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Massimiliano Serati

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First Name:Massimiliano
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Last Name:Serati
RePEc Short-ID:pse16


Università Carlo Cattaneo (LIUC)

Castellanza, Italy
RePEc:edi:liuccit (more details at EDIRC)

Research output

Jump to: Working papers Articles

Working papers

  1. Andrea Venegoni & Massimiliano Serati, 2017. "The Symmetry of ECB Monetary Policy Impact Under Scrutiny: An Assessment," LIUC Papers in Economics 306, Cattaneo University (LIUC).
  2. Fausto Pacicco & Massimiliano Serati, 2017. "A proposal for a micro-territorial well-being index: the WIT," LIUC Papers in Economics 307, Cattaneo University (LIUC).
  3. Massimiliano Serati & Matteo Manera & Michele Plotegher, 2008. "Modelling electricity prices: from the state of the art to a draft of a new proposal," LIUC Papers in Economics 210, Cattaneo University (LIUC).
  4. Massimiliano Serati & Michela Martinoia, 2008. "The East-West migration in Europe: skill levels of migrants and their effects on the european labour market," LIUC Papers in Economics 208, Cattaneo University (LIUC).
  5. Massimiliano Serati & Gianni Amisano, 2008. "Building composite leading indexes in a dynamic factor model framework: a new proposal," LIUC Papers in Economics 212, Cattaneo University (LIUC).
  6. Massimiliano Serati, 2008. "Trade and quality: theoretical and empirical evidence for the euro zone," LIUC Papers in Economics 206, Cattaneo University (LIUC).
  7. Gianni Amisano & Massimiliano Serati, 2003. "Unemployment persistence in Italy. An econometric analysis with multivariate time varying parameter models," LIUC Papers in Economics 121, Cattaneo University (LIUC).
  8. Massimiliano Serati & Gianni Amisano, 2003. "Unemployment and labour taxation: an econometric analysis," LIUC Papers in Economics 122, Cattaneo University (LIUC).
  9. Gianni Amisano & Massimiliano Serati, 2002. "What goes up sometimes stays up: shocks and institutions as determinants of unemployment persistence," LIUC Papers in Economics 111, Cattaneo University (LIUC).
  10. Rodolfo Helg & Massimiliano Serati, 2000. "The speed of adjustment to PPP: is there any puzzle?," LIUC Papers in Economics 74, Cattaneo University (LIUC).
  11. Massimiliano Serati, 1999. "The introduction of a basic income: a fruitful chance or an insidious trap for the italian labour market? An econometric analysis of the italian case," LIUC Papers in Economics 60, Cattaneo University (LIUC).
  12. Rodolfo Helg & Massimiliano Serati, "undated". "Does the PPP need the UIP?," Working Papers 97, IGIER (Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research), Bocconi University.


  1. Pacicco, Fausto & Serati, Massimiliano & Venegoni, Andrea, 2022. "The Euro Area credit crunch conundrum: Was it demand or supply driven?," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 106(C).
  2. Comerio, Niccolò & Pacicco, Fausto & Serati, Massimiliano, 2020. "An analysis of sub-national tourism in Japan: Tourist and economic spillovers and their determinants," Annals of Tourism Research, Elsevier, vol. 85(C).
  3. Serati, Massimiliano & Venegoni, Andrea, 2019. "The cross-country impact of ECB policies: Asymmetries in – Asymmetries out?," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 90(C), pages 118-141.
  4. Massimiliano Serati & Andrea Venegoni, 2018. "Drivers of migration flows for companies: an integrated analysis," RIEDS - Rivista Italiana di Economia, Demografia e Statistica - The Italian Journal of Economic, Demographic and Statistical Studies, SIEDS Societa' Italiana di Economia Demografia e Statistica, vol. 72(3), pages 53-64, July-Sept.
  5. Massimiliano Serati & Fausto Pacicco, 2018. "A proposal for a micro-territorial well-being index: the WIT," RIEDS - Rivista Italiana di Economia, Demografia e Statistica - The Italian Journal of Economic, Demographic and Statistical Studies, SIEDS Societa' Italiana di Economia Demografia e Statistica, vol. 72(3), pages 77-99, July-Sept.
  6. Ziliotto, Arianna & Serati, Massimiliano, 2015. "The semi-strong efficiency debate: In search of a new testing framework," Research in International Business and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 34(C), pages 412-438.
  7. Gianni Amisano & Massimiliano Serati, 2003. "What goes up sometimes stays up: shocks and institutions as determinants of unemployment persistence," Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Scottish Economic Society, vol. 50(4), pages 440-470, September.


Many of the citations below have been collected in an experimental project, CitEc, where a more detailed citation analysis can be found. These are citations from works listed in RePEc that could be analyzed mechanically. So far, only a minority of all works could be analyzed. See under "Corrections" how you can help improve the citation analysis.

