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Modeling the liquidity effect of a money shock


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  1. Atsushi Inoue & Mototsugu Shintani, 2018. "Quasi‐Bayesian model selection," Quantitative Economics, Econometric Society, vol. 9(3), pages 1265-1297, November.
  2. Keith Sill & Jeffrey M. Wrase, 1999. "Solving and simulating a simple open-economy model with Markov-switching driving processes and rational learning," Working Papers 99-14, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.
  3. Li, Jenny X., 1998. "Numerical analysis of a nonlinear operator equation arising from a monetary model," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 22(8-9), pages 1335-1351, August.
  4. Avouyi-Dovi, S. & Matheron, J. & Fève, P., 2007. "DSGE models and their importance to central banks," Quarterly selection of articles - Bulletin de la Banque de France, Banque de France, issue 09, pages 25-46, Autumn.
  5. Christiano, Lawrence J. & Eichenbaum, Martin & Evans, Charles L., 1999. "Monetary policy shocks: What have we learned and to what end?," Handbook of Macroeconomics, in: J. B. Taylor & M. Woodford (ed.), Handbook of Macroeconomics, edition 1, volume 1, chapter 2, pages 65-148, Elsevier.
  6. M. Hakan Berument & Nukhet Dogan & Aysit Tansel, 2009. "Macroeconomic Policy and Unemployment by Economic Activity: Evidence from Turkey," Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 45(3), pages 21-34, May.
  7. Frank Schorfheide, 2000. "Loss function-based evaluation of DSGE models," Journal of Applied Econometrics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., vol. 15(6), pages 645-670.
  8. Burkhard Heer & Andreas Schabert, 2000. "Open Market Operations as a Monetary Policy Shock Measure in a Quantitative Business Cycle Model," CESifo Working Paper Series 396, CESifo.
  9. Kato, Ryo, 2006. "Liquidity, infinite horizons and macroeconomic fluctuations," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 50(5), pages 1105-1130, July.
  10. Ben S. Bernanke & Jean Boivin & Piotr Eliasz, 2005. "Measuring the Effects of Monetary Policy: A Factor-Augmented Vector Autoregressive (FAVAR) Approach," The Quarterly Journal of Economics, President and Fellows of Harvard College, vol. 120(1), pages 387-422.
  11. Verónica Mies & Felipe Morandé & Matías Tapia, 2002. "Política Monetaria y Mecanismos de Transmisión: Nuevos Elementos para una Vieja Discusión," Working Papers Central Bank of Chile 181, Central Bank of Chile.
  12. Bianconi, Marcelo, 1995. "Inflation and the real price of equities: Theory with some empirical evidence," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 17(3), pages 495-514.
  13. Reffett, Kevin L., 1995. "Arbitrage pricing and the stochastic inflation tax in a multisector monetary economy," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 19(3), pages 569-597, April.
  14. Brei, Michael & Buzaushina, Almira, 2015. "International financial shocks in emerging markets," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 58(C), pages 51-74.
  15. Dotsey, Michael & Ireland, Peter, 1995. "Liquidity Effects and Transactions Technologies," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 27(4), pages 1441-1457, November.
  16. Cheng, Chak Hung Jack & Chiu, Ching-Wai (Jeremy) & Hankins, William B. & Stone, Anna-Leigh, 2018. "Partisan conflict, policy uncertainty and aggregate corporate cash holdings," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 58(C), pages 78-90.
  17. Altig, David E & Carlstrom, Charles T & Lansing, Kevin J, 1995. "Computable General Equilibrium Models and Monetary Policy Advice," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 27(4), pages 1472-1493, November.
  18. Díaz-Giménez, Javier & Kirkby, Robert, 2016. "Inflation and the growth rate of money in the long run and the short run," Working Paper Series 19418, Victoria University of Wellington, School of Economics and Finance.
  19. Kelly, Logan J. & Barnett, William A. & Keating, John W., 2011. "Rethinking the liquidity puzzle: Application of a new measure of the economic money stock," Journal of Banking & Finance, Elsevier, vol. 35(4), pages 768-774, April.
  20. Zhixiong Zeng, 2013. "A theory of the non-neutrality of money with banking frictions and bank recapitalization," Economic Theory, Springer;Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (SAET), vol. 52(2), pages 729-754, March.
  21. Hairault, Jean-Olivier & Patureau, Lise & Sopraseuth, Thepthida, 2004. "Overshooting and the exchange rate disconnect puzzle: a reappraisal," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 23(4), pages 615-643, June.
  22. Christiano, Lawrence J. & Eichenbaum, Martin & Evans, Charles L., 1997. "Sticky price and limited participation models of money: A comparison," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 41(6), pages 1201-1249, June.
  23. Raquel Fonseca & Lise Patureau & Thepthida Sopraseuth, 2009. "Divergence in Labor Market Institutions and International Business Cycles," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, pages 279-314.
  24. Kwark, Noh-Sun, 2002. "Default risks, interest rate spreads, and business cycles: Explaining the interest rate spread as a leading indicator," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 26(2), pages 271-302, February.
  25. de Blas Beatriz, 2009. "Can Financial Frictions Help Explain the Performance of the U.S. Fed?," The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, De Gruyter, vol. 9(1), pages 1-30, June.
  26. Dedola, Luca & Lippi, Francesco, 2005. "The monetary transmission mechanism: Evidence from the industries of five OECD countries," European Economic Review, Elsevier, vol. 49(6), pages 1543-1569, August.
  27. Leduc, Sylvain & Sill, Keith, 2004. "A quantitative analysis of oil-price shocks, systematic monetary policy, and economic downturns," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 51(4), pages 781-808, May.
  28. Hnatkovska, Viktoria & Marmer, Vadim & Tang, Yao, 2012. "Comparison of misspecified calibrated models: The minimum distance approach," Journal of Econometrics, Elsevier, vol. 169(1), pages 131-138.
  29. Karamé, Frédéric & Patureau, Lise & Sopraseuth, Thepthida, 2008. "Limited participation and exchange rate dynamics: Does theory meet the data?," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 32(4), pages 1041-1087, April.
  30. Chu, Joonsuk & Ratti, Ronald A., 1999. "On the relevance of distinctions between anticipated, unanticipated expansionary, and unanticipated contractionary monetary policy," Journal of Economics and Business, Elsevier, vol. 51(2), pages 109-131, March.
  31. Lawrence J. Christiano & Martin S. Eichenbaum, 1992. "Liquidity effects, the monetary transmission mechanism, and monetary policy," Economic Perspectives, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, vol. 16(Nov), pages 2-14.
  32. Cole, Harold L. & Ohanian, Lee E., 2002. "Shrinking money: the demand for money and the nonneutrality of money," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 49(4), pages 653-686, May.
  33. Gustavo Junca, 2006. "Modelo de zonas objetivo para la tasa de interés de corto plazo," Revista Cuadernos de Economia, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, FCE, CID, December.
  34. Chortareas, Georgios & Mavrodimitrakis, Christos, 2021. "Policy conflict, coordination, and leadership in a monetary union under imperfect instrument substitutability," Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Elsevier, vol. 183(C), pages 342-361.
  35. Carpenter, Seth & Demiralp, Selva, 2006. "The Liquidity Effect in the Federal Funds Market: Evidence from Daily Open Market Operations," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 38(4), pages 901-920, June.
  36. Verónica Mies M. & Felipe Morandé L. & Matías Tapia G., 2002. "Monetary Policy and Transmission Mechanisms: New Elements for an old Debate," Journal Economía Chilena (The Chilean Economy), Central Bank of Chile, vol. 5(3), pages 29-66, December.
  37. Olivier Habimana, 2019. "Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis of the Liquidity Effect and Monetary Neutrality," Computational Economics, Springer;Society for Computational Economics, vol. 53(1), pages 85-110, January.
  38. Lise Patureau, 2002. "Pricing-to-market and limited participation : a joint explanation to the exchange rate disconnect puzzle," Computing in Economics and Finance 2002 299, Society for Computational Economics.
  39. Miquel Faig & Sonia Laszlo, 2000. "Liquidity Effects With Long Lived Production Projects," Working Papers faig-00-02, University of Toronto, Department of Economics.
  40. de Blas, Beatriz, 2009. "Performance of interest rate rules under credit market imperfections," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 26(3), pages 586-596, May.
  41. Wang, Weimin & Shi, Shouyong, 2006. "The variability of velocity of money in a search model," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 53(3), pages 537-571, April.
