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Gabriel Galvez-Behar

Personal Details

First Name:Gabriel
Middle Name:
Last Name:Galvez-Behar
RePEc Short-ID:pga377
[This author has chosen not to make the email address public]
Université Lille 3 Domaine universitaire "Pont de Bois" BP 60149 F-59653 VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ CEDEX FRANCE


Université de Lille, Institut de recherches historiques du Septentrion
France, Villeneuve d'Ascq

Research output

Jump to: Working papers Articles

Working papers

  1. Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2020. "Posséder la science," Post-Print halshs-02977158, HAL.
  2. Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2020. "The 1883 Paris Convention and the Impossible Unification of Industrial Property," Post-Print halshs-01009953, HAL.
  3. Gabriel Galvez-Behar & Philippe Lefebvre, 2019. "Les entreprises et les temps de la globalisation," Post-Print hal-02444054, HAL.
  4. Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2019. "The impossible institutionalization of scientific property, 1919-1939 [L’impossible institutionnalisation de la propriété scientifique, 1919-1939]," Post-Print halshs-02077645, HAL.
  5. Jean-Philippe Robé & Patrick Verley & Gabriel Galvez-Behar & Philippe Lefebvre, 2019. "Globalisation, régulation et transformations des entreprises," Post-Print hal-02444063, HAL.
  6. Gabriel Galvez-Behar & Philippe Lefebvre, 2019. "Globalisation et transformations des entreprises," Post-Print halshs-04169309, HAL.
  7. Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2019. "The Patent System during the French Industrial Revolution: Institutional Change and Economic Effects," Post-Print halshs-00544730, HAL.
  8. Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2018. "Louis Pasteur ou l’entreprise scientifique au temps du capitalisme industriel," Post-Print halshs-01267638, HAL.
  9. Joris Mercelis & Gabriel Galvez-Behar & Anna Guagnini, 2017. "Commercializing science: nineteenth- and twentieth-century academic scientists as consultants, patentees, and entrepreneurs," Post-Print halshs-01551865, HAL.
  10. Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2017. "Institutional enterprise as a compromise: the national organization of science in France," Post-Print halshs-01588819, HAL.
  11. R. Daniel Wadhwani & Gabriel Galvez-Behar & Joris Mercelis & Anna Guagnini, 2017. "Academic entrepreneurship and institutional change in historical perspective," Post-Print halshs-01579970, HAL.
  12. Gabriel Galvez-Behar & Shigehiro Nishimura, 2016. "Managing Industrial Property : some Historical Perspectives," Post-Print halshs-01309353, HAL.
  13. Gabriel Galvez-Behar & Shigehiro Nishimura, 2016. "The management of industrial property [Le management de la propriété industrielle]," Post-Print halshs-01309348, HAL.
  14. Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2016. "Managing scientific patenting in French research organizations (1916-1951)," Post-Print halshs-01309362, HAL.
  15. Gabriel Galvez-Behar & Armand Hatchuel & Odile Henry & Ellen O'Connor & Blanche Segrestin, 2016. "L’innovation a-t-elle joué un rôle dans la naissance de l’administrative science ?," Post-Print hal-01336831, HAL.
  16. Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2015. "Patents and the market for technology in the early 19th century France," Post-Print hal-01222137, HAL.
  17. Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2014. "Les " communs informationnels ". Un point de vue d'historien," Post-Print halshs-01009282, HAL.
  18. Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2013. "The "French connection": French Scientists and International Debates on Scientific Property during the Interwar Period," Post-Print halshs-00839580, HAL.
  19. Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2011. "Externalisation et contractualisation de la recherche : le cas de Clément Ader," Post-Print halshs-00008324, HAL.
  20. Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2011. "Controverses et paradoxes dans l'Europe des brevets au XIXe siècle," Post-Print halshs-00568016, HAL.
  21. Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2011. "The Propertisation of Science," Post-Print halshs-00633786, HAL.
  22. Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2010. "Aux origines de la propriété scientifique : auctorialité scientifique et propriété intellectuelle au XIXe siècle," Post-Print halshs-00628341, HAL.
  23. Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2009. "Les faux-semblants du droit de l'inventeur ou l'examen clandestin des brevets d'invention dans la France de la Belle Époque," Post-Print halshs-00433812, HAL.
  24. Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2008. "La République des inventeurs," Post-Print halshs-00339140, HAL.
  25. Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2007. "De la contrefaçon au marché : les leçons de Louis Renault," Post-Print halshs-00008334, HAL.
  26. Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2007. "Brevet d'invention," Post-Print halshs-00186641, HAL.
  27. Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2006. "Mediators at the heart of the innovation system: patent agents in France (1870-1914) [Des médiateurs au cœur du système d'innovation : les agents de brevets en France (1870-1914)]," Post-Print halshs-00008336, HAL.
  28. Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2006. "L'Etat et l'invention. Une comparaison franco-allemande des cadres de la propriété industrielle à la fin du XIXè siècle," Post-Print halshs-00010217, HAL.
  29. Gabriel Galvez-Behar & Anna Guagnini, 2005. "Patent agents and the multifaceted business of "translation"," Post-Print halshs-00008330, HAL.
  30. Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2004. "Technical Networks at Schneider," Post-Print halshs-00008976, HAL.
  31. Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2001. "Des brevets à l'examen. Le rôle du Comité consultatif des arts et manufactures dans la prise de brevets au début du XXe siècle," Post-Print halshs-00008340, HAL.
  32. Alain Beltran & Sophie Chauveau & Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2001. "Des brevets et des marques," Post-Print halshs-00007706, HAL.


