Template-Type: ReDIF-Series 1.0 Name: Working Papers Provider-Name: Grandiose University, Department of Economics Provider-Homepage: http://www.grandiose.edu/econ/ Provider-Institution: RePEc:edi:degraus Maintainer-Name: Helena Smith Maintainer-Email: econ@grandiose.edu Type: ReDIF-Paper Handle: RePEc:aaa:wpaper |
One final note before continuing. You are not constrained to call the directory wpaper. Anything that has six letters or numbers and is consistent with the series and item handles is fine. If you have more series or journals, just add more directories and more series templates in your aaaseri.rdf file. For example, if you have a working paper series (handle RePEc:aaa:wpaper) and a journal (handle RePEc:aaa:journl):
Template-type: ReDIF-Series 1.0 Name: Working Papers Provider-Name: Grandiose University, Department of Economics Provider-Homepage: http://www.grandiose.edu/econ/ Provider-Institution: RePEc:edi:degraus Maintainer-Name: Helena Smith Maintainer-Email: econ@grandiose.edu Type: ReDIF-Paper Handle: RePEc:aaa:wpaper |
Template-type: ReDIF-Series 1.0 Name: Annals of Computational Economics Description: This is the official journal of the Society of Nerd Economists Provider-Name: Society of Nerd Economists Provider-Institution: RePEc:edi:sneeeea Maintainer-Name: Adalbert Geek Maintainer-Email: geek@grandiose.edu Editor-Name: Hildegrund Uebergeek Editor-Email: l33t.sp34k@nerds.org Type: ReDIF-Article Handle: RePEc:aaa:journl |
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