  42. Baier, Scott L. & Glomm, Gerhard, 2001. "Long-run growth and welfare effects of public policies with distortionary taxation," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 25(12), pages 2007-2042, December.
  43. Marzo, Massimiliano & Zagaglia, Paolo, 2008. "Determinacy of interest rate rules with bond transaction services in a cashless economy," Bank of Finland Research Discussion Papers 24/2008, Bank of Finland.
  44. Rodrigo Suescún, 1995. "Growth, Welfare Costs And Aggregate Fluctuations In Economies With Monetary Taxation," Borradores de Economia 2775, Banco de la Republica.
  45. Lastrapes, William D. & Selgin, George, 1995. "The liquidity effect: Identifying short-run interest rate dynamics using long-run restrictions," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 17(3), pages 387-404.
  46. Chung, Kyuil, 2009. "Does the liquidity effect guarantee a positive term premium?," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 26(5), pages 893-903, September.
  47. Rochelle M. Edge, 2000. "Time-to-build, time-to-plan, habit-persistence, and the liquidity effect," International Finance Discussion Papers 673, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.).
  48. Leeper, Eric M. & Gordon, David B., 1992. "In search of the liquidity effect," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 29(3), pages 341-369, June.
  49. Habimana, Olivier, 2018. "Asymmetry and Multiscale Dynamics in Macroeconomic Time Series Analysis," MPRA Paper 87823, University Library of Munich, Germany.
  50. Dirk Bursian, 2017. "Solving RE models with discontinuous policy rules – an application to minimum wage setting in Germany," Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Journals, vol. 24(15), pages 1121-1126, September.
  51. Williamson, Stephen D., 1996. "Sequential markets and the suboptimality of the Friedman rule," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 37(3), pages 549-572, June.
  52. Norrbin, Stefan C. & Reffett, Kevin L., 1996. "A substitution test of long-run money demand," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 18(2), pages 253-270.
  53. Ireland, Peter N, 1995. "Endogenous Financial Innovation and the Demand for Money," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 27(1), pages 107-123, February.
  54. Arman Mansoorian & Leo Michelis, 2005. "Money, capital, and real liquidity effects with habit formation," Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique, John Wiley & Sons, vol. 38(2), pages 430-453, May.
  55. Raquel Fonseca & Lise Patureau & Thepthida Sopraseuth, 2009. "Divergence in Labor Market Institutions and International Business Cycles," Annals of Economics and Statistics, GENES, issue 95-96, pages 279-314.
  56. Vilasuso, Jon, 1999. "The Liquidity Effect and the Operating Procedure of the Federal Reserve," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 21(3), pages 443-461, July.
  57. Elvan Ozlu, 1998. "Aggregate fluctuations in a monetary two-sector endogenous growth model," Atlantic Economic Journal, Springer;International Atlantic Economic Society, vol. 26(1), pages 85-101, March.
  58. Daniel L. Thornton, 2001. "Identifying the liquidity effect at the daily frequency," Review, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, vol. 83(Jul), pages 59-82.
  59. Lahiri, Radhika, 2002. "The Inflation Tax, Variable Time Preference, And The Business Cycle," Macroeconomic Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, vol. 6(4), pages 496-522, September.
  60. Keith Sill & Jeffrey M. Wrase, 1999. "Exchange rates and monetary policy regimes in Canada and the U.S," Working Papers 99-13, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.
  61. Christiano, Lawrence J & Eichenbaum, Martin, 1992. "Liquidity Effects and the Monetary Transmission Mechanism," American Economic Review, American Economic Association, vol. 82(2), pages 346-353, May.
  62. Nusair, Salah A. & Olson, Dennis, 2021. "Asymmetric oil price and Asian economies: A nonlinear ARDL approach," Energy, Elsevier, vol. 219(C).
  63. Oviedo, P. Marcelo, 2005. "World Interest Rate, Business Cycles, and Financial Intermediation in Small Open Economies," Staff General Research Papers Archive 12360, Iowa State University, Department of Economics.
  64. Díaz-Giménez, Javier & Kirkby, Robert, 2016. "Inflation and the growth rate of money in the long run and the short run," Working Paper Series 5047, Victoria University of Wellington, School of Economics and Finance.
