Report NEP-LAM-2013-12-20
This is the archive for NEP-LAM, a report on new working papers in the area of Central and South America. Maximo Rossi issued this report. It is usually issued weekly.Subscribe to this report: email, RSS, or Mastodon.
Other reports in NEP-LAM
The following items were announced in this report:
- Vicente da Gama Machado & Marcelo Savino Portugal, 2013. "Measuring Inflation Persistence in Brazil Using a Multivariate Model," Working Papers Series 331, Central Bank of Brazil, Research Department.
- Bruhn, Miriam & de Souza Leao, Luciana & Legovini, Arianna & Marchetti, Rogelio & Zia, Bilal, 2013. "The impact of high school financial education : experimental evidence from Brazil," Policy Research Working Paper Series 6723, The World Bank.
- Jorge Álvarez & Henry Willebald, 2013. "Agrarian income distribution, land ownership systems, and economic performance: Settler economies during the first globalization," Documentos de trabajo 30, Programa de Historia Económica, FCS, Udelar.
- James Manley & Felipe Vasquez, 2013. "Childcare Availability and Female Labor Force Participation: An Empirical Examination of the Chile Crece Contigo Program," Working Papers 2013-03, Towson University, Department of Economics, revised Dec 2013.
- Jorge Álvarez, 2013. "The evolution of inequality in Australasia and the River Plate, 1870-1914," Documentos de trabajo 31, Programa de Historia Económica, FCS, Udelar.
- Chang, Jillie & Del Río, Andrea, 2013. "Google Trends: Predicción del nivel de empleo agregado en Perú usando datos en tiempo real, 2005-2011," Working Papers 2013-015, Banco Central de Reserva del Perú.