Report NEP-TRE-2021-10-18
This is the archive for NEP-TRE, a report on new working papers in the area of Transport Economics. Erik Teodoor Verhoef issued this report. It is usually issued weekly.Subscribe to this report: email, RSS, or Mastodon.
Other reports in NEP-TRE
The following items were announced in this report:
- Sanquinetti, Angela PhD & DePew, Ashley & Hirschfelt, Kate & Ross, Cindy & Khoe, Ethan & Ferguson, Beth, 2021. "Practitioner Guide: An Inventory of Vehicle Design Strategies Aimed at Reducing COVID-19 Transmission in Public and Private Pooled and Shared Transportation," Institute of Transportation Studies, Working Paper Series qt0w34725q, Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis.
- Itf, 2021. "Data-driven Transport Infrastructure Maintenance," International Transport Forum Policy Papers 95, OECD Publishing.
- Sanguinetti, Angela PhD & DePew, Ashley & Hirschfelt, Kate & Ross, Cindy & Khoe, Ethan & Ferguson, Beth, 2021. "Pooled and Shared Travel in the Wake of the Pandemic: An Inventory and User and Expert Assessments of Vehicle Design Strategies to Mitigate Risk of Disease Transmission," Institute of Transportation Studies, Working Paper Series qt1484f46j, Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis.
- Hintermann, Beat & Schoeman, Beaumont & Molloy, Joseph & Götschi, Thomas & Castro, Alberto & Tchervenkov, Christopher & Tomic, Uros & Axhausen, Kay W., 2021. "Pigovian Transport Pricing in Practice," Working papers 2021/11, Faculty of Business and Economics - University of Basel.
- André de Palma & Nathalie Picard & Robin Lindsey, 2021. "Activity and Transportation Decisions within Households," THEMA Working Papers 2021-18, THEMA (THéorie Economique, Modélisation et Applications), Université de Cergy-Pontoise.
- Lea, Jon & Harvey, John PhD, 2021. "Pavement Environmental Life Cycle Assessment Tool for Local Governments," Institute of Transportation Studies, Working Paper Series qt1nm5c9gp, Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis.
- Jourquin, Bart & Demilie, Laurent & Beuthe, Michel, 2021. "Impact of Transportation Cost Variations on the Relative Market Shares for Different Transportation Modes: A Network Model," 31st Annual Canadian Transportation Research Forum, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 26-29, 1996 314680, Canadian Transportation Research Forum (CTRF).
- Hybel, Jesper & Mulalic, Ismir, 2021. "Transportation and Quality of Life: Evidence from Denmark," Working Papers 14-2021, Copenhagen Business School, Department of Economics.
- Jourquin, Bart & Demilie, Laurent & Beuthe, Michel, 2021. "Impact of Transportation Cost Variations on the Relative Market Shares for Different Transportation Modes: A Network Model," Papers 314680, Canadian Transportation Research Forum (CTRF).