  65. jamshidi , neda & Vaez Barzani , Mohammad & Toghyani , Mahdi, 2021. "An Analysis about the Long Term Impact of Banks Securitization on Economic Growth," Journal of Money and Economy, Monetary and Banking Research Institute, Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, vol. 16(3), pages 283-304, September.
  66. Chia-Ying Chang & Victor E. Li, 1998. "Money, credit, and the cyclical behavior of household investment," Working Papers 1998-017, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
  67. Sumner, Scott & Gulley, O. David & Newman, Ross, 1998. "Money Demand and Nominal Debt: An Equilibrium Model of the Liquidity Effect," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 20(2), pages 267-293, April.
  68. Lastrapes, W. D., 1998. "International evidence on equity prices, interest rates and money," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 17(3), pages 377-406, June.
  69. Lee, Kiseok & Ratti, Ronald A., 1996. "On asymmetric costs of disequilibrium and forecasting money demand," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 18(2), pages 271-288.
  70. Patureau, Lise, 2007. "Pricing-to-market, limited participation and exchange rate dynamics," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 31(10), pages 3281-3320, October.
  71. Schlagenhauf, Don E. & Wrase, Jeffrey M., 1995. "Exchange rate dynamics and international effects of monetary shocks in monetary, equilibrium models," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 14(2), pages 155-177, April.
  72. repec:zbw:bofrdp:2008_024 is not listed on IDEAS
  73. Jalali-Naini , Ahmad R. & Naderian , Mohammad A., 2012. "Central Bank Lending, Inflation and Output Dynamics in a Limited Participation Model," Journal of Money and Economy, Monetary and Banking Research Institute, Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran, vol. 7(1), pages 41-66, October.
  74. Hugo Rodriguez Mendizabal, 2004. "The Behavior of Money velocity in Low and High Inflation Countries," UFAE and IAE Working Papers 600.04, Unitat de Fonaments de l'Anàlisi Econòmica (UAB) and Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica (CSIC).
  75. Guo, Jang-Ting, 1998. "Indeterminacy and sunspots in a monetary economy with limited participation," Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 59(3), pages 337-345, June.
  76. Keen, Benjamin D., 2004. "In search of the liquidity effect in a modern monetary model," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 51(7), pages 1467-1494, October.
  77. Chen, Show-Lin & Tsai, Li-Ju & Wu, Jyh-Lin, 2004. "A revisit to liquidity effects--evidence from a non-linear approach," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 26(3), pages 501-517, September.
  78. Harold L. Cole & Lee E. Ohanian, 1998. "The demand for money and the nonneutrality of money," Staff Report 246, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.
  79. Benjamin D. Keen, 2007. "Sticky Price And Sticky Information Price‐Setting Models: What Is The Difference?," Economic Inquiry, Western Economic Association International, vol. 45(4), pages 770-786, October.
  80. Victor E. Li, 2018. "Search, Financial Market Frictions, and Monetary Transmission," Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 50(8), pages 1935-1968, December.
  81. Alves, Nuno, 2008. "The mechanics of a monetary union with segmented financial markets," Journal of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, vol. 30(1), pages 346-368, March.
  82. Marzo, Massimiliano & Zagaglia, Paolo, 2008. "Determinacy of Interest Rate Rules with Bond Transaction Services in a Cashless Economy," Research Papers in Economics 2008:7, Stockholm University, Department of Economics.
  83. Li, Victor E. & Chang, Chia-Ying, 2004. "The cyclical behavior of household and business investment in a cash-in-advance economy," Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Elsevier, vol. 28(4), pages 691-706, January.
  84. Edge, Rochelle M., 2007. "Time-to-build, time-to-plan, habit-persistence, and the liquidity effect," Journal of Monetary Economics, Elsevier, vol. 54(6), pages 1644-1669, September.
  85. Maik Heinemann, 2003. "Indeterminacy and interest rate rules: The role of fiscal policy," Computing in Economics and Finance 2003 55, Society for Computational Economics.
  86. Victor E. Li, 1998. "Household credit and the monetary transmission mechanism," Working Papers 1998-019, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
  87. Bona, Jerry L. & Li, Jenny X., 2001. "Stabilizing Monetary-Injection Policies," Journal of Economic Theory, Elsevier, vol. 98(1), pages 127-157, May.
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