  1. Galvez-Behar Gabriel, 2019. "The Patent System during the French Industrial Revolution: Institutional Change and Economic Effects," Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook, De Gruyter, vol. 60(1), pages 31-56, May.


Many of the citations below have been collected in an experimental project, CitEc, where a more detailed citation analysis can be found. These are citations from works listed in RePEc that could be analyzed mechanically. So far, only a minority of all works could be analyzed. See under "Corrections" how you can help improve the citation analysis.

Working papers

  1. Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2019. "The Patent System during the French Industrial Revolution: Institutional Change and Economic Effects," Post-Print halshs-00544730, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Nuvolari, Alessandro & Tortorici, Gaspare & Vasta, Michelangelo, 2023. "British-French Technology Transfer from the Revolution to Louis Philippe (1791–1844): Evidence from Patent Data," The Journal of Economic History, Cambridge University Press, vol. 83(3), pages 833-873, September.

  2. R. Daniel Wadhwani & Gabriel Galvez-Behar & Joris Mercelis & Anna Guagnini, 2017. "Academic entrepreneurship and institutional change in historical perspective," Post-Print halshs-01579970, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Libena Tetrevova & Jan Vavra & Simona Munzarova, 2021. "Communication of Socially-Responsible Activities by Higher Education Institutions," Sustainability, MDPI, vol. 13(2), pages 1-17, January.
    2. Irene Sala & Maurizio Sobrero, 2021. "Games of policy and practice: multi-level dynamics and the role of universities in knowledge transfer processes," The Journal of Technology Transfer, Springer, vol. 46(4), pages 866-906, August.

  3. Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2008. "La République des inventeurs," Post-Print halshs-00339140, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Christian Bessy, 2020. "La concurrence-coopération des avocats et des conseils en propriété industrielle," Working Papers hal-03034065, HAL.
    2. Patricio Sáiz & Rubén Amengual, 2018. "Do patents enable disclosure? Strategic innovation management of the four-stroke engine," Industrial and Corporate Change, Oxford University Press and the Associazione ICC, vol. 27(6), pages 975-997.
    3. Saiz, Patricio & Amengual, Rafael, 2016. "Knowledge Disclosure, Patent Management, and the Four-Stroke Engine Business," Working Papers in Economic History 2016/02, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain), Department of Economic Analysis (Economic Theory and Economic History).
    4. B. Zorina Khan, 2015. "Invisible Women: Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Family Firms in France during Early Industrialization," NBER Working Papers 20854, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
    5. Bottomley, Sean, 2014. "Patents and the first industrial revolution in the United States, France and Britain, 1700-1850," IAST Working Papers 14-14, Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse (IAST).

