Top 5% Top Level Institutions, as of January 2025
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- Authors with multiple affiliations are attributed to each institution according to the weights ("shares") they have set to each in their profile, or by default according to a formula described here.
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- Only institutions listed in EDIRC are counted.
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- Members of various units within an institution are aggregated to the largest entity, such as a university.
- Please note that rankings can depend on the number of registered authors in the respective institutions. Register at the RePEc Author Service to be counted.
- There are 9014 institutions with 70287 registered authors evaluated for all the rankings.
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The rankings
This ranking is drawn from 4787 institutions. For more details about the methodology used for classifying institutions, see here.Rank | Institution | Score | Authors | 1 | Federal Reserve System (United States) | 1.57 | 868.6 | 2 | Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts (United States) | 2.03 | 190.73 | 3 | University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois (United States) | 3.16 | 182.16 | 4 | National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) Cambridge, Massachusetts (United States) | 5.52 | 120.33 | 5 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Cambridge, Massachusetts (United States) | 5.76 | 109.48 | 6 | University of California-Berkeley Berkeley, California (United States) | 6.84 | 142.45 | 7 | World Bank Group Washington, District of Columbia (United States) | 7.62 | 605.95 | 8 | London School of Economics (LSE) London, United Kingdom | 7.76 | 272.32 | 9 | Stanford University Stanford, California (United States) | 8.92 | 124.83 | 10 | Columbia University New York City, New York (United States) | 10 | 143.89 | 11 | International Monetary Fund (IMF) Washington, District of Columbia (United States) | 11.42 | 512.94 | 12 | New York University (NYU) New York City, New York (United States) | 12.62 | 121.91 | 13 | Yale University New Haven, Connecticut (United States) | 14.01 | 99.81 | 14 | Princeton University Princeton, New Jersey (United States) | 15.91 | 58.53 | 15 | Oxford University Oxford, United Kingdom | 16.25 | 230.02 | 16 | University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (United States) | 16.3 | 144 | 17 | Paris School of Economics Paris, France | 19.08 | 184.7 | 18 | Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois (United States) | 19.69 | 94.72 | 19 | University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA) Los Angeles, California (United States) | 22.72 | 89.78 | 20 | European Central Bank Frankfurt am Main, Germany | 23.02 | 255.38 | 21 | Cornell University Ithaca, New York (United States) | 25.7 | 111.72 | 22 | University of Southern California Los Angeles, California (United States) | 25.77 | 123.78 | 23 | University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan (United States) | 28.02 | 98.4 | 24 | Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) Toulouse, France | 28.44 | 160.29 | 25 | Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) Bonn, Germany | 28.48 | 162.83 | 26 | Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi Milano, Italy | 29.64 | 152.39 | 27 | Dartmouth College Hanover, New Hampshire (United States) | 29.75 | 52.46 | 28 | Government of the United States Washington, District of Columbia (United States) | 30.31 | 476.31 | 29 | University College London (UCL) London, United Kingdom | 31.76 | 131.52 | 30 | Boston University Boston, Massachusetts (United States) | 32.48 | 108 | 31 | Barcelona School of Economics (BSE) Barcelona, Spain | 33.19 | 155.21 | 32 | University of California-San Diego (UCSD) La Jolla, California (United States) | 33.3 | 66.67 | 33 | University of Cambridge Cambridge, United Kingdom | 36.64 | 139.35 | 34 | University of Toronto Toronto, Canada | 36.81 | 140.31 | 35 | Duke University Durham, North Carolina (United States) | 38.06 | 76.54 | 36 | Brown University Providence, Rhode Island (United States) | 38.31 | 66.46 | 37 | University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada | 40.68 | 85.77 | 38 | University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, Wisconsin (United