Report NEP-HPE-2001-10-22
This is the archive for NEP-HPE, a report on new working papers in the area of History and Philosophy of Economics. Erik Thomson issued this report. It is usually issued weekly.Subscribe to this report: email, RSS, or Mastodon.
Other reports in NEP-HPE
The following items were announced in this report:
- Malcolm Rutherford, 2001. "Walton Hamilton, Amherst, and the Brookings Graduate School: Institutonal Economics and Education," Department Discussion Papers 0104, Department of Economics, University of Victoria.
- H. P. Nzitat, 2001. "From Equality to Inequality : The Diamond-Sen Criticism of Harsanyi's Criterion of Social Justice," THEMA Working Papers 2001-12, THEMA (THéorie Economique, Modélisation et Applications), Université de Cergy-Pontoise.
- P. Mongin, 2000. "Is there progress in normative economics ?," THEMA Working Papers 2000-37, THEMA (THéorie Economique, Modélisation et Applications), Université de Cergy-Pontoise.
- J. J. Herings & A. Mauleon & V. Vannetelbosch, 2000. "Social Rationalizability," THEMA Working Papers 2000-36, THEMA (THéorie Economique, Modélisation et Applications), Université de Cergy-Pontoise.
- Edwin G. West, 2001. "Property Rights in the History of Economic Thought: From Locke to J.S. Mill," Carleton Economic Papers 01-01, Carleton University, Department of Economics, revised 2003.
- D. Maguain, 2000. "Les théories de la justice distributive post-rawlsiennes : une revue de la littérature," THEMA Working Papers 2000-54, THEMA (THéorie Economique, Modélisation et Applications), Université de Cergy-Pontoise.
- Malcolm Rutherford, 2001. "Institutional Economics at Columbia University," Department Discussion Papers 0103, Department of Economics, University of Victoria.