  4. Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2006. "Mediators at the heart of the innovation system: patent agents in France (1870-1914) [Des médiateurs au cœur du système d'innovation : les agents de brevets en France (1870-1914)]," Post-Print halshs-00008336, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Saiz, Patricio & Amengual, Rafael, 2016. "Knowledge Disclosure, Patent Management, and the Four-Stroke Engine Business," Working Papers in Economic History 2016/02, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain), Department of Economic Analysis (Economic Theory and Economic History).

  5. Alain Beltran & Sophie Chauveau & Gabriel Galvez-Behar, 2001. "Des brevets et des marques," Post-Print halshs-00007706, HAL.

    Cited by:

    1. Paul Duguid & Teresa da Silva Lopes & John Mercer, 2008. "Shifting Patterns in Marks and Registration: France, the United States and United Kingdom, 1870-1970," Working Papers 21, Queen Mary, University of London, School of Business and Management, Centre for Globalisation Research.
    2. Claude DIEBOLT & Karine PELLIER, 2018. "Patents in the Long Run: Theory, History and Statistics," Working Papers of BETA 2018-20, Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée, UDS, Strasbourg.
    3. Ion ANGHEL & Anca Maria HRISTEA, 2018. "Private brand – differentiating concept and source of stimulation of the Romanian retail trade," Theoretical and Applied Economics, Asociatia Generala a Economistilor din Romania / Editura Economica, vol. 0(3(616), A), pages 5-24, Autumn.
    4. Claude Diebolt & Karine Pellier, 2010. "La dynamique structurelle et spatiale des systèmes de brevets. Une comparaison France, Allemagne, Royaume-Uni, Etats-Unis et Japon : 1617-2006," Working Papers 10-05, Association Française de Cliométrie (AFC).
    5. Claude Diebolt & Karine Pellier, 2022. "Patents in the Long Run : Theory, History and Statistics," Working Papers hal-02929514, HAL.


  1. Galvez-Behar Gabriel, 2019. "The Patent System during the French Industrial Revolution: Institutional Change and Economic Effects," Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook, De Gruyter, vol. 60(1), pages 31-56, May. See citations under working paper version above.Sorry, no citations of articles recorded.

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NEP Fields

NEP is an announcement service for new working papers, with a weekly report in each of many fields. This author has had 11 papers announced in NEP. These are the fields, ordered by number of announcements, along with their dates. If the author is listed in the directory of specialists for this field, a link is also provided.
  1. NEP-HIS: Business, Economic and Financial History (9) 2006-10-21 2011-11-01 2013-07-15 2014-07-05 2015-11-15 2016-10-02 2019-04-15 2019-06-24 2019-10-21. Author is listed
  2. NEP-INO: Innovation (4) 2011-11-01 2014-07-05 2015-11-15 2016-10-02
  3. NEP-HPE: History and Philosophy of Economics (3) 2011-10-15 2011-11-01 2019-04-15
  4. NEP-IPR: Intellectual Property Rights (3) 2011-11-01 2014-07-05 2019-06-24
  5. NEP-LAW: Law and Economics (2) 2014-07-05 2015-11-15
  6. NEP-HME: Heterodox Microeconomics (1) 2019-10-21
  7. NEP-KNM: Knowledge Management and Knowledge Economy (1) 2016-10-02
  8. NEP-SOG: Sociology of Economics (1) 2011-11-01


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