States) | 41.23 | 92.04 | 39 | Australian National University Canberra, Australia | 43.59 | 188.56 | 40 | Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan (United States) | 43.62 | 121.05 | 41 | University of Maryland College Park, Maryland (United States) | 46.03 | 92.78 | 42 | Monash University Melbourne, Australia | 46.14 | 160.6 | 43 | University of Warwick Coventry, United Kingdom | 47.41 | 118.21 | 44 | Banca d'Italia Roma, Italy | 47.57 | 331.07 | 45 | University of California-Davis Davis, California (United States) | 48.71 | 80.46 | 46 | Universität Zürich Zürich, Switzerland | 50.75 | 164.28 | 47 | Sciences Po Paris, France | 51.17 | 95.06 | 48 | Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Basel, Switzerland | 51.76 | 96.77 | 49 | Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio (United States) | 52.64 | 86.04 | 50 | Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) London, United Kingdom | 53.01 | 56.13 | 51 | Boston College Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts (United States) | 56.93 | 93.1 | 52 | Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis, Missouri (United States) | 56.98 | 60.24 | 53 | Universiteit van Tilburg Tilburg, Netherlands | 58.74 | 133.56 | 54 | International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) Washington, District of Columbia (United States) | 64.31 | 191.18 | 55 | Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, Maryland (United States) | 66.05 | 63.8 | 56 | Georgetown University Washington, District of Columbia (United States) | 66.56 | 75.71 | 57 | University of Nottingham Nottingham, United Kingdom | 67.75 | 106.88 | 58 | Hoover Institution on War Revolution & Peace Stanford, California (United States) | 67.76 | 13.71 | 59 | Organisation de Coopération et de Développement Économiques (OCDE) Paris, France | 68.41 | 238.37 | 60 | Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Rotterdam, Netherlands | 68.43 | 155.27 | 61 | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana-Champaign, Illinois (United States) | 69.5 | 125.73 | 62 | University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia (United States) | 70.21 | 72.07 | 63 | University of Texas-Austin Austin, Texas (United States) | 70.89 | 73.67 | 64 | Brookings Institution Washington, District of Columbia (United States) | 71.87 | 26.39 | 65 | Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna Bologna, Italy | 74.32 | 184 | 66 | University of California-Irvine Irvine, California (United States) | 74.92 | 59.3 | 67 | Stockholms Universitet Stockholm, Sweden | 77.32 | 102.24 | 68 | Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Groningen, Netherlands | 78.36 | 98.24 | 69 | ifo Institut - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung an der Universität München e.V. München, Germany | 80.35 | 115.92 | 70 | Université Libre de Bruxelles Bruxelles, Belgium | 83.56 | 148.66 | 71 | Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee (United States) | 84.3 | 51.46 | 72 | Stockholm School of Economics Stockholm, Sweden | 84.67 | 52.6 | 73 | Université Catholique de Louvain Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium | 85.12 | 116.08 | 74 | University of Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota (United States) | 85.59 | 39.67 | 75 | Universitetet i Oslo Oslo, Norway | 85.8 | 79.75 | 76 | Universiteit van Amsterdam Amsterdam, Netherlands | 85.83 | 95.27 | 77 | Pennsylvania State University State College, Pennsylvania (United States) | 86.7 | 59.22 | 78 | University of Notre Dame South Bend, Indiana (United States) | 87.5 | 69.66 | 79 | Københavns Universitet København, Denmark | 88.22 | 109.63 | 80 | KU Leuven Leuven, Belgium | 88.48 | 125.31 | 81 | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Amsterdam, Netherlands | 88.53 | 123.4 | 82 | Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana (United States) | 88.67 | 105.8 | 83 | Banco de la Republica de Colombia Bogotá, Colombia | 89.54 | 115.27 | 84 | Università degli Studi di Torino Torino, Italy | 92.51 | 117 | 85 | National University of Singapore (NUS) Singapore, Singapore | 92.97 | 96.18 | 86 | Centro de Estudios Monetarios y Financieros (CEMFI) Madrid, Spain | 93.13 | 28.88 | 87 | Aarhus Universitet Aarhus, Denmark | 93.34 | 99.31 | 88 | University of Western Ontario London, Canada | 93.49 | 58.89 | 89 | Banque de France Paris, France | 93.99 | 184.47 | 90 | Bank of England London, United Kingdom | 94.99 | 208.92 | 91 | Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana (United States) | 95.68 | 69.48 | 92 | Imperial College London, United Kingdom | 96.57 | 52.72 | 93 | Centre de Recherche en Économie et Statistique (CREST) Palaiseau, France | 97 | 88.84 | 94 | Banco de España Madrid, Spain | 98.05 | 145.47 | 95 | DIW Berlin (Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung) Berlin, Germany | 99.99 | 103.52 | 96 | London Business School (LBS) London, United Kingdom | 100.18 | 28.73 | 97 | European Commission Sevilla, Spain | 101.8 | 350.78 | 98 | University of Sydney Sydney, Australia | 101.87 | 118.68 | 99 | UNSW Sydney Sydney, Australia | 103.69 | 80.8 | 100 | University of Washington Seattle, Washington (United States) | 104.12 | 36.55 | 101 | University of Queensland Brisbane, Australia | 104.2 | 107.74 | 102 | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Madrid, Spain | 104.82 | 109.76 | 103 | Queen's University Kingston, Canada | 106.19 | 66.15 | 104 | University of Melbourne Melbourne, Australia | 106.71 | 115.31 | 105 | Hebrew University of Jerusalem Jerusalem, Israel | 106.95 | 51.31 | 106 | University of Essex Colchester, United Kingdom | 108.05 | 107.84 | 107 | Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics (IIE) Washington, District of Columbia (United States) | 109.07 | 37.24 | 108 | University of York York, United Kingdom | 109.87 | 102.2 | 109 | Arizona State University Tempe, Arizona (United States) | 110.05 | 58.07 | 110 | Georgia State University Atlanta, Georgia (United States) | 110.37 | 78.41 | 111 | University of California-Santa Barbara (UCSB) Santa Barbara, California (United States) | 112.06 | 32.67 | 112 | Texas A&M University College Station, Texas (United States) | 112.54 | 105.21 | 113 | Rutgers University-New Brunswick New Brunswick, New Jersey (United States) | 116.11 | 51.42 | 114 | Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv, Israel | 118.98 | 28.5 | 115 | Maastricht University Maastricht, Netherlands | 121.23 | 137.7 | 116 | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München München, Germany | 122.05 | 79.61 | 117 | University of Manchester Manchester, United Kingdom | 128.02 | 104.67 | 118 | "Sapienza" Università di Roma Roma, Italy | 128.22 | 222.58 | 119 | Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (United States) | 128.78 | 51.22 | 120 | Inter-American Development Bank Washington, District of Columbia (United States) | 129.29 | 168.14 | 121 | University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado (United States) | 130.21 | 40.78 | 122 | University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (United States) | 132.14 | 74.72 | 123 | Norges Handelshøyskole (NHH) Bergen, Norway | 132.27 | 114.41 | 124 | University of California-Santa Cruz (UCSC) Santa Cruz, California (United States) | 132.31 | 47.44 | 124 | George Washington University Washington, District of Columbia (United States) | 132.31 | 91.64 | 126 | Aix-Marseille Université Aix-en-Provence/Marseille, France | 133.12 | 113.04 | 127 | University of Rochester Rochester, New York (United States) | 133.87 | 38.6 | 128 | Bank of Canada Ottawa, Canada | 134.2 | 181.26 | 129 | European University Institute Firenze, Italy | 135.06 | 40.65 | 130 | Deutsche Bundesbank Frankfurt, Germany | 137.69 | 171.57 | 131 | University of Sussex Brighton, United Kingdom | 139.2 | 103.95 | 132 | Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main Frankfurt am Main, Germany | 140.77 | 73.76 | 133 | Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn Bonn, Germany | 143.13 | 72.49 | 134 | University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona (United States) | 144.87 | 51.1 | 135 | HEC Paris (École des Hautes Études Commerciales) Jouy-en-Josas, France | 147.64 | 40.85 | 136 | CESifo München, Germany | 148.42 | 44.39 | 137 | Queen Mary University of London London, United Kingdom | 148.43 | 86.37 | 138 | McGill University Montréal, Canada | 150.85 | 41.27 | 139 | Tufts University Medford, Massachusetts (United States) | 154.84 | 40.09 | 140 | University of Florida Gainesville, Florida (United States) | 154.86 | 69.92 | 141 | City University of New York (CUNY) New York City, New York (United States) | 156.57 | 85.6 | 142 | University of Tokyo Tokyo, Japan | 158.91 | 62.63 | 143 | Peking University