FAQ for RePEc archive maintainers, tips and tricks
In the Acrobat Reader, click on the box with a "T" and a square. Then you can select text, copy it with Ctrl-C and then paste it into your template. Be sure to read through what you just pasted. Indeed, sometimes, this results in pure garbage. Most of the times, little details need to be taken care of, like word breaks, apostrophes (typically from Word), ligatures (typically from LaTeX) or other little surprises.
First, make sure the template has a date (Creation-date: for papers and software components, Year: for articles, books and chapters). This will ensure that you items will be listed in chronological order. To get better sorting within a year, make sure to give more details, like a Number: for papers, books and software components, a Chapter: number for chapters, Volume:, Issue: and Pages: for articles. Note the following and valid syntax variations for Creation-date:
Creation-Date: 20051224
Creation-Date: 200512
Creation-Date: 2005
Creation-Date: 2005-12-24
Creation-Date: 2005-12
Creation-Date: 20051224
Creation-Date: 200512
Creation-Date: 2005
Creation-Date: 2005-12-24
Creation-Date: 2005-12
repec-announce is a mailing list where you various news and updates are announced. Subscribe here. Also, watch the monthly mailings you get as archive and series maintainer. Finally, have a look at the RePEc Blog.
The impact factor is determined by how much your papers are cited by others. Thus, there is nothing you can do. But if you notice that our citation analayis project missed some cites, you can help by providing the full references of the citing item in this form.
This is a good idea as it increases the visibility of your titles. Reference and citation analysis is done by the CitEc project. Look there for details.
Use the Provider-Institution: field along with the institution's handle as it is listed in EDIRC. Within two days, EDIRC will then list your series.
There are two ways:
- Use the Publication-Status: field and put a complete reference in it. It needs to start with Published in or Forthcoming in.
- If the article is listed in RePEc, use the Article-Handle: field, followed by the full RePEc Handle of that article.
Comments and additions about your own experience are welcome. Send them to Christian Zimmermann.