Report NEP-MKT-2006-02-05
This is the archive for NEP-MKT, a report on new working papers in the area of Marketing. Joao Carlos Correia Leitao issued this report. It is usually issued weekly.Subscribe to this report: email, RSS, or Mastodon.
Other reports in NEP-MKT
The following items were announced in this report:
- Ioana Chioveanu, 2005. "Advertising, Brand Loyalty And Pricing," Working Papers. Serie AD 2005-32, Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas, S.A. (Ivie).
- Christos Liouris & Alex Deffner, 2005. "City marketing - a significant planning tool for urban development in a globalised economy," ERSA conference papers ersa05p395, European Regional Science Association.
- Alex Deffner & Theodore Metaxas, 2005. "Shaping the vision, the identity and the cultural image of European places," ERSA conference papers ersa05p696, European Regional Science Association.
- Jesse Weltevreden & Karlijn De Kruijf & Oedzge Atzema & Koen Frenken & Frank Van Oort, 2005. "The b2c e-commerce landscape of the Dutch retail sector," ERSA conference papers ersa05p228, European Regional Science Association.
- Sendy Farag & Tim Schwanen & Martin Dijst, 2005. "Shopping online and/or in-store? A structural equation model of the relationships between e-shopping and in-store shopping," ERSA conference papers ersa05p283, European Regional Science Association.
- Jianquan Cheng & Frank Le Clercq & Luca Bertolini, 2005. "Understanding urban networks through accessibility," ERSA conference papers ersa05p797, European Regional Science Association.
- Carlo Tesauro, 2005. "Citizens And Institutions Between Computers And Internet - An Empyrical Evidence From The Italian Case," ERSA conference papers ersa05p476, European Regional Science Association.
- Juan Luis Nicolau, 2005. "Modelización De Un Proceso De Elección Secuencial En Cuatro Etapas Del Consumidor Turista," Working Papers. Serie EC 2005-17, Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas, S.A. (Ivie).
- Helge Sanner, 2005. "Economy vs History - What Does Actually Determine the Distribution of Shops' Locations in Cities?," ERSA conference papers ersa05p175, European Regional Science Association.
- Margarita Tejera Gil & Santiago Rodriguez Feijoó & Alejandro Rodriguez Caro & Delia Davila Quintana, 2005. "Consumerâ’S Satisfaction - Explanatory Models," ERSA conference papers ersa05p565, European Regional Science Association.
- Rossana Galdini, 2005. "Urban Regeneration Process - The Case Of Genoa, An Example Of Integrated Urban Development Approach," ERSA conference papers ersa05p426, European Regional Science Association.
- Jan Ritsema van Eck & Femke Daalhuizen & Lia Van den Broek & Frank Van Oort & Otto Raspe, 2005. "The Randstad as a Network City," ERSA conference papers ersa05p543, European Regional Science Association.
- Edward S. Knotek, 2005. "Convenient prices, currency, and nominal rigidity : theory with evidence from newspaper prices," Research Working Paper RWP 05-11, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.