Working papers

  1. Andrea Venegoni & Massimiliano Serati, 2017. "The Symmetry of ECB Monetary Policy Impact Under Scrutiny: An Assessment," LIUC Papers in Economics 306, Cattaneo University (LIUC).

    Cited by:

    1. Gonçalves, Tiago & Barros, Victor & Serra, Gonçalo, 2022. "Political elections uncertainty and earnings management: Does firm size really matter?," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 214(C).
    2. Fausto Pacicco & Luigi Vena & Andrea Venegoni, 2017. "Market Reactions to ECB Policy Innovations: A Cross-Country Analysis," LIUC Papers in Economics 2017-4, Cattaneo University (LIUC).

  2. Fausto Pacicco & Massimiliano Serati, 2017. "A proposal for a micro-territorial well-being index: the WIT," LIUC Papers in Economics 307, Cattaneo University (LIUC).

    Cited by:

    1. Fausto Pacicco & Massimiliano Serati, 2017. "A proposal for a micro-territorial well-being index: the WIT," LIUC Papers in Economics 307, Cattaneo University (LIUC).

  3. Massimiliano Serati & Matteo Manera & Michele Plotegher, 2008. "Modelling electricity prices: from the state of the art to a draft of a new proposal," LIUC Papers in Economics 210, Cattaneo University (LIUC).

    Cited by:

    1. Davide Pirino & Roberto Renò, 2010. "Electricity Prices: A Nonparametric Approach," International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance (IJTAF), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., vol. 13(02), pages 285-299.
    2. Serinaldi, Francesco, 2011. "Distributional modeling and short-term forecasting of electricity prices by Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 33(6), pages 1216-1226.
    3. Niels Haldrup & Oskar Knapik & Tommaso Proietti, 2016. "A generalized exponential time series regression model for electricity prices," CREATES Research Papers 2016-08, Department of Economics and Business Economics, Aarhus University.
    4. Mauro Bernardi & Francesco Lisi, 2020. "Point and Interval Forecasting of Zonal Electricity Prices and Demand Using Heteroscedastic Models: The IPEX Case," Energies, MDPI, vol. 13(23), pages 1-34, November.
    5. Bordignon, Silvano & Bunn, Derek W. & Lisi, Francesco & Nan, Fany, 2013. "Combining day-ahead forecasts for British electricity prices," Energy Economics, Elsevier, vol. 35(C), pages 88-103.

  4. Gianni Amisano & Massimiliano Serati, 2002. "What goes up sometimes stays up: shocks and institutions as determinants of unemployment persistence," LIUC Papers in Economics 111, Cattaneo University (LIUC).

    Cited by:

    1. Ghafar, Aiman & Masih, Mansur, 2017. "The unemployment rate and its determinants: the Malaysian case," MPRA Paper 110220, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    2. Alexander Mihailov & Giovanni Razzu & Zhe Wang, 2019. "Heterogeneous effects of single monetary policy on unemployment rates in the largest EMU economies," Economics Discussion Papers em-dp2019-07, Department of Economics, University of Reading.
    3. Sunde, Tafirenyika & Akanbi, Olusegun Ayodele, 2016. "The Dynamic Effects of Monetary Policy on Real Variables in Namibia," African Journal of Economic Review, African Journal of Economic Review, vol. 4(1), January.
    4. Juan José Echavarría & Enrique López & Sergio Ocampo, 2011. "Choques, instituciones laborales y desempleo en Colombia," Revista ESPE - Ensayos sobre Política Económica, Banco de la Republica de Colombia, vol. 29(66), pages 128-173, December.
    5. Bella Gabriel Di & Grigoli Francesco & Ramírez Francisco, 2020. "Is unemployment on steroids in advanced economies?," The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, De Gruyter, vol. 20(1), pages 1-17, January.
    6. Annika Alexius & Bertil Holmlund, 2007. "Monetary Policy and Swedish Unemployment Fluctuations," CESifo Working Paper Series 2044, CESifo.
    7. Arshad, Sumera & Ali, Amjad, 2016. "Trade-off between Inflation, Interest and Unemployment Rate of Pakistan: Revisited," MPRA Paper 78101, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    8. Sunde, Tafirenyika & Akanbi, Olusegun Ayodele, 2015. "Sources of unemployment in Namibia: an application of the structural VAR approach," MPRA Paper 86578, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    9. Massimiliano Serati & Michela Martinoia, 2008. "The East-West migration in Europe: skill levels of migrants and their effects on the european labour market," LIUC Papers in Economics 208, Cattaneo University (LIUC).
    10. Andrea Vaona, 2015. "Anomalous empirical evidence on money long-run super-neutrality and the vertical long-run Phillips curve," Working Papers 17/2015, University of Verona, Department of Economics.
    11. Tafirenyika SUNDE, 2015. "The effects of monetary policy on unemployment in Namibia," Journal of Economic and Social Thought, KSP Journals, vol. 2(4), pages 256-274, December.
    12. Monastiriotis, Vassilis, 2006. "Macro-determinants of UK regional unemployment and the role of employment flexibility," MPRA Paper 44, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    13. BATTISTI,Michele, 2006. "Assessing persistence in the Italian rate of unemployment in presence of structural breaks and regional asymmetries, 1977 to 2004," Applied Econometrics and International Development, Euro-American Association of Economic Development, vol. 6(3).
    14. Massimiliano Serati & Gianni Amisano, 2003. "Unemployment and labour taxation: an econometric analysis," LIUC Papers in Economics 122, Cattaneo University (LIUC).
    15. Hjelm, Göran & Jönsson, Kristian, 2010. "In Search of a Method for Measuring the Output Gap of the Swedish Economy," Working Papers 115, National Institute of Economic Research.
    16. Andrea Bassanini & Romain Duval, 2006. "The Determinants of Unemployment across OECD Countries," Post-Print halshs-00120584, HAL.

