Undated material is presented at the end, although it may be more recent than other items
- 352160 Estimating the short-term effects and seasonal dynamics of Malawi’s 2015/16 drought on household food insecurity and child malnutrition
by Kenamu, Edwin & Colen, Liesbeth - 352159 Agroforestry as a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy: Evidence from Ghana’s Cocoa Sector
by Wätzold, Marlene Yu Lilin & Krumbiegel, Katharina & Wollni, Meike - 350117 A fruitful endeavor: Smallholders’ climate change adaptation strategies through tree species selection for planting
by Müting, Luisa & Mußhoff, Oliver
- 348447 Nitrogen and Phosphorus pollution mitigation through down-scaling cattle production in Germany
by Arcia, Karen & Cramon-Taubadel, Stephan von - 348252 Nuts about trees? – Smallholders’ diverse agroforestry systems and their relationship to groundnut yields in the Senegalese Groundnut Basin
by Müting, Luisa & Mkandawire, Petros Suzgo Kayovo & Mußhoff, Oliver - 348251 Targeted Trade Policy Instruments and Climate Change Mitigation: The Case of Environmental Provisions in Trade Agreements
by Mkandawire, Petros Suzgo Kayovo & Fiankor, Dela-Dem Doe & Brümmer, Bernhard - 348250 Sectoral Trade Effects of Heterogeneous Environmental Provisions in Trade Agreements: Exploring the Margins
by Mkandawire, Petros Suzgo Kayovo & Fiankor, Dela-Dem Doe & Martínez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada & Brümmer, Bernhard - 348143 Developing a Multidimensional Resilience Index for Farm Households: A Food System Approach
by Squarcina, Margherita & Hänsch, Juliane & Montoya Cepeda, Florena M. & Pallauf, Magdalena & Paz, Bruno & Stehl, Jonas & Wehner, Jasmin & Wollni, Meike - 347962 Women’s roles in decision-making and nutrition-sensitive agriculture
by Mohammed, Feiruz Yimer & Khonje, Makaiko G. & Qaim, Matin - 347738 Investigating market power in the German dairy industry
by Wehner, Jasmin & Feil, Jan-Henning & Yu, Xiaohua - 347737 Drivers Of The Global Thirst For Milk
by Wehner, Jasmin & Yu, Xiaohua - 344920 Much more than just an ingredient: Palm oil and its consumer perspectives in Indonesia
by Lieke, Sophie-Dorothe & Adhi, Andriyono Kilat - 344225 Cultivating Change: Exploring the Link between Certification, Dietary Quality and Women’s Empowerment among Coffee Farmers in Rwanda
by Bohn, Sophia & Wollni, Meike & Paz, Bruno - 344224 Total Factor Productivity, Deforestation, and Voluntary Sustainability Standards: Evidence from Rwandese coffee farmers
by Paz, Bruno & Dalheimer, Bernhard & Wollni, Meike - 344223 Do voluntary sustainability standards improve socioeconomic and ecological outcomes? Evidence from Ghana’s cocoa sector
by Wätzold, Marlene Yu Lilin & Abdulai, Issaka & Cooke, Amanda & Krumbiegel, Katharina & Ocampo-Ariza, Carolina & Wenzel, Arne & Wollni, Meike - 344114 Driving public support for a meat tax: Fiscal policies and behavioral interventions
by Erhard, Ainslee & Banerjee, Sanchayan & Morren, Meike - 340930 Livelihood diversification and nutrition in the Indian rural-urban interface
by Purushotham, Anjali & Steinhübel, Linda - 340816 Market Food Environments and Child Nutrition
by Vivien Huelsen & Makaiko Gonapanyanja Khonje & Matin Qaim
- 322717 The Indian Enigma revisited
by Von Grafenstein, Liza & Klasen, Stephan & Hoddinott, John
- 317123 Information Source and Content – Drivers for Consumers’ Valuation of Fairly Traded Foods
by von Grafenstein, Liza & Iweala, Sarah & Ruml, Anette
- 352153 Promoting Sustainable Coffee Production: A Comparison of Economic and Ecological Indicators Under In-House and Third-Party Sustainability Standards in Rwanda
by Paz, Bruno & Wollni, Meike & Maertens, Miet & Ocampo-Ariza, Carolina & Wenzel, Arne - 352152 “Behind organic cocoa, there stands a woman’s time”: Organic cocoa production and women’s empowerment in Peru
by Santalucia, Simone & Wollni, Meike