Beatrix Heintze, Alfred Schachtzabels Reise nach Angola 1913–1914 und seine Sammlungen für das Museum für Völkerkunde in Berlin: Rekonstruktion einer ethnographischen Quelle (Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, Cologne, 1995), 378 pp., maps, illustrations, ISBN 3–927620–21–1. Beatrix Heintze, Studien zur Geschichte Angolas im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert. Ein Lesebuch (Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, Cologne, 1996), 327 pp., maps, illustrations, index, ISBN 3–927620–96–3. Jürgen Braun, Eine deutsche Karriere. Die Biographie des Ethnologen Hermann Baumann (1902–1972) (Akademischer Verlag, Munich, 1995), iv + 138 pp., ISBN 3–929115–50–6. Tomm Kristiansen, Mor Afrika (J.W. Cappelens Forlag A/S, Oslo, Second Ed., 1994), 395 pp., maps, ISBN 82–02–15713–7. Renato Aguilar and Åsa Stenman, Angola 1995. Let's try again (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Stockholm, 1995), 54 pp. Peter Gibbon, Yusuf Bangura and Arve Ofstad (eds), Authoritarianism, Democracy and Adjustment. The Politics of Economic Reform in Africa (Nordiska Afrikainsti‐tutet, Uppsala, 1992), 236 pp., ISBN 91–7106–323–4. Carl Fredrik Hallencreutz and Mai Palmberg (eds), Religion and Politics in Southern Africa (Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala, 1991), 219 pp., illustrations, ISBN 91–7106–312–9. Toby Lanzer, The UN Department of Humanitarian Affairs in Angola. A Model for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance? (Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala, 1996), 41 pp., ISBN 91–7106–385–4. [Alex Vines and] Human Rights Watch, Angola Between War and Peace. Arms Trade and Human Rights Abuses since the Lusaka Protocol (Human Rights Watch, New York and Washington, 1996), 43 pp. Ricardo Teixeira Duarte, Northern Mozambique in the Swahili World. An Archeolog‐ical Approach (Uppsala University, Department of Archeology, Uppsala, 1993), 154 pp., illustrations, ISBN 91–506–0899–1. Robin Law (ed), From Slave Trade to ‘Legitimate’ Commerce. The Commercial Transition in Nineteenth‐Century West Africa (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995), xi + 278 pp., index, maps, ISBN 0–521–481279. Manolo Garcia Florentino, Em costas negras: urna história do tráfico atlântico de escravos entre a África e o Rio de Janeiro (Sécalos XVIII e XIX) (Arquivo Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, 1995), 300 pp., graphs, ISBN 85–7009–015–3. ‘Benigno’ (Dariel Alarcón Ramírez) and Jean‐Baptiste Grasset, Vie et mort de la révolution cubaine (Fayard, Paris, 1996), 300 pp., ISBN 2–213–59638–7. Sean Kelly, America's Tyrant. The CIA and Mobutu of Zaire (The American University Press, Washington, 1993), xviii + 275 pp., maps, index, ISBN 1–879383–17–9. Lusotopie, Transitions libérales en Afrique lusophone (Karthala, Paris, 1995), 411 pp., ISBN 2–86537–618–4. Nicolas Monnier, Stratégie missionnaire et tactiques d'appropriation indigènes: la Mission Romande au Mozambique 1888–1896 (Le Fait Missionaire, Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, 1995), 85 pp., maps, ISSN 1420–2018. Farida Karodia, A Shattering of Silence (Heinemann Educational, Oxford, 1993), 216 pp., ISBN 0–435–90593–7. Alex Vines, Renamo: From Terrorism to Democracy in Mozambique?, Second Revised Ed. (James Currey, London, 1996), xii + 209 pp., maps, index, ISBN 0–85255–355–2. David Hoile (ed), Mozambique 1962–1993: A Political Chronology (The Mozambican Institute, London, 1994), viii + 234 pp., maps, index, ISBN 1–874–162–654. Daniel Jouanneau, Le Mozambique (Karthala, Paris, 1995), 203 pp., illustrations, ISBN 2–86537–553–6. Shubi Lugemalila Ishemo, The Lower Zambezi Basin in Mozambique. A Study in Economy and Society, 1850–1920 (Avebury, Aldershot, 1995), xii + 292 pp., maps, ISBN 1–85628–450–6. Isabel de Castro Henriques, Commerce et changement en Angola au XIXe siècle. Imbangala et Tshokwe face à la modernité (L'Harmattan, Paris, 1995), Vol. I: 448 pp., illustrations, ISBN 2–7384–3351–0; Vol. II: 404 pp., maps, ISBN 2–7384–3350–2. Jane Carruthers, The Kruger National Park. A Social and Political History (University of Natal Press, Pietermaritzburg, 1995), 170 pp., illustrations, maps, index, ISBN 086980–915–6. Wilmot G. James, Our Precious Metal. African Labour in South Africa's Gold Industry, 1970–1990 (David Philip, Cape Town, 1992), ix + 188 pp., index, ISBN 0–86486–165–6. Gregory W. Myers, Julieta Eliseu and Erasmo Nhachungue, Security and Conflict in Mozambique: Case Studies of Land Access in the Post‐War Period (Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin‐Madison, 1993), xii+ 143 pp., maps. Michael Roth, Steve Boucher, Antonio Francisco, Land Markets, Employment and Resource Use in the Peri‐Urban Green Zones of Maputo: A Case Study of Land Market Rigidities and Institutional Constraints to Economic Growth (Land Tenure Center, University of Wisconsin‐Madison, 1994), xxix + 118 pp., map. Hamish McIntosh, Robert Laws. Servant of Africa (The Handsel Press, Carberry, Scotland, 1993), xii + 291 pp., maps, illustrations, ISBN 1–871828–15–5. Gerda Kuhn, Die Politik der Reagan‐Regierung im Südlichen Afrika. Zur Aussenpoli‐tik der USA unter besonderer Berücksichtigung innenpolitischer Faktoren (Peter Lang, Bern, 1995), 335 pp., ISBN 3–631–48688‐X. John W. Harbeson and Donald Rothchild (eds), Africa in World Politics: Post‐Cold War Challenges, Second Ed. (Westview Press, Boulder and Oxford, 1995), ix + 340 pp., ISBN 0–8133–2103–4. Manfred Kuder and Wilhelm J. G. Möhlig (eds), Angola. Naturraum, Wirtschaft, Bevölkerung, Kultur, Zeitgeschichte und Entwicklungsperspektiven (Weltforum Verlag, Munich and Cologne, 1994), 383 pp., maps, ISBN 3–8039–0429–3. Diamang. Estudo do Património Cultural da Ex‐Companhia de Diamantes de Angola (Centro de Estudos Africanos, Departamento de Antropologia, Coimbra, 1995), 256 pp., illustrations, ISBN 972–9006–34–2.
Suggested Citation
René Pélissier, 1996.
"Amazing travellers, strange countries,"
Journal of Southern African Studies, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 22(4), pages 657-670.
DOI: 10.1080/03057079608708517