Beijing, China | 159.14 | 81.69 | 144 | Lunds Universitet Lund, Sweden | 160.18 | 132.08 | 145 | University of Connecticut Storrs, Connecticut (United States) | 160.77 | 82.05 | 146 | University of Georgia Athens, Georgia (United States) | 164.13 | 73.5 | 147 | Universität St. Gallen Sankt Gallen, Switzerland | 164.5 | 97.79 | 148 | University of Alberta Edmonton, Canada | 166.88 | 82.63 | 149 | Universität Mannheim Mannheim, Germany | 167.43 | 76.22 | 150 | WU Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Wien, Austria | 168.42 | 94.37 | 151 | Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano, Italy | 169.72 | 97.7 | 152 | Tinbergen Instituut Amsterdam, Netherlands | 170.31 | 43.72 | 153 | Universidad de Chile Santiago, Chile | 170.66 | 68.78 | 154 | University College Dublin Dublin, Ireland | 172.1 | 69.37 | 155 | Williams College Williamstown, Massachusetts (United States) | 172.72 | 29.02 | 156 | Iowa State University Ames, Iowa (United States) | 172.82 | 56.05 | 157 | Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (WIFO) Wien, Austria | 173.09 | 53.36 | 158 | University of Glasgow Glasgow, United Kingdom | 173.19 | 69.95 | 159 | Istituto Einaudi per l'Economia e la Finanza (EIEF) Roma, Italy | 174.61 | 23.54 | 160 | Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" Roma, Italy | 175.23 | 107.29 | 161 | Université de Lausanne Lausanne, Switzerland | 175.9 | 53.26 | 162 | University of Technology Sydney Sydney, Australia | 176.5 | 91.59 | 163 | Universiteit Utrecht Utrecht, Netherlands | 178.66 | 74.66 | 164 | Universität Wien Wien, Austria | 179.02 | 61.08 | 165 | Université Paris-Dauphine (Paris IX) Paris, France | 180.76 | 123.59 | 166 | California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California (United States) | 180.97 | 15.88 | 167 | Université Paris 1 (Panthéon-Sorbonne) Paris, France | 181.84 | 160 | 168 | Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai, China | 182.83 | 51.84 | 169 | Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ) Zürich, Switzerland | 182.88 | 82.99 | 170 | North Carolina State University Raleigh, North Carolina (United States) | 185.49 | 54.25 | 171 | University of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky (United States) | 185.88 | 65.01 | 172 | King's College London London, United Kingdom | 186.35 | 67.79 | 173 | Simon Fraser University Burnaby, Canada | 187.62 | 55.43 | 174 | Tsinghua University Beijing, China | 187.69 | 61.2 | 175 | Centro Studi di Economia e Finanza (CSEF) Napoli, Italy | 187.76 | 54.15 | 176 | University of North Carolina-Chapel-Hill Chapel Hill, North Carolina (United States) | 190.53 | 49.45 | 177 | Institutet för Näringslivsforskning (IFN) Stockholm, Sweden | 193.35 | 73.83 | 178 | Universitat de Barcelona Barcelona, Spain | 194.09 | 132.09 | 179 | Universität zu Köln Köln, Germany | 194.24 | 60.31 | 180 | Resources for the Future (RFF) Washington, District of Columbia (United States) | 194.28 | 48.52 | 181 | Universidade de Lisboa Lisboa, Portugal | 196.18 | 140.7 | 182 | Emory University Atlanta, Georgia (United States) | 199.39 | 31.94 | 183 | Leibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW) Mannheim, Germany | 200.26 | 154.96 | 184 | University of Calgary Calgary, Canada | 200.54 | 57.68 | 185 | Göteborgs Universitet Göteborg, Sweden | 201.16 | 60.25 | 186 | SKEMA Business School Lille, France | 206.02 | 49.47 | 187 | Universiteit Gent Gent, Belgium | 206.63 | 122.99 | 188 | Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) London, United Kingdom | 207.6 | 35.36 | 189 | Academia de Studii Economice din Bucureşti Bucureşti, Romania | 207.81 | 313.03 | 190 | Trinity College Dublin Dublin, Ireland | 208.29 | 55.7 | 191 | Fudan University Shanghai, China | 209.69 | 52.87 | 192 | McMaster University Hamilton, Canada | 211.25 | 62.05 | 193 | Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) Athens, Greece | 211.32 | 91.81 | 194 | Uppsala Universitet Uppsala, Sweden | 211.89 | 59.46 | 195 | University of Hong Kong Pokfulam, Hong Kong | 212.33 | 29.98 | 196 | Universidad de los Andes (Colombia) Bogotá, Colombia | 214.01 | 94.77 | 197 | University of Edinburgh Edinburgh, United Kingdom | 214.14 | 42.24 | 198 | Università Ca' Foscari Venezia Venezia, Italy | 214.81 | 141.81 | 199 | Deakin University Melbourne, Australia | 215.07 | 74.08 | 200 | New York University Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates | 215.5 | 48.6 | 201 | Universität Bern Bern, Switzerland | 215.69 | 46.02 | 202 | University of Oregon Eugene, Oregon (United States) | 216.13 | 30.42 | 203 | BI Handelshøyskolen Oslo, Norway | 216.44 | 51.37 | 204 | Copenhagen Business School København, Denmark | 221.21 | 45.34 | 205 | University of Bristol Bristol, United Kingdom | 221.32 | 58.19 | 206 | University of Birmingham Birmingham, United Kingdom | 221.81 | 71.66 | 207 | The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Genève, Switzerland | 222.41 | 53.04 | 208 | Clemson University Clemson, South Carolina (United States) | 224.57 | 41.98 | 209 | Chapman University Orange, California (United States) | 225.76 | 39.45 | 210 | Kiel Institut für Weltwirtschaft - Leibniz Zentrum zur Erforschung globaler ökonomischer Herausforderungen (IfW) Kiel, Germany | 227.26 | 62.07 | 211 | Seoul National University Seoul, South Korea | 227.5 | 46.46 | 212 | Uniwersytet Warszawski Warszawa, Poland | 227.73 | 179.26 | 213 | University of Reading Reading, United Kingdom | 227.94 | 68.69 | 214 | National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) Moscow, Russia | 228.49 | 451.92 | 215 | University of Illinois at Chicago Chicago, Illinois (United States) | 228.78 | 34.75 | 216 | George Mason University Fairfax, Virginia (United States) | 229.12 | 31.3 | 217 | Oklahoma State University Stillwater, Oklahoma (United States) | 230.37 | 62.85 | 218 | Universidade Nova de Lisboa Lisboa, Portugal | 230.81 | 85.65 | 219 | University of Sheffield Sheffield, United Kingdom | 234.43 | 69.44 | 220 | City University London, United Kingdom | 234.49 | 65.48 | 221 | Univerzita Karlova v Praze Praha, Czech Republic | 236.59 | 120.36 | 222 | Università degli Studi di Padova Padova, Italy | 236.75 | 61.1 | 223 | INSEAD Fontainebleau, France | 237.48 | 23.7 | 224 | Brandeis University Waltham, Massachusetts (United States) | 238.52 | 31.22 | 225 | Carleton University Ottawa, Canada | 239.3 | 62.98 | 226 | University of Miami Coral Gables, Florida (United States) | 239.32 | 31.13 | 227 | Università degli Studi di Firenze Firenze, Italy | 241.15 | 94.05 | 228 | Syracuse University Syracuse, New York (United States) | 241.31 | 34.7 | 229 | Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business Beijing, China | 241.36 | 57 | 230 | Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Santiago, Chile | 242.11 | 71.3 | 231 | Université de Genève Genève, Switzerland | 242.28 | 36.65 | 232 | Università degli Studi di Milano Milano, Italy | 243.03 | 68.45 | 233 | Université de Bordeaux Bordeaux, France | 243.52 | 104.34 | 234 | Humboldt-Universität Berlin Berlin, Germany | 243.54 | 97.27 | 235 | University of Surrey Guildford, United Kingdom | 243.71 | 46.23 | 236 | Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Pisa, Italy | 246.47 | 38.39 | 237 | Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia (United States) | 247.62 | 40.03 | 238 | University of Texas-Dallas Dallas, Texas (United States) | 249.95 | 29.96 | 239 | Motu: Economic & Public Policy Research Wellington, New Zealand | 250.79 | 19.13 |
The data presented here are experimental. They are based on a sample of the research output in Economics and Finance. Only material catalogued in RePEc is considered. For any citation based criterion, only works that could be parsed by the CitEc project are considered. For any ranking of people, only those registered with the RePEc Author Service can be taken into account. And for rankings of institutions, only those listed in EDIRC and claimed as affiliation by the respective, registered authors can be measured. Thus, this list is by no means based on a complete sample. You can help making this more comprehensive by encouraging more publications to be listed (instructions) and more authors to register (form). For more details on the various rankings that are available as well for documentation, follow this link.
- Citations from CitEc project by José Manuel Barrueco Cruz, University of Valencia, Spain. Hardware provided by Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas (IVIE), Valencia, Spain.
- Abstract views and downloads statistics from LogEc project by Sune Karlsson, Örebro University, Sweden.
- Author registration, institution database, and ranking computations by Christian Zimmermann.
- RePEc has been initiated by Thomas Krichel.