Report NEP-MON-2019-12-09
This is the archive for NEP-MON, a report on new working papers in the area of Monetary Economics. Bernd Hayo issued this report. It is usually issued weekly.Subscribe to this report: email, RSS, or Mastodon.
Other reports in NEP-MON
The following items were announced in this report:
- Joerg Schmidt, 2019. "Risk, Asset Pricing and Monetary Policy Transmission in Europe: Evidence from a Threshold-VAR approach," MAGKS Papers on Economics 201928, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, Department of Economics (Volkswirtschaftliche Abteilung).
- Richard T. Froyen & Alfred V. Guender, 2019. "A Re-Evaluation of the Choice of an Inflation Target in the Wake of the Global Financial Crisis," Working Papers in Economics 19/17, University of Canterbury, Department of Economics and Finance.
- Hamza Bennani & Nicolas Fanta & Pavel Gertler & Roman Horvath, 2019. "Does Central Bank Communication Signal Future Monetary Policy? The Case of the ECB," Working Papers IES 2019/12, Charles University Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Economic Studies, revised May 2019.
- Vania Esady, 2019. "Real and Nominal Effects of Monetary Shocks under Time-Varying Disagreement," CESifo Working Paper Series 7956, CESifo.
- Emily Liu & Friederike Niepmann & Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr, 2019. "The Effect of U.S. Stress Tests on Monetary Policy Spillovers to Emerging Markets," CESifo Working Paper Series 7955, CESifo.
- Tom Hudepohl & Ryan van Lamoen & Nander de Vette, 2019. "Quantitative easing and exuberance in stock markets: Evidence from the euro area," DNB Working Papers 660, Netherlands Central Bank, Research Department.
- Middleton, Elliott III, 2018. "A Partial Equilibrium Analysis of Current US Monetary Policy with a Prediction," SocArXiv ve3uw, Center for Open Science.
- Jaromír Baxa & Tomáš Šestořád, 2019. "The Czech Exchange Rate Floor: Depreciation without Inflation?," Working Papers IES 2019/6, Charles University Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Economic Studies, revised May 2019.
- Cem Gorgun, 2019. "Monetary Unions and National Welfare," Koç University-TUSIAD Economic Research Forum Working Papers 1912, Koc University-TUSIAD Economic Research Forum.
- Jan Filacek & Ivan Sutoris, 2019. "Inflation Targeting Flexibility: The CNB's Reaction Function under Scrutiny," Research and Policy Notes 2019/02, Czech National Bank.
- Salih Fendo?lu & Eda Gül?en & José-Luis Peydró, 2019. "Global Liquidity and Impairment of Local Monetary Policy," Working Papers 1131, Barcelona School of Economics.
- Yang You & Kenneth S. Rogoff, 2019. "Redeemable Platform Currencies," NBER Working Papers 26464, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
- Mirko Abbritti & Asier Aguilera-Bravo & TommasoTrani, 2019. "Long-term business relationships, bargaining and monetary policy," Faculty Working Papers 03/19, School of Economics and Business Administration, University of Navarra.
- BRILLANT, Lucy, 2018. "Journal of the History of Economic Thought Preprints - Limits to Arbitrage and Interest Rates: A Debate Between Keynes, Hawtrey and Hicks," SocArXiv 7f2yv, Center for Open Science.
- mattei, clara, 2018. "Journal of the History of Economic Thought Preprints - Hawtrey, Austerity, and the "Treasury View," 1918-25," SocArXiv 2rjw9, Center for Open Science.
- Kosuke Aoki & Ko Munakata & Nao Sudo, 2019. "Prolonged Low Interest Rates and Banking Stability," IMES Discussion Paper Series 19-E-21, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan.
- Sutch, Richard, 2018. "Journal of the History of Economic Thought Preprints - READING KEYNES AT THE ZERO LOWER BOUND: THE GREAT DEPRESSION, THE LIQUIDITY TRAP, AND UNCONVENTIONAL POLICY," SocArXiv vzykd, Center for Open Science.
- Salih Fendoğlu & Eda Gülşen & José-Luis Peydró, 2019. "Global liquidity and impairment of local monetary policy," Economics Working Papers 1680, Department of Economics and Business, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
- Kladivko, Kamil & Österholm, Pär, 2019. "Market Participants’ Forecasts of Financial Variables – Can Survey Data Outperform the Random Walk?," Working Papers 2019:10, Örebro University, School of Business.
- Hanna Armelius & Christoph Bertsch & Isaiah Hull & Xin Zhang, 2019. "Spread the Word: International Spillovers from Central Bank Communication," BIS Working Papers 824, Bank for International Settlements.
- Bazot, Guillaume & Monnet, Eric & Morys, Matthias, 2019. "Taming the gobal financial cycle: Central banks and the sterilization of capital flows in the first era of globalization," IBF Paper Series 03-19, IBF – Institut für Bank- und Finanzgeschichte / Institute for Banking and Financial History, Frankfurt am Main.
- Stéphane Dées & Alessandro Galesi, 2019. "The global financial cycle and us monetary policy in an interconnected world," Working Papers 1942, Banco de España.
- Fumitaka Nakamura, 2019. "Household Income, Portfolio Choice and Heterogeneous Consumption Responses to Monetary Policy Shocks," IMES Discussion Paper Series 19-E-19, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan.