Report NEP-PKE-2003-03-10
This is the archive for NEP-PKE, a report on new working papers in the area of Post Keynesian Economics. Karl Petrick issued this report. It is usually issued weekly.Subscribe to this report: email, RSS, or Mastodon.
Other reports in NEP-PKE
The following items were announced in this report:
- Gerlinde Fellner & Boris Maciejovsky, "undated". "The Equity Home Bias: Contrasting An Institutional With A Behavioral Explanation," Papers on Strategic Interaction 2003-03, Max Planck Institute of Economics, Strategic Interaction Group.
- Lanse Minkler, 2003. "Managing Moral Motivations," Working papers 2003-06, University of Connecticut, Department of Economics.
- Tim Fry & Elizabeth Webster, 2003. "Conflict Inflation: Estimating the Contributions to Wage Inflation in Australia During the 1990s," Melbourne Institute Working Paper Series wp2003n06, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, The University of Melbourne.
- Joshua D. Angrist & Jonathan Guryan, 2003. "Does Teacher Testing Raise Teacher Quality? Evidence from State Certification Requirements," NBER Working Papers 9545, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
- David Colander, 2003. "The Strange Persistence of the IS/LM Model," Middlebury College Working Paper Series 0307, Middlebury College, Department of Economics.