Report NEP-PBE-1999-01-25
This is the archive for NEP-PBE, a report on new working papers in the area of Public Economics. Thomas Andrén issued this report. It is usually issued weekly.Subscribe to this report: email, RSS, or Mastodon.
Other reports in NEP-PBE
The following items were announced in this report:
- Jennifer Stewart & Martin Dooley, "undated". "The Duration of Spells on Welfare and Off-welfare among Lone Mothers in Ontario," Canadian International Labour Network Working Papers 21, McMaster University.
- Zsolt Becsi, 1998. "Fiscal competition and reality: A time series approach," FRB Atlanta Working Paper 98-19, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.
- Isaac C. Rischall, "undated". "The Effect of Migration on Earnings and Welfare Benefit Receipt," Canadian International Labour Network Working Papers 28, McMaster University.
- Agell, Jonas & Lindh, Thomas & Ohlsson, Henry, 1998. "Growth and the Public Sector: A reply," Working Paper Series 1999:1, Uppsala University, Department of Economics.
- Martin Browning & Thomas Crossley, "undated". "Unemployment Insurance Benefit Levels and Consumption Changes," Canadian International Labour Network Working Papers 25, McMaster University.
- Thomas F. Crossley, "undated". "Firms and Wages: Evidence from Displaced Workers," Canadian International Labour Network Working Papers 22, McMaster University.
- Heather Antecol & Peter Kuhn, "undated". "Employment Equity Programs and the Job Search Outcomes of Men and Women: Actual and Perceived Effects," Canadian International Labour Network Working Papers 23, McMaster University.