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Top 10% Institutions and Economists in the Field of Artificial Intelligence, as of January 2025

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  • Only authors registered with the RePEc Author Service are considered.
  • Only works listed on RePEc and claimed as theirs by registered authors are counted.
  • A series of rankings by different criteria are aggregated. The average rank score is determined by taking a harmonic mean of the ranks in each criterion. For a list of criteria, see the general ranking page.
  • Authors with multiple affiliations are attributed to each institution according to the weights ("shares") they have set to each in their profile, or by default according to a formula described here.
  • Authors affiliated with subentities of institutions listed in EDIRC are also counted in the latter.
  • Only institutions listed in EDIRC are counted.
  • Subentities of ranked institutions do not increment the rank count and have their rank listed in parentheses.
  • The scores of institutions in each field are determined by a weighted sum of all scores of authors affiliated with the respective institutions, where the authors have provided weights ("shares") if they have multiple affiliations. The weights are determined, for each author, by the proportion of all working papers announced in NEP that have also been announced in this NEP report.
  • To be classified, an author needs to have five or more working papers announced in the NEP report for this field. For authors whose first paper is less that 10 years old, having 25% of the papers in the NEP report is sufficient.
  • There are no such restrictions for institutions, it is thus possible that more institutions than authors are classified.
  • Please note that rankings can depend on the number of registered authors in the respective institutions. Register at the RePEc Author Service to be counted.
  • There are 9014 institutions with 70287 registered authors evaluated for all the rankings.

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The rankings

Top 10% institutions in the field of Artificial Intelligence

For Artificial Intelligence, these are 35 authors affiliated with 351 institutions.
All authors classified in this field.

RankInstitutionScoreAuthorsAuthor shares
1Economics Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA)

2Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

Toronto, Canada

3Motu: Economic & Public Policy Research

Wellington, New Zealand

4National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)

Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA)

5Mitch Daniels School of Business, Purdue University

West Lafayette, Indiana (USA)

6Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard University

Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA)

7Department of Economics, Harvard University

Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA)

8Department of Economics, University of Virginia

Charlottesville, Virginia (USA)

9Bank for International Settlements (BIS)

Basel, Switzerland

---Center for Economic Studies, Census Bureau, Department of Commerce, Government of the United States

Washington, District of Columbia (USA)

---Census Bureau, Department of Commerce, Government of the United States

Washington, District of Columbia (USA)

10Department of Commerce, Government of the United States

Washington, District of Columbia (USA)

11Graduate School of Business, Stanford University

Stanford, California (USA)

12Scheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology

Atlanta, Georgia (USA)

---Department of Finance, Mitch Daniels School of Business, Purdue University

West Lafayette, Indiana (USA)

13Business School, Macquarie University

Sydney, Australia

14Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

15Business School, Deakin University

Melbourne, Australia

---Department of Economics, Business School, Deakin University

Melbourne, Australia

16Department of Economics, Princeton University

Princeton, New Jersey (USA)

17International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Washington, District of Columbia (USA)

---Business Economics, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto

Toronto, Canada

18Department of Economics, Rutgers University-New Brunswick

New Brunswick, New Jersey (USA)

19London School of Economics (LSE)

London, United Kingdom

20Dipartimenti e Istituti di Scienze Economiche, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Milano/Piacenza, Italy

21WU Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien

Wien, Austria

22Department of Economics, University of Chicago

Chicago, Illinois (USA)

23Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Universität Konstanz

Konstanz, Germany

24Questrom School of Business, Boston University

Boston, Massachusetts (USA)

---Department of Economics, Monash Business School, Monash University

Melbourne, Australia

25Monash Business School, Monash University

Melbourne, Australia

---Department of Economics, Miami Herbert Business School, University of Miami

Coral Gables, Florida (USA)

26Miami Herbert Business School, University of Miami

Coral Gables, Florida (USA)

27Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi

Milano, Italy

---Dipartimento di Politica Economica, Dipartimenti e Istituti di Scienze Economiche, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Milano, Italy

28Blockchain Research Lab

Hamburg, Germany

29Harvard Business School, Harvard University

Cambridge, Massachusetts (USA)

30École Universitaire de Recherche d'Économie et de Management (ELMI), Université Côte d'Azur

Nice, France

---Groupe de REcherche en Droit, Économie, Gestion (GREDEG), École Universitaire de Recherche d'Économie et de Management (ELMI), Université Côte d'Azur

Nice, France

31Economics Department, Yale University

New Haven, Connecticut (USA)

32College of Business, University of Akron

Akron, Ohio (USA)

---Department of Economics, College of Business, University of Akron

Akron, Ohio (USA)

---Staatswissenschaftliches Seminar, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität zu Köln

Köln, Germany

33Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität zu Köln

Köln, Germany

---Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences (MEDS), Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University

Evanston, Illinois (USA)

34Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University

Evanston, Illinois (USA)

35College of Business and Economics, Australian National University

Canberra, Australia

---Research School of Economics, College of Business and Economics, Australian National University

Canberra, Australia

---Social Policy Evaluation, Analysis and Research Centre (SPEAR), Research School of Economics, College of Business and Economics, Australian National University

Canberra, Australia


The rankings

Top 10% authors in the field of Artificial Intelligence

For Artificial Intelligence, these are 35 authors affiliated with 351 institutions.
All authors classified in this field.

1Anton Korinek

Department of Economics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia (USA)

2Joshua Gans

Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

3Leonardo Gambacorta

Bank for International Settlements (BIS), Basel, Switzerland


The data presented here are experimental. They are based on a sample of the research output in Economics and Finance. Only material catalogued in RePEc is considered. For any citation based criterion, only works that could be parsed by the CitEc project are considered. For any ranking of people, only those registered with the RePEc Author Service can be taken into account. And for rankings of institutions, only those listed in EDIRC and claimed as affiliation by the respective, registered authors can be measured. Thus, this list is by no means based on a complete sample. You can help making this more comprehensive by encouraging more publications to be listed (instructions) and more authors to register (form). For more details on the various rankings that are available as well for documentation, follow this link.


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