- Robert M. Ewers
(Imperial College London)
- C. David L. Orme
(Imperial College London)
- William D. Pearse
(Imperial College London)
- Nursyamin Zulkifli
(Universiti Putra Malaysia)
- Genevieve Yvon-Durocher
(University of Bristol)
- Kalsum M. Yusah
(Universiti Malaysia Sabah
- Natalie Yoh
(University of Kent
University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Darren C. J. Yeo
(National University of Singapore
National University of Singapore)
- Anna Wong
(Malaysian Nature Society)
- Joseph Williamson
(Queen Mary University of London
University College London)
- Clare L. Wilkinson
(Imperial College London
National University of Singapore)
- Fabienne Wiederkehr
(Imperial College London
ETH Zürich)
- Bruce L. Webber
(The University of Western Australia
Centre for Environment and Life Sciences)
- Oliver R. Wearn
(Imperial College London
Fauna & Flora International)
- Leona Wai
(Danau Girang Field Centre)
- Maisie Vollans
(Imperial College London
University of Oxford)
- Joshua P. Twining
(Imperial College London
Cornell University)
- Edgar C. Turner
(Imperial College London
University of Cambridge)
- Joseph A. Tobias
(Imperial College London)
- Jack Thorley
(University of Cambridge)
- Elizabeth M. Telford
(University of Edinburgh)
- Yit Arn Teh
(Newcastle University)
- Heok Hui Tan
(National University of Singapore)
- Tom Swinfield
(University of Cambridge)
- Martin Svátek
(Mendel University in Brno)
- Matthew Struebig
(University of Kent)
- Nigel Stork
(Griffith University)
- Jani Sleutel
(Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
- Eleanor M. Slade
(Nanyang Technological University)
- Adam Sharp
(Imperial College London
Ascension Island Government)
- Adi Shabrani
(University of Montana
- Sarab S. Sethi
(Imperial College London
University of Cambridge)
- Dave J. I. Seaman
(University of Kent)
- Anati Sawang
(Danum Valley Field Centre
Sabah State Museum)
- Gabrielle Briana Roxby
(Imperial College London)
- J. Marcus Rowcliffe
(Zoological Society of London)
- Stephen J. Rossiter
(Queen Mary University of London)
- Terhi Riutta
(Imperial College London
University of Oxford
University of Exeter)
- Homathevi Rahman
(Universiti Malaysia Sabah)
- Lan Qie
(Imperial College London
University of Lincoln)
- Elizabeth Psomas
(Imperial College London
- Aaron Prairie
(Imperial College London
Colorado State University)
- Frederica Poznansky
(Imperial College London
University of Exeter)
- Rajeev Pillay
(University of Florida
University of Northern British Columbia)
- Lorenzo Picinali
(Imperial College London)
- Annabel Pianzin
(Universiti Malaysia Sabah)
- Marion Pfeifer
(Newcastle University)
- Jonathan M. Parrett
(Adam Mickiewicz University)
- Ciar D. Noble
(Imperial College London
University of East Anglia)
- Reuben Nilus
(Sabah Forestry Department)
- Nazirah Mustaffa
(Universiti Malaysia Sabah)
- Katherine E. Mullin
(University of Kent)
- Simon Mitchell
(University of Kent)
- Amelia R. Mckinlay
(Imperial College London)
- Sarah Maunsell
(Griffith University)
- Radim Matula
(Czech University of Life Sciences Prague)
- Michael Massam
(Imperial College London
The University of Sheffield)
- Stephanie Martin
(Imperial College London
Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust)
- Yadvinder Malhi
(University of Oxford)
- Noreen Majalap
(Sabah Forestry Department)
- Catherine S. Maclean
(Imperial College London)
- Emma Mackintosh
(Imperial College London
University of the Sunshine Coast)
- Sarah H. Luke
(University of Cambridge
University of Nottingham
University of East Anglia)
- Owen T. Lewis
(University of Oxford)
- Harry J. Layfield
(Imperial College London
University of Bristol)
- Isolde Lane-Shaw
(Imperial College London
Laval University)
- Boon Hee Kueh
(Universiti Malaysia Sabah)
- Pavel Kratina
(Queen Mary University of London)
- Oliver Konopik
(Am Hubland)
- Roger Kitching
(Griffith University)
- Lois Kinneen
(Griffith University
University of Reading)
- Victoria A. Kemp
(Queen Mary University of London)
- Palasiah Jotan
(Czech University of Life Sciences Prague)
- Nick Jones
(Imperial College London)
- Evyen W. Jebrail
(Universiti Malaysia Sabah)
- Michal Hroneš
(Palacký University)
- Sui Peng Heon
(Imperial College London
Danum Valley Field Centre)
- David R. Hemprich-Bennett
(Queen Mary University of London
University of Oxford)
- Jessica K. Haysom
(University of Kent)
- Martina F. Harianja
(University of Cambridge)
- Jane Hardwick
(Griffith University
Department of Environment)
- Nichar Gregory
(Imperial College London
EcoHealth Alliance)
- Ryan Gray
(Danum Valley Field Centre)
- Ross E. J. Gray
(Imperial College London)
- Natasha Granville
(Imperial College London)
- Richard Gill
(Imperial College London)
- Adam Fraser
(Imperial College London)
- William A. Foster
(University of Cambridge)
- Hollie Folkard-Tapp
(Imperial College London)
- Robert J. Fletcher
(University of Florida)
- Arman Hadi Fikri
(Universiti Malaysia Sabah)
- Tom M. Fayle
(Queen Mary University of London
Institute of Entomology)
- Aisyah Faruk
(Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Wakehurst)
- Paul Eggleton
(The Natural History Museum London)
- David P. Edwards
(University of Cambridge
University of Sheffield)
- Rosie Drinkwater
(Queen Mary University of London)
- Rory A. Dow
(Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
Naturalis Biodiversity Centre)
- Timm F. Döbert
(The University of Western Australia
Centre for Environment and Life Sciences
University of Alberta)
- Raphael K. Didham
(The University of Western Australia
Centre for Environment and Life Sciences)
- Katharine J. M. Dickinson
(University of Otago)
- Nicolas J. Deere
(University of Kent)
- Tijmen Lorm
(Imperial College London)
- Mahadimenakbar M. Dawood
(Universiti Malaysia Sabah)
- Charles W. Davison
(Imperial College London
Aarhus University
Aarhus University)
- Zoe G. Davies
(University of Kent)
- Richard G. Davies
(University of East Anglia)
- Martin Dančák
(Palacký University)
- Jeremy Cusack
(Imperial College London
- Elizabeth L. Clare
(Queen Mary University of London
York University)
- Arthur Chung
(Sabah Forestry Department)
- Vun Khen Chey
(Sabah Forestry Department)
- Philip M. Chapman
(Imperial College London
BSG Ecology)
- Lauren Cator
(Imperial College London)
- Daniel Carpenter
(The Natural History Museum London)
- Chris Carbone
(Zoological Society of London)
- Kerry Calloway
(The Natural History Museum London)
- Emma R. Bush
(Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh)
- David F. R. P. Burslem
(University of Aberdeen)
- Keiron D. Brown
(The Natural History Museum London)
- Stephen J. Brooks
(The Natural History Museum London)
- Ella Brasington
(Imperial College London)
- Hayley Brant
(Imperial College London)
- Michael J. W. Boyle
(Imperial College London
The University of Hong Kong)
- Sabine Both
(University of New England)
- Joshua Blackman
(Queen Mary University of London)
- Tom R. Bishop
(Imperial College London
University of Pretoria
Cardiff University)
- Jake E. Bicknell
(University of Kent)
- Henry Bernard
(Universiti Malaysia Sabah)
- Saloni Basrur
(University of Kent)
- Maxwell V. L. Barclay
(The Natural History Museum London)
- Holly Barclay
(Monash University)
- Georgina Atton
(University of Bristol)
- Marc Ancrenaz
(Borneo Futures
Kinabatangan Orang-Utan Conservation Programme)
- David C. Aldridge
(University of Cambridge)
- Olivia Z. Daniel
(Imperial College London)
- Glen Reynolds
(Danum Valley Field Centre)
- Cristina Banks-Leite
(Imperial College London)