Report NEP-PKE-2011-03-12
This is the archive for NEP-PKE, a report on new working papers in the area of Post Keynesian Economics. Karl Petrick issued this report. It is usually issued weekly.Subscribe to this report: email, RSS, or Mastodon.
Other reports in NEP-PKE
The following items were announced in this report:
- L. Randall Wray, 2011. "The Dismal State of Macroeconomics and the Opportunity for a New Beginning," Economics Working Paper Archive wp_652, Levy Economics Institute.
- Micheal Hudson, 2009. "Why the " Miracle of Compound Interest" leads to financial crises?," Ensayos de Economía 8010, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín.
- L. Randall Wray, 2011. "A Minskyan Road to Financial Reform," Economics Working Paper Archive wp_655, Levy Economics Institute.
- Éric Tymoigne, 2011. "Measuring Macroprudential Risk: Financial Fragility Indexes," Economics Working Paper Archive wp_654, Levy Economics Institute.
- L. Randall Wray, 2011. "Financial Keynesianism and Market Instability," Economics Working Paper Archive wp_653, Levy Economics Institute.
- Smith, Matthew, 2011. "Demand-Led Growth Theory: An Historical Approach," Working Papers 2011-02, University of Sydney, School of Economics.
- L. Randall Wray, 2011. "Money in Finance," Economics Working Paper Archive wp_656, Levy Economics Institute.
- Eduardo Antonelli, 2008. "Crisis Financieras: mercado de capitales, desempleo, recesión. Un Enforuqe basadoen aportes de Keynes y Minsky," Ensayos de Economía 8020, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín.
- Guillermo Maya Munoz, 2008. "Desde Keynes hasta Lucas," Ensayos de Economía 8068, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín.