, Wayne B. & Shadbegian, Ronald J. - 280797 Host Community Compensation and Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
by Jenkins, Robin R. & Maguire, Kelly M. & Morgan, Cynthia - 280796 Willingness To Pay To Reduce A Child’S Pesticide Exposure: Evidence From The Baby Food Market
by Maguire, Kelly B. & Owens, Nicole & Simon, Nathalie B. - 280795 When Do Firms Shift Production Across States To Avoid Environmental Regulation?
by Gray, Wayne B. & Shadbegian, Ronald J. - 280794 The Future of Municipal Water Resources in the Williamette River Basin: A Basin-Level Analysis
by Dole, David & Niemi, Ernie
- 280793 Plant Vintage, Technology, and Environmental Regulation
by Gray, Wayne B. & Shadbegian, Ronald J. - 280792 Measuring the Impact of Regulation on Small Firms
by Dole, David - 280791 Estimating Individual Discount Rates in Denmark: A Field Experiment
by Harrison, Glenn W. & Lau, Morten I. & Williamss, Melonie B. - 280790 Measurement Issues and Validity Tests for Using Attitude Indicators in Contingent Valuation Research
by McClelland, Elizabeth
- 280905 A Multi-Method, Spatial Approach for Explaining the Appearance and Passage of Open Space Referenda
by Heintelman, Martin D. & Walh, Patrick J, & Grzeskowiak, Dustin J.