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RePEc FAQ for Editors

RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a group working on the provision of electronic working papers and articles. We are concerned that individuals' working paper sites are not the efficient way to disseminate scientific information. We believe that joining forces is a good thing because we can learn from each other how to do things better and promote our work together. Check the RePEc website for details.
There are two ways:
  1. You ask the publisher to add your name and email address to be added to the "series template" for your serial in the RePEc archive. Specifically, the required fields are Editor-Name and Editor-Email.
  2. You add your serial to your RePEc Author Service profile. Under "research", do a manual search for your serial's name and accept it.
You need to revert the process from the previous answer. This may mean action is required at two places: removal by the publisher of your coordinates in the series template and/or refusing the series among your accepted items in your "research" section of the RePEc Author Service profile. Note that your monthly email specifies what needs to be done.
Check out the volunteers page. There are plenty of opportunities to help in the project whihc is entirely volunteer driven.
Most RePEc services update their databases nightly. This means that an item added to the database by a local RePEc archive maintainer should be listed in the RePEc Author Service within two days. After that period, log in, click on research and ask for an automatic search, if it did not start by itself.

Comments and additions about your own experience are welcome. Send them to Christian Zimmermann.
IDEAS is a RePEc service. RePEc uses bibliographic data supplied by the respective publishers.