  5. Rodolfo Helg & Massimiliano Serati, "undated". "Does the PPP need the UIP?," Working Papers 97, IGIER (Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research), Bocconi University.

    Cited by:

    1. Jaramillo Franco, Miguel & Serván Lozano, Sergio, 2012. "Modeling exchange rate dynamics in Peru: A cointegration approach using the UIP and PPP," MPRA Paper 70772, University Library of Munich, Germany.
    2. Hafsa Hina & Abdul Qayyum, 2015. "Re-estimation of Keynesian Model by Considering Critical Events and Multiple Cointegrating Vectors," The Pakistan Development Review, Pakistan Institute of Development Economics, vol. 54(2), pages 123-145.
    3. Hina, Hafsa & Qayyum, Abdul, 2013. "Estimation of Keynesian Exchange Rate Model of Pakistan by Considering Critical Events and Multiple Cointegrating Vectors," MPRA Paper 52611, University Library of Munich, Germany.


  1. Serati, Massimiliano & Venegoni, Andrea, 2019. "The cross-country impact of ECB policies: Asymmetries in – Asymmetries out?," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 90(C), pages 118-141.

    Cited by:

    1. Ghnaya, Nejma & Bouzir, Aida & Benammou, Saloua, 2022. "Asymmetry and Correlation of Macroeconomic Shocks: Adjustments within Heterogeneous Union," Asian Journal of Applied Economics, Kasetsart University, Center for Applied Economics Research, vol. 29(1).
    2. Pacicco, Fausto & Serati, Massimiliano & Venegoni, Andrea, 2022. "The Euro Area credit crunch conundrum: Was it demand or supply driven?," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 106(C).
    3. David KRIZEK & Josef BRCAK, 2021. "Support for export as a non-standard Central Bank policy: foreign exchange interventions in the case of the Czech Republic," Eastern Journal of European Studies, Centre for European Studies, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, vol. 12, pages 191-218, June.
    4. Apostolakis, Georgios N. & Giannellis, Nikolaos & Papadopoulos, Athanasios P., 2019. "Financial stress and asymmetric shocks transmission within the Eurozone. How fragile is the common monetary policy?," The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 50(C).

  2. Massimiliano Serati & Fausto Pacicco, 2018. "A proposal for a micro-territorial well-being index: the WIT," RIEDS - Rivista Italiana di Economia, Demografia e Statistica - The Italian Journal of Economic, Demographic and Statistical Studies, SIEDS Societa' Italiana di Economia Demografia e Statistica, vol. 72(3), pages 77-99, July-Sept.
    See citations under working paper version above.
  3. Gianni Amisano & Massimiliano Serati, 2003. "What goes up sometimes stays up: shocks and institutions as determinants of unemployment persistence," Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Scottish Economic Society, vol. 50(4), pages 440-470, September. See citations under working paper version above.

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NEP is an announcement service for new working papers, with a weekly report in each of many fields. This author has had 10 papers announced in NEP. These are the fields, ordered by number of announcements, along with their dates. If the author is listed in the directory of specialists for this field, a link is also provided.
  1. NEP-FOR: Forecasting (3) 2008-07-14 2008-07-14 2009-01-17
  2. NEP-LAB: Labour Economics (3) 2003-07-10 2003-07-10 2008-07-14
  3. NEP-MAC: Macroeconomics (3) 2002-07-31 2002-07-31 2008-07-14
  4. NEP-EEC: European Economics (2) 2008-07-14 2017-03-12
  5. NEP-ENE: Energy Economics (2) 2008-07-14 2009-01-17
  6. NEP-CBA: Central Banking (1) 2017-03-12
  7. NEP-ECM: Econometrics (1) 2008-07-14
  8. NEP-ETS: Econometric Time Series (1) 2008-07-14
  9. NEP-HAP: Economics of Happiness (1) 2017-04-02
  10. NEP-INT: International Trade (1) 2008-07-14
  11. NEP-MIG: Economics of Human Migration (1) 2008-07-14
  12. NEP-MON: Monetary Economics (1) 2017-03-12
  13. NEP-OPM: Open Economy Macroeconomics (1) 